Sabtu, 29 November 2008

Lightarian Clearing Ray by Yulius Eka Agung Seputra,ST,MSi

The Lightarian perspective

The use of the word Lightarian is a way of describing an individual who learns about and masters the use of etheric Light energies for the purpose of expanding awareness and enhancing spiritual evolution, especially regarding the processes of clearing, healing, activation work and manifestation A Lightarian begins to view Light as the ever-present etheric energy that consciously manifests itself into all of the forms and structures that we experience. In a sense, the Light is everything and everything is Light ... including all that we call physical ... including our physical bodies. This holistic view of the Light enables us to better understand that all levels of our subtle bodies, and our physical body as well, will be changing and evolving based on the personal clearing, healing, activation and manifestation work that each of us experiences. To be a Lightarian means that you are consciously engaged in your process of inner development and dedicated to the application of spiritual principles for clearing, healing, activation and manifestation in your life.
As you move along your spiritual path, these four general aspects of personal energetic development will be taking place. With varying intensity and varying pace, these four areas are unfolding within all of us. As we orchestrate our learning and growth lessons in life, movement in these areas occurs quite naturally. However, given that a divine plan for human/global transformation is dramatically impacting on our personal processes, many of us feel that our preparation work must be stimulated and enhanced beyond the natural unfolding that may be taking place. For some there is even a growing sense of urgency to accelerate this process in order to more quickly and properly prepare for spiritual service during the coming times. For those who find themselves on a "fast track" for spiritual development, the progression of clearing, healing, activation and manifestation can be enhanced by support from the celestial realms and through the various energy modalities of the Lightarian Institute.
Simply stated, our Lightarian perspective regarding personal spiritual development is that...
* the clearer you become, the more effectively you can heal,
* the more you clear and heal, then the greater can be your rate of personal energetic activations,
* all leading to a greater ability for you to manifest a higher level of service in the Light in your life!

This is the process of becoming a Lightarian, being spiritually engaged in life and actually "Having the full force of the Light in your Life." As one goes through the accelerated process of clearing, healing, activation and manifestation, there will be a natural progression towards personal transformation. ...raising and increasing personal vibration, expanding awareness-growing to higher levels of feeling, thinking, acting, living and being. There will be an opening of a stronger, clearer link between your lower incarnational self and your Higher Self energies. The ultimate goal is the reunion of body, mind and spirit ... to cleanse and raise the vibration of the mind and physical body to such a degree that they can be reunited with Higher Self. One's Higher Self becomes more integrated and operative on all levels and the individual can align more fully with these higher vibrational energies.
The Lightarian modalities
We mentioned earlier that a divine plan exists to support human/global transformation. We call this the Grand Celestial Plan As part of this plan, aspects of three of the Ascended Masters ... El Morya, Buddha and St. Germain-along with the divine architect of the overall transformation process, Ascension Master Maitreya, have come forward to offer humanity ways to enhance the four spiritual processes of clearing, healing, activation work and manifestation Together, they have inspired four unique energy modalities which focus on these four processes. The four Lightarian modalities are the Clearing RayTM, Lightarian ReikiTM, the Empowerment RayTM and the Manifestation RayTM. These four forms of energy work have been inspired and channeled from El Morya, Buddha, Ascension Master Maitreya and St. Germain, respectively. These modalities attune recipients with the energies of these Masters and create direct, personal, energetic connections between the Master and the recipient of the particular energy work.
Recommended reading
The book entitled NEW HUMANS, NEW EARTH
The co-founders of the Lightarian Institute, Christopher and Jeannine Marie Jelm, have written this informative and inspiring book entitled NEW HUMANS, NEW EARTH ... The Grand Celestial Plan for Personal and Planetary Transformation. This book provides excellent background about the Grand Celestial Plan and the underlying spiritual principles for personal transformation. It is recommended reading for those working with the C-Ray and the other Lightarian modalities. A brief description of the book is provided at the end of this section
Articles on related tonics regarding personal spiritual development
Located on the Lightarian Institute's website at, you will find Articles on a variety of topics related to personal development and fundamental principles of spiritual evolution. These supportive Articles can provide both detailed information and perhaps inspiration for you as you move ahead with your unfolding spiritual process stimulated by the Clearing Ray.

How would you describe the Lightarian Institute and its relationship with Maitreya and the Ascended Masters?
Here at the Lightarian Institute, we serve as a vehicle for the divine energies of Maitreya and the Ascended Masters ... bringing forth their wisdom, ideas and practical advice into this plane. We are blessed to have ongoing contributions from them regarding the focus and direction of our activities. These Masters have provided channeled information and have inspired the four Lightarian attunement-based modalities described earlier.
Through the attunement process, these unique forms of etheric energy work can assist you along your spiritual path by making supportive, high vibrational connections for you directly with the Masters. In a sense, these attunement-based modalities serve as conduits for celestial "introductions and connections" that you may be ready to experience in your life! These connections with the Masters can create a tremendous acceleration of your overall spiritual process.
More information about the Masters
While interacting and working with these divine energies over the years, we have developed certain understandings and perspectives about them-call it our unique "Lightarian perspective" regarding the Masters. As with any material of this nature, please remember we are giving you our "take on it" - bringing forth our level of insight and understanding about them So, we encourage you to always tune in to determine what "feels" right for you. Tap into your own inner "knowing" and take in only what is most appropriate for you in the moment!
To lay the ground for our perspective about the Masters, we start with a description of celestial energies in general.....
Prime Creator
Most people and cultures believe there is a primal source from which all energies and existence emanate. Throughout the ages there have been many names given to this primal source - Prime Creator, All That Is, Divine Mother, Divine Father, the One, the Godhead or simply God! Whatever the differences we humans may have in assigning a name to this inexplicable consciousness, generally, we all seem to believe that there is one primal source for all existence.
Universal Source
From this primal source, there have been energetic projections and diversifications, creating new expanded forms of consciousness, energies and experience. Thus began the descent into lower vibrational levels of energies! Over time, this process of expansion has created layer upon layer of the etherically projected energies that now like between us and primal source. Within many different cultures and religions, these layerings of energies that exist within the higher etheric realms have been given names. One of these layers of energy is called Universal Source ... the source of all that we consider a part of our physical and non-physical universe.
Now, from our Lightarian perspective of the creation process, we use the name Maitreya to describe the band or strata of energies in our "section" (one of twelve) of the universe, that has been projected just below the vibrational level of Universal Source.
Maitreya, the Ascension Master
The energies of Maitreya are a divine spiritual level with a vibrational range closest to the level of Universal Source. Our current understanding of the layerings of the celestial energies suggests that Maitreya is the god-like creator of our "section" of the universe.
There are twelve Divine Themes or Virtues which represent the basic vibrational patterns of experience that are played out throughout our entire universe. There are twelve sections within our Universe and, within each of these twelve sections, one dominant theme exists with the other themes all present at secondary levels. The dominant Divine Virtue or Theme being played out in our section of the Universe is "Power." This is the theme associated with the energies of Maitreya. The eleven other themes dominantly held within the other sections of the Universe are Beauty, Compassion, Courage, Imagination, Purity, Curiosity, Joy, Justice, Loyalty, Love and Will. Again, to one degree or another, these same twelve Divine Themes are also played out within every section of our Universe.
Based on our current understanding of the layerings, the Maitreya level expands and radiates outward, at a somewhat stepped-down vibration, and creates another twelve aspects of energies that we call the Ascended Masters. Within this simplified spiritual hierarchy structure, one could say that Maitreya is the Higher Self energy of twelve Ascended Masters. In a sense, within our "section" of the universe, Maitreya has sourced the twelve Ascended Masters.
Maitreya, along with these Ascended Master energies, is actively supporting the global/human transformation that is taking place on Earth Gaia at this time. You could actually consider him the master architect for Gaia's global transformation process ... so, here at the Lightarian Institute, we call him the Ascension Master!
The Ascended Masters
Within our section of the universe, the energies of the Ascended Masters have been purposefully created by Maitreya in the form of twelve spiritual beings, as a continuation of the process of expansion and diversification of experience. The Ascended Masters could be considered god-like creator-sources in twelve "zones" that exist within our section of the universe. They are co-creator sources of all energy forms and life experiences in these twelve zones. From their vantage points at these higher vibrational levels of experience, these energies of the Ascended Masters offer their wisdom and guidance to us in this plane. They have been active and supportive of the global/human evolutionary process since the beginning of the life of Gaia.
Over time, the Ascended Masters have projected aspects of themselves into lower vibrational bands in order to teach, guide and learn through direct experience at all levels, including the physical plane here on Earth. Many of the Masters have taken on Earth incarnations from time to time to stimulate and support the human evolutionary process. However, these powerful beings are much greater than their Earth incarnations, which reflect only a tiny fraction of their energies. As the Ascended Masters project their energies etherically to us, we humans often desire to associate a name with the being that we are experiencing. They usually cooperate with us regarding this idea of being "labeled," because they often see the "naming" process as a genuine facilitation for the individual who is tapping into their energies. Due to the varying perspectives and belief structures that exist, there is a wide range of names for these Masters that you may hear about nowadays. They are simply various aspects of these twelve Ascended Masters. (These higher spiritual Beings have a virtually infinite number of sparks or "aspects" of consciousness - all operating at slightly different vibrational levels within a particular vibrational band.) Also, during interactions with humans, the Ascended Masters often reflect one of their past incarnational lifetimes, generally to facilitate the process and always with the intention to fulfill some specific purpose.
Also, each Ascended Master has chosen a dominant Divine Virtue to infuse into his/her particular range of experience. The Divine Virtue carried by the energies of Ascended Master El Morya, the inspiration for the Clearing Ray, is the theme of "Power."
How does the Lightarian Clearing Ray fit into the overall process of spiritual development that has been described?
The Lightarian Clearing Ray focuses on the first phase ... the clearing of your etheric fields ... by providing unique, effective methods for the complete releasing of undesired programming, limiting belief structures and adverse mental-emotional-physical stored energy patterns. Following your Clearing Ray attunement, over an extended period of time, your chakras and subtle bodies will be gently, effectively cleared and opened to hold and anchor in more Light! Divinely inspired by the Ascended Master El Morya, the Clearing Ray will powerfully propel you along your life path, allowing more of your Higher Self energies to integrate into and operate through your lower energy fields and the physical body. There are no specific time benchmarks or time limits for the clearing process launched via this work.
To one degree or another, the four forms of personal spiritual development mentioned above (clearing, healing, activations and manifestation) can be evolving for the individual in any order. While it is easier to describe this process in linear terms, it may be best understood as a circular one! Metaphorically, imagine this process as a triple-layer layer cake with the bottom layer representing clearing the next layer healing, and the top layer activation work. Then, of course, the icing on the cake is manifestation. While we do view clearing as "foundational" for spiritual evolution, some people might first be drawn to focus on one of the other modalities. There are many doors to enlightenment and each of us will be drawn to the way that is best for us. Consider your focus on the Lightarian Clearing Ray at this time to be "perfect" for you ... all to serve highest purpose for you!

Recommended Reading
NEW HUMANS, NEW EARTH.-The Grand Celestial Plan for Personal and Planetary Transformation
This book is about the extraordinary spiritual shift taking place on Earth at this time. We are all experiencing this transformation as we feel changes taking place within and around us, sense an acceleration of time and have the "knowing" that something great is coming. In this divine drama, many of us feel that we have an important role to play.
* Within the book, find simple, demystified ideas about humanity's evolution into a new human species and Mother Earth's unfolding transformation into a higher vibrational planetary being.
* Learn how this extraordinary spiritual process is setting the stage for us to soon manifest the "Heaven on Earth" that many have envisioned!
* Read about ways to support your personal spiritual transformation through clearing, healing, activation work and enhanced techniques for personal manifestation.
* Discover simple, clear spiritual principles that you can effectively apply in your day-to-day life.
NEW HUMANS, NEW EARTH (ISBN 0-9701894-0-0) is available in most bookstores and directly from the Lightarian Institute's website at


Background information about the Clearing Ray

Over the last ten years, a series of unique etheric clearing techniques have been developed by Christopher Jelm, co-founder of the Lightarian Institute, through the process of intuition and channeling of the energies of an aspect of Ascended Master El Morya. One of the ways that El Morya has supported the transformation process is through his untiring efforts to stimulate personal clearing of the auric field of the individual. The Ascended Masters have a dominant focus or theme for their respective work here. For El Morya, the theme is "Power!" Christopher's personal research and the extensive application of these clearing methods on himself and others have allowed this divinely inspired system for clearing to be effectively anchored into this plane.
The general principles of "simplicity, accuracy and effectiveness" have always been present as a foundation for these clearing methods. With the founding of the Lightarian Institute in 1997, this body of clearing work was organized into a system called Lightarian Clearing. Further refinements lead to the introduction of the Clearing Ray in September of 2000. Lightarian Clearing remains as a extended, comprehensive program for clearing, while the Clearing Ray offers a simpler, less technical approach to the clearing process.
It has become apparent as to why this clearing work has been brought forth at this time. It is a part of the Grand Celestial Plan, designed to assist those participating in the global transformation process to reach levels of personal clarity in their etheric fields and physical body.
The intensity and impacts of this clearing work on your spiritual development will be profound! It will stimulate and challenge you to the highest levels of self-trust, spiritual surrender and worldly discipline as you focus on the clearing of your chakras and subtle bodies, leading ultimately to the healing of the physical body itself. This Clearing Ray work provides no guarantees and it is not an alternative to appropriate conventional medical care, physical or emotional therapy or psychological support. It is simply an extraordinary opportunity to learn spiritual principles and receive etheric attunement support ... all to apply, in practical terms, to your day-to-day lifestyle and spiritual evolution.
This is "leading edge" etheric work which combines an educational aspect and an energetic experience for you. The material for this program has been inspired, channeled and developed from non-scientific, non-clinical, etheric energy sources. The sole purpose of the Clearing Ray is to expand the conscious awareness and understanding of the individual via the materials and to launch spiritual process via the energetic attunement!
What is the Clearing Ray all about?
The Lightarian Clearing Ray is a unique, simple and effective energetic activation designed to dramatically create extraordinary acceleration along your spiritual path... as you prepare yourself for higher levels of service for the coming times.This activation, called an attunement, is facilitated for the student by a trained Clearing Ray Teacher/Practitioner. The attunement is an etheric, energetic "event" which launches an elaborate process of behind-the-scenes clearing within the chakras and subtle body fields of the recipient. The "event" serves as a trigger for a long-term etheric releasing "process." The attunement creates the gentle releasing of all adverse, undesired energies via the work of your Higher Self in collaboration with El Morya.

The steps in the training/attunement process for the Clearing Ray are similar to other "energy work" training programs, such as Reiki in general and especially Lightarian ReikiTM. Individuals are trained and attuned, and then can immediately go forward to work with their own clients and students. The process consists of a simple training session, followed by the transfer of a divinely-inspired energy attunement from Ascended Master El Morya. In addition, the energies of Archangel Raziel are invited into the sacred attunement space to make an energetic connection with the recipient. This connection with Raziel supports the recipient during the long-term releasing process that follows the energetic attunement. For additional information about the Archangels, in general, and Raziel, in particular, please refer to the Glossary at the back of the Manual.
The clearing of our energy fields is an essential part of our personal transformation. As each of us moves along our spiritual path, the clearing of the chakras and subtle bodies takes place naturally as we experience life, while learning and growing in the process. Sometimes this process can be quite slow and often quite painful! Some call this the "school of hard knocks" or the University of Life! But this process can be accelerated through the use of clearing methods, such as the Lightarian Clearing RayTM, to increase your rate of clearing and healing while decreasing the struggle and effort involved. As we clear the auric field of old limiting patterns and stored energies, the chakras and subtle bodies can hold and anchor in more Light! At the Lightarian Institute, the phrase "Having the Full Force of the Light in your Life" is used as a way of describing the state of being clearer and anchoring progressively more and more Light into this physical plane.
The purpose of the Clearing Ray is to accelerate this spiritual evolutionary process for the individual who is committed to raising his/her personal vibration level. Since we always focus on serving the highest and greatest purpose for the recipient of the clearing work, we find that the Clearing Ray speeds the process along, while honoring and maintaining the holistic well-being of the recipient ... and even making the process of clearing and healing a more joyous and graceful one!
What are the benefits of receiving the Lightarian Clearing Ray attunement?
Over time, the Clearing Ray Attunement gently and fully releases these forms of adverse energies...
* Long-existing patterns contributing to physical stresses, discomfort and dis-ease; deep-seated emotional and mental restrictions and blockages
* Limiting belief structures and unresolved soul-level spiritual issues
* Adverse patterns sourced by family, cultural, ethnic, religious and other mass-consciousness influences
* Undesired implants, attachments, strong behavior patterns and addictions, detrimental past and future life influences

In general terms and over time, as these adverse energies are cleared, these kinds of experiences may begin to show up naturally in your life...
* The highest expression of your Divine Self powerfully comes forth as enhanced clearing stimulates the healing of all of your subtle bodies and the physical body as well!
* You begin to create a day-to-day experience of more and more conscious choice and one of less and less "automatic" behavior patterns, addictions, doubts, fears and pain!
* Higher vibrational energies can flow more freely into your energy fields, allowing the chakras and subtle bodies to "anchor in more Light!"
* Gifts and talents that were dormant may start to surface and your ability to create joy, clarity and abundance in your life will be expanded!,
Who can receive the Clearing Ray and how is it passed to them?

The Clearing Ray can be received by anyone with no prerequisites. It is passed along from the Lightarian Clearing Ray Teacher/Practitioner [1] to students via a training/attunement program and [2] to clients by means of a simple, direct attunement. The attunement is in the form of a guided meditation and can be delivered in-person, by telephone or remotely.
Delivering the Clearing Ray Training/Attunement to students

The Clearing Ray is passed on to the student as a simple training/attunement process based on the use of a Training Manual, just as you are now studying. The ability to learn about the Clearing Ray is not dependent on intellectual capacity or prior energy work experience. It does not take years of practice. Generally, the student will study the Training Manual in advance, have a training session with the Teacher in-person or by telephone and then receive the Attunement via an in-person, telephone or remote activation meditation. As soon as the attunement process is completed, the student immediately begins his own personal clearing process as stimulated by the attunement and also has the ability to share this attunement with others. Detailed suggestions for working with students are covered in a later Section of this Manual. After students have received the Clearing Ray attunement, they are "energetically" prepared to immediately pass it on to their own students and clients.

Delivering the Clearing Ray Attunement to clients

If you currently have an energy practice, following your training/attunement, you can immediately begin to deliver the Clearing Ray Attunement to your clients. If you don't have an existing practice, you can perhaps establish one or simply begin to share this work with family and friends. Of course, individuals who receive the Clearing Ray attunement from you as a client will not be trained and activated as an appropriate conduit for passing it on to others. Your clients will simply benefit from their enhanced relationship with Ascended Master El Morya to accelerate and support their clearing process. At some point, a Clearing Ray client may decide to take the Training so that he/she can move forward in service to others. Later in the Manual, we describe how to work with the client-turned-student.
Are there any minimum and maximum age limits for someone to receive the Clearing Ray attunement?
There are no age limits for recipients of the Clearing Ray attunement; however, we offer some very strong recommendations regarding working with the young, the elderly and those who are ill or unconscious. More details are provided in the section on "Working with Clients."
How do recipients of Lightarian Clearing work describe their experience?
Here are some comments received from a few Lightarian Clearing recipients that will give you an idea of the kinds of positive impacts and effects that are being experienced...
• I am feeling considerably lighter and in a much more comfortable place and, interestingly, more mentally/ernotionally/physically agile than before.
• The beautiful Lightarian Clearing process has changed my life. I can truly feel the beautiful love and support of Archangel Raziel and El Morya.
• My Lightarian Clearing clients have shown significant positive changes in their attitude and ways of communicating.
• The Lightarian Clearing has been very powerful in speeding up my inner transformation and moving me out of the "stuck" places in a gentle, healing, compassionate way.
• Lightarian Clearing has had tremendous effects on my overall life and enhancing day-to-day life. I am able to approach old situations with a whole new perspective.
• Having completed my clearing work, I am experiencing a calm, trusting relationship with myself and the universe. Stored anger and fear are gone. I can now enter into an honest, open relationship with others.
• Ever since we started the clearing process, I have been having lots of things come up to be acknowledged and cleared. If this continues, I will be doing some heavy-duty work that all my (years of) therapy barely touched on. As things come up, I am amazed at how gentle the feelings are, even if they are uncomfortable.
• Without a doubt, Lightarian Clearing has been one of the most powerful tools in my awakening process.
• I think the Lightarian cleansings are wonderful. It's like I've been swimming in the dirty Mississippi River forever and now I'm in the clear, beautiful ocean around Maui. Layers and layers of "yuk" have been removed. I'm ready for more!
Why is it so important to be clear at this time?
More than ever before, we are experiencing an acceleration of energies as we enter the final phases of the Grand Celestial Plan for human and planetary transformation. A tremendous awakening of human consciousness is taking place right now and it is essential for each of us to become as energetically clear as possible in order to advance more rapidly along our spiritual path!
Over the years, various forms of Lightarian etheric clearing work have been developed and refined, leading to the current form of the work called the Lightarian Clearing Ray. As you have learned, the Clearing Ray is a simple and effective energetic attunement designed to launch an elaborate process of behind-the-scenes etheric clearing within your chakras and subtle bodies. Via our intuition and channeling, we have come to somewhat better understand the complex nature of these adverse energies that are released from your fields after receiving Lightarian Clearing. There are six basic patterns to these extraordinarily complex adverse energies cleared by the Clearing Ray work ... and we have been shown six simple ways of describing the structure of the energies to be released.
In very general terms, the flow of the clearing process stimulated by the Clearing Ray will follow the sequence of the six patterns as outlined below. However, in more specific terms, these energies may be releasing at different rates, at different times and in any order, depending upon what serves your highest and greatest good at the time ... all orchestrated by your Higher Self in collaboration with Ascended Master El Morya.
We offer the following Lightarian modeling of these six patterns of adverse energies released through this long-term clearing process:
Pattern 1 of the Clearing Ray process: Clearing your adverse soul level programming
In our etheric fields, each of us caries an extraordinarily complex interwoven "fabric" of limiting soul-level programs, restrictive belief structures and their associated adverse mental, emotional and etheric-physical stored energies which defines the boundaries and obstacles for our incarnational experience here. These boundaries and obstacles frame in and provide the limiting structure for the challenging life scenarios that we want to experience ... all those rich and colorful adverse and challenging experiences needed, at some level, for our learning and growth!
In order to get an idea of this limiting structure, remember back to a time when you visited an amusement park. Did you ever take a ride in a one of those bumper cars? Remember how it felt to squeeze your body into it and then drive around bumping into everything and everybody you could before the time ran out! Well, imagine that you (as soul energy) have squeezed into your personal bumper car (your physical body vehicle) and are now maneuvering along a corridor (your life path) where the walls of the corridor create the boundaries for the ride (your incarnational experience) that you've come in to have.
Also, you may discover some speed bumps and obstacles of varying sizes along the way! You may create excursions away from the center of the corridor, perhaps going so far off course as to bump gently, or even sometimes violently, into the sidewalk! In metaphysical terms, you'd say that you came into that bumper car to experience the journey ... both the wonderful aspects of the ride and the more challenging aspects, too! All those bumps, obstacles and constraining sidewalls serve as an important basis for learning and growth as you move along your life path At some level, each of us knows that we are responsible for creating these restrictive conditions and are essentially producing all of our experiences in life, even if at times we can feel somewhat "victimized." We know that we have made soul level and conscious choices to have the limitations, the bumps and the obstacles in our lives ... all to serve highest purpose!
Via the Clearing Ray, your Higher Self, in collaboration with El Morya, launches the releasing process for this interwoven fabric of limiting programs, restrictive belief structures and their associated adverse stored energies!
To better understand this "fabric," imagine that each of us a carries complex tangle of energetic "threads" sourced by adverse soul-programming in the higher chakras. View yourself as an amazingly complex "bio-computer," and imagine how this adverse etheric programming generates these "threads" which then extend vibrationally downward into your lower energy fields. These adverse threads create the following types of adverse responses dominantly stored within the lower fields:

Within 4th chakra and Astral Body - Undesired belief structures
Within 3rd chakra and Mental Body - Adverse mental behavior patterns
Within 2nd chakra and Emotional Body - Adverse emotional responses
Within 1 st chakra and Physical Etheric Body - Adverse etheric-physical patterns
In general terms, these adverse patterns within the lower energy fields create the inappropriate, restrictive and debilitating responses in our lives that limit us and hold us back from realizing our true divine potential. One of the major focuses of the Clearing Ray process is to release these adverse threads by focusing on clearing them at their source, namely these undesired "soul programs" in the higher chakras! Eventually, as these higher vibrational adverse energies are cleared, progressively deeper layers of lower etheric energies can be accessed ... ultimately leading to the releasing of deeply stored etheric patterns within your mental planes, emotional body and physical-etheric body.
Patterns 2 through 6 of the Clearing Ray process
As the Lightarian clearing work has evolved, we learned about the ongoing nature of the clearing process and progressively expanded our awareness of deeper and deeper levels of adverse energies to be released ... much like peeling the layers of the proverbial onion!
Once progress in made with the first pattern of the clearing work, your Higher Self and El Morya can begin accessing and clearing a variety of deeper layers of adverse energies that we all seem to be storing. These deeper levels of adverse stored energies represent a far "smaller" load on our energy fields, when compared with the primary impacts created by the upper etheric programming with all its related belief structures and stored energies. Although these secondary adverse energies typically represent a smaller part of our adverse etheric burden, they can manifest as very potent, lingering patterns stored [1] within the four lowest chakras and subtle bodies, [2] around and within the physical body in the form of very deeply ingrained etheric adverse patterns and also [3] interestingly enough, in some of our highest vibrational levels in the form of subtle attachments, misalignments and veilings. We offer you an overview of the five advanced patterns of the Clearing Ray process:
Pattern 2 of the Clearing Ray process: Releasing old fetal energies

When the fetus emerges from the womb, it carries along with it the four lower subtle bodies and the beginnings of four mini-chakras (energy centers) associated with each of these subtle bodies....
[4] the 4th subtle body (often called the Astral Body) with its energy center being the 4th chakra where fetal belief structures are stored,
[3] the 3rd subtle body (usually called the Mental Body) and 3rd chakra,
[2] the 2nd subtle body (usually called the Emotional Body) and 2nd chakra and,
[1] the l st subtle body (which we call the Physical-etheric Body) and 1 st chakra,
These etheric energy fields bring forward into the new life a variety of strong, deeply ingrained patterns, both of a "positive" and an "adverse" nature. Generally, the dominant source for these patterns has been etheric "imprinting" from the parents and any significant environmental impacts and influences during the pregnancy. Now, of course, the question arises, "Where did the parents get the patterns that were transferred to the fetus?" Well, they got them from their respective parents at birth and then from a variety of sources that influenced them during their lives prior to the birth of the infant we're now talking about. And so on and so on! Ultimately, we could describe much of the patterning brought in with the newborn to be from sources such as physical race lineage, specific genetic code transfers, tnbal belief structures, mass-consciousness emotional and mental patterns, etc. These are very strong primal and primitive patterns, which are refined by the specific parental imprinting to produce a complex etheric energy structure. During the pregnancy, soul energies begin to interact extensively with the growing fetus, in a sense providing etheric support during this time. Soul-level choices are made that this is the fetus to infuse into when born and the stage becomes set for a merging of energies after birth Typically, a two day period elapses between the birthing of the newborn and the final merging of the soul energies with its newborn physical body.
This merging or infusion anchors in the Soul, Oversoul and Higher Self energies for the incarnation, establishing the network of chakras and subtle bodies that we call the "Lineage back to Source." This infusion of soul energies creates the "not-too-easily-reversed" process of establishing a human consciousness into the newborn, which already has a "story" of its own based on the etheric and physical patterns developed in the womb! Over time, the energy fields mix and merge and life unfolds. Adverse residues of these earliest of birth-patterns remain in the individual's lower vibrational fields and are removed as the Clearing Ray work continues behind the scenes.
Pattern 3 of the Clearing Ray process: Clearing the "etheric blueprint" of the physical body
As adverse etheric patterning is progressively lifted from the individual's energy fields via the first two forms of clearing work, a strengthening of the natural healing abilities of the physical body will be taking place. However, we've found through experience that there are levels of deeply entrenched adverse etheric energies stored within the physical body, that are not easily accessed and cleared by the earlier work. Through the third pattern of clearing work, these energies receive additional behind-the-scenes orchestration for releasing, thereby stimulating further healing to take place within the physical body.
This level focuses on the clearing of these deepest of adverse patterns stored in the form of very subtle, yet powerful energies intimately linked to the physical body ... stored in a part of the auric field that we call the "Etheric Template for the Physical Body." This Template forms an etheric "double" of the physical body and basically could be viewed as the sum total of all of the tiny auric fields of every cell of the physical body. This is the most fundamental level of non-physical energies we have found that coexists with and is essential to the vitality and very life of the physical body. As the effects of the Clearing Ray attunement continue-to unfold, adverse energy patterns from this etheric "body double" are released.
This etheric "body double" in the Etheric Template appears as a "direct-image" of the physical structure itself These matching etheric and physical energies are direct reflections of each other and, in a sense, they source and influence each other. As an example, if the physical body suffers a trauma, the energies in the Template immediately respond to the effects of the trauma and organize themselves to match it. Correspondingly, if some adverse etheric impact impinges on the energies of the Template and shifts some aspect of it, the physical body is immediately impacted also; however, it takes time for the physical body to ultimately reorganize around this new etheric impact. So, patterns are transferred in both directions, but the body needs more time to adjust.
The etheric patterns in the Template can be adversely affected in many ways but, for our purposes, let's focus on how our adverse emotional, mental and belief structure patterns influence the Template. All of these adverse, upper etheric patterns impinge on the Template and a "pattern transfer" of sorts is accomplished. We all know that our emotions and thoughts affect the physical body ... this is now standard philosophy in our "alternative" medical community and has been known for eons within other cultures.
It appears that the energies of the Template are the bridge that permits the transfer of these upper patterns that ultimately manifest within the physical body. As examples of this principle, energies of "doubt" in the mental planes transfer as a negative impact dominantly on the immune system. While energies of "depression" in the emotional planes transfer over as stress, discomfort and perhaps dis-ease dominantly in the liver, and so on. There appear to be direct, consistent and repeatable relationships between certain adverse mental, emotional and belief structure patterns and their related manifestations of discomfort and disease in the physical body.
For our purposes, we are establishing a principle, not attempting to provide a total treatment on this very complex topic! The principle is that these types of adverse etheric impacts eventually stimulate patterns of distortion in the Etheric Template, which set the stage for the physical body to ultimately rearrange itself-thereby producing what we would call stress, debilitation, discomfort and dis-ease.
As the clearing of the "upper" and "mid-level" adverse etheric energies is accomplished, respectively, patterns of residual "lower" adverse energies within the Etheric Template become available for clearing ... again, the layers of the onion story! The process of a more complete healing of the physical body can be launched when the residues of the accumulated adverse patterns within the Etheric Template, the "body-double," are effectively removed.

Pattern 4 of the Clearing Ray process: Releasing subtle attachments
As a result of receiving the Clearing Ray, adverse etheric patterning as described earlier has been progressively clearing from the individual's energy fields. This progressive work has created what could be called "clearing momentum," which sets up a natural healing process for all levels of etheric energies (subtle bodies and chakras) and ultimately the physical body. Within each of these three types of clearing, there has been some degree of clearing/removal of the more extreme, coarse forms of etheric attachments, which are typically found imbedded in and/or connected to the human energy field of the individual. These various forms of adverse energies have been given a variety of names such as etheric links, cords or connections, psychic attack lines, etheric attachments, implants, etheric devices, etc.
With the general clearing of the fields and the releasing of these coarser attachments, the first three types of work have already peeled away layer upon layer of adverse energies, very much like the old "layers of the onion" metaphor! After this degree of clearing has been accomplished, your Higher Self and El Morya take on the job of "mop up work" regarding attachments and are also able to access on even deeper level of energies to be cleared .... a finer, more subtle layer of thread-like etheric "attachment energies." Often in the form of very light, wispy etheric threads, these subtle attachments appear to spread out from the outermost boundaries of each of our subtle bodies, linking and attaching themselves to individuals and objects and to various external physical and etheric patterns and forms that we have interacted with over the years.
We are all familiar with the spiritual principle of creating more "detachment" in our lives ... experiencing ourselves as "being in this world, but not of it" as we each become a more effective "observer or witness" to our experience. The process of detaching requires the releasing of tremendously strong bonds that are set up in the etheric, which anchor us into this plane of experience. We form these bonds with people, objects, activities, situations and circumstances in our lives and, in most cases, proceed to operate unconsciously or automatically with regard to life experiences related to these areas of attachment. Over the years for most of us, our attachments to family, significant others and friends, and more generally to sex, food, power, money, etc have been the sources of our greatest joys and regrettably our greatest pains! A grossly simplified paraphrasing of a major point of Buddhic philosophy is that "Indeed, attachments are the source of all misery in life!"
What happens as these attachments are removed? We offer the following general principle that we see at work regarding attachment removal for recipients of Lightarian clearing ... your experience of life will shift from being dominated by "unconscious patterns of behavior, response and addiction" over to consciously making and retaining "choiceful connections!" As you shift away from operating out of your "unconscious attachments," you begin to experience being "at choice" within your life. To perhaps further clarify this point, simply imagine functioning in life with an ever-increasing sense of objectivity, accurate assessment, clearer intention and purposefully "choosing" as you move along your life path. In this space of "freedom to choose," you'll begin to see a shift in your decision-making ... a shift to making more appropriate choices ... choices that magically seem to align you more closely with your Higher Self energies. You'll discover that life can be more graceful and purposeful in your work and your play!
The transition from a life of "attachments" to a life of "choiceful connections" is one of the fundamental results of the Lightarian Clearing Ray work.
Pattern 5 of the Clearing Ray process: Opening your connection to Higher Self and beyond!
After receiving the Clearing Ray attunement, the types of energies described as Patterns 1, 2, 3 and 4 will be progressively clearing from the individual's energy fields, primarily via a process of peeling! Again, using one of our favorite metaphors peeling the layers of the onion...these layered types of energies have been "peeling away!" However, we have learned that not all types of adverse energies are to be "peeled away" in layered form At times, some undesired energetic conditions are simply the result of mis-alignments or out-of-balances between energies that are perfectly fine! So, in these cases, there is nothing to be cleared or removed -- only the need for a re-alignment process.
At the advanced clearing phase represented by the fifth pattern, very unusual, very subtle higher vibrational adverse energies become accessible for releasing. This pattern pervades throughout our fields, even to the highest levels of our spiritual connection back to Source energies. This pattern of adverse energies is essentially not a clearing at all ... it's more like needing only an adjustment ... much like an etheric chiropractic adjustment applied to all levels of your Being. This "etheric adjustment" clears the way for more balance within all levels of your fields and opens the path for further enhancement of your connection to Source!
Depending on your personal energy construct, many aspects of yourself can be functioning simultaneously, each with its own distinct "point of conscious awareness" within your fields ... each in its own way having a real, direct experience of itself at its level of consciousness. Just as you are having your experience of yourself in this physical plane, each of your aspects is having a comparable "experience of itself." Just as you have chosen to "be here at this time," these other aspects of your energies have chosen to be present and anchored into other levels of experience. Consider that your personal layerings of Soul, Oversoul and Higher Self energies all link together to form a progression of ever-increasing vibrational experience .... all ultimately connected back to Source. In reality, you may have many layers of Soul energies, many layers of Oversoul and actually many layers of what we would commonly call Higher Self! Imagine that this layering of aspects of yourself could have mis-alignments between the layers ...mis-alignments that are released as the Clearing Ray work progresses.

How have these mis-alignments impacted on my well-being? The effects of these mis-alignments and imbalances on the well-being of the individual can be quite complex. In an attempt to create some conscious understanding, we've learned that these adverse impacts can best be described in terms of "adverse belief structures." So, imagine that at levels within your "connection back to Source," imbalances are created when a given layer of your consciousness holds an "adverse belief' about itself. Perhaps, a layer of Soul experiences a sense of "I'm not lovable!" or a layer of Oversoul operates with the belief of "I've been abandoned by Spirit!" or perhaps a layer of Higher Self carries the belief that "I'm not worthy!" The cumulative effects of these subtle adverse belief structures will perhaps color, shade and distort the experiences within your spiritual lineage and create the mis-alignments described earlier.
What happens as these lineage imbalances are removed? As adjustments take place based on the Clearing Ray work, these apparent adverse belief structure energies are dissolved. As the imbalances are removed in this process, a greater sense of alignment among your levels of Self is realized and your sense of becoming "more One" with Source is accelerated!
Pattern 6 of the Clearing Ray process: Lifting the veils
Finally, we turn to the most advanced level of clearing work ... namely the releasing of what we call the veil energies that are carried in your fields ... further enhancing this principle of having greater "alignment" within your energies! To better understand the Lightarian perspective about veiling, let's begin by focusing strictly on you ... the "you" that you think you are as you function in this plane of experience.
As you chose to come into this incarnation, you anchored into this plane, created your life here and established a reference point for this experience ... call it your "point of conscious awareness." This form of your energy serves as your "witness" to this plane of existence for you...operating in a "watching mode" as your life unfolds physically, emotionally and mentally ... functioning as an observer of your Self energies regarding this plane of existence. This "point of conscious awareness" is different from your other energies which have physical, emotional, mental or higher etheric structure to them. This "point of conscious awareness" may be best viewed as simply a "point of energy" rather than an "form of energy" that has structure. In simplistic terms, you could even imagine that this "point of awareness" is merely just that ... a point of pure consciousness, actually having no form or structure to it at all!
Through our channeling and intuition, we find that, metaphorically speaking, this "watcher" aspect of you brings into the incarnation - or acquires during your life - a pair of "rose-colored glasses!" This is what we call the "veil!" It's a little bit of distortion that is present in your fields that represents a "veil" over the witness point - like a imperfect contact lens having a little distortion or imbalance to it, that creates a lack of clarity as to how you "see yourself and your life". Through this most advanced level of the "behind-the-scenes" Clearing Ray work, this energy imbalance is released, enabling you to create a higher level of clarity as you more objectively witness your life.
How have these veils impacted on my well-being? This question is best answered in a manner similar to that offered regarding the adverse impacts described within Pattern S. To the degree that we can attempt to create conscious understanding of what are fundamentally very complex energetic impacts, we've learned that the impacts of veils on the well-being of the individual can best be described again in terms of "adverse belief structures."
So, imagine that at levels within your energies, distortions and imbalances are created because a particular point of your conscious awareness holds an "adverse belief' about the Self and/or the life experience that it is witnessing. Perhaps, a point of Soul consciousness carries a "point of view" of "I'm not lovable!" or a point of Oversoul consciousness operates with the belief of "I've been abandoned by Spirit!" or perhaps a point of Higher Self consciousness carries the belief that "I'm not worthy!" The cumulative effects of these subtle adverse belief structures will "color, shade and distort the experience of the Being." As the veils are removed, a greater ability to witness more clearly begins to manifest within all of your levels of Self and, again, your sense of becoming "more One" with Source is accelerated!

The C-Ray attunement has been designed to gently, effectively and completely clear all of the adverse etheric energies stored in your subtle bodies and chakras. During the post-attunement
releasing time, various energetic changes will be taking place within your fields, depending on your initial adverse energy patterning and the pace being set by your Higher Self. Also, through experience, we've learned a great deal about the kinds of impacts people experience that could best be described as uncomfortable "etheric detox" effects.
Important Note: Etheric cleansing and detoxing effects can occur from time to time over your extended and open-ended releasing period.
Earlier you described the benefits of the Lightarian Clearing Ray. Are there any challenging aspects about receiving the C-Ray Attunement?
Everyone responds differently to this attunement and the long-term energetic process that it stimulates. Impacts and effects can be both exciting and challenging!
Regarding the more challenging ones, we have seen the entire spectrum of reactions -- ranging from virtually nothing to what we would call minor "detox" effects. These may occur as the adverse energies are loosened, moved around and fully released and transmuted from your energy fields. The rate of clearing and the intensity and length of the processing time are adjusted by your Higher Self, supervised by Ascended Master El Morya. Together, they serve highest purpose for you by maximizing your well-being and minimizing any discomforts during the process. Another participant in the Clearing Ray attunement is Archangel Raziel. Near the conclusion of the attunement, Raziel is invited into the process to support the recipient, especially regarding the smooth integration of new energies and the easing of uncomfortable detox effects. As different individuals experience the aftermath of the attunement, some may feel the effects more in the physical body, while others will react more emotionally or mentally. These effects can show up as a variety of minor symptoms.
Natural healing begins not just within your etheric fields, but also within the physical body. At the body level, "physical adverse impacts" have been created over the years by all of your adverse etheric patterning at the higher vibrational levels. These "impacts" are the sources of most levels of stress, discomfort, debilitation and dis-ease within the physical body. As this adverse etheric "imprinting" onto the physical body is released, the body is free to begin the process of self-healing!
These combined effects of etheric releasing and the onset of etheric and physical healing can stimulate a variety of mental, emotional and physical healing manifestations or symptoms. Some people experience mild nausea or headaches, "catch" a cold or generate flu-like symptoms, experience fatigue and the need to take naps, or notice transient pains in various parts of the physical body. At the higher vibrational levels, some report deep emotional releases, aching in the heart chakra, pain in the third eye, mental disorientation or unexplainable emotional swings and the shedding of tears.
What can I do about these kinds of minor pains and discomforts if they occur?
The best advice is to acknowledge these "ripple effects" of the attunement process as simply manifested "stuff' passing through your subtle and physical bodies as it is being released. Honor these "symptoms" of the process and consciously release it all up to the highest Divine levels to be transmuted and transformed into the Light. In more direct physical terms, there are three ways you can perhaps moderate or alleviate the detoxing effects that you are experiencing.
1. Removal: It may seem obvious ... but attempt to remove any physical irritants or adverse stimuli that may be in the space during your time of processing or detoxing. Do your best to remove whatever is bothering you and have the courage to act on your intuition in the matter. For example, if a troublesome friend or challenging job situation is really getting on your nerves during the processing time, then be aware of it and perhaps attempt to remove yourself from that "irritant" for awhile. In other words, if you have a thorn in your finger, remove it gently.
2. Treatments: Pamper yourself with a massage or take an Epsom salt bath to comfort you during the releasing time after the attunement. Do other forms of supportive energy work, such as Reiki, and/or consider the use of products such as essential oils or aromatic substances to assist you during this time.
3. Energy management: Whenever you feel that an etheric detox effect is too intense and you just feel you need a break - communicate this to your Higher Self. You are an important part of the feedback mechanism to let Higher Self know how things are going ... and we have learned that your "conscious" participation in this process is vital! In other words, you are providing important information into the "energy management feedback loop" when you simply acknowledge a particular condition and make your intention clear about desiring a change in the situation.
Still, one must always be prudent about adverse physical symptoms. Always stay tuned-in to your experience! Do your best to gently and lovingly move through your clearing detox symptoms, but always be appropriate in seeking therapeutic/medical treatment when it is truly needed! With this in mind, we repeat our statement from the inside cover page of the Manual...
**NOTE** Please remember that spiritual energy work of this or any other type must never be considered an alternative to the prudent and appropriate use of competent traditional medical or psychological assistance.
Beyond the benefits mentioned earlier, are there any other exciting effects and impacts?

In more general terms, as the C-Ray post-attunement process all unfolds, your sense of self will probably shift and expand to incorporate the spiritual transformations triggered by the attunement and your expanding energetic relationship with Ascended Master El Morya. You may start to open more fully to your higher inner wisdom and expand your self-awareness. You'll probably discover a greater sense of "spiritual grace" in your life, as you bring more and more Light into the whole of you. These kinds of changes occur when a progressively higher and higher expression of your Divine Self begins to powerfully come forth!
Our picture of the human energy fields suggests that there are many, many layers of energy between the consciousness that each of us embodies in this plane and the level of energy that most of us would simply call Universal Source or All That Is! These layers could be viewed as levels of Soul, Oversoul and Higher Self. Simply through life's learning experiences, a "natural" clearing process occurs. As you clear more and more of your adverse patterns, you are able to bring in more and more Light .... in a spiritual sense, actually getting closer and closer to having your true Self expressing into this plane!
You can look at this as reducing the layerings for all of the various multi-dimensional aspects of your Higher Self energies, allowing you to get closer and closer to Source - to the Divine that is within all of us. It's our understanding that as this "natural" clearing process takes place, ongoing and dramatic restructuring of your energy fields "naturally" occur. Various layers of your energies merge and blend to essentially reduce the number of layers in your subtle fields. This process is dramatically accelerated by receiving the Lightarian Clearing Ray! As you clear the auric field of old limiting patterns and stored energies, your chakras and subtle bodies will be able to process and anchor in more Light. As you do so, your "energy construct" can shift into a more effective and efficient vehicle for carrying more Light. Changes can take place in the number and locations of your major chakras and the number of your subtle bodies making up your auric field. This simply means you are integrating in more and more aspects of your Higher Self energies into this plane
How would you describe my relationship with El Morya after the Attunement?
During the attunement, El Morya will be linking his energies with those of your Soul, Oversoul and Higher Self in addition to creating a powerful overlighting presence for you in the physical plane. You may feel physical energy sensations in the body and perhaps have some profound visual or audible experiences. Trust that your higher vibrational levels are having comparable experiences of this new, expanded resonance with Ascended Master El Morya!
After the attunement meditation, El Morya stays in resonant connection with your energies. He will actually serve in the background as a clearing "mentor" and spiritual guide for all levels of your energies as your personal transformation process accelerates. His energies will always be available to you at any time and we suggest that you develop a highly conscious, intention-based relationship with him. Just as with any relationship with a divine Being in the spiritual realms, you could cultivate your connection with him through meditation, prayer, requests for guidance, channeling or simply a heightened sense of intuition or "knowing" regarding El Morya and the process of clearing and spiritual movement in your life!

How much time does it take for the effects of the Clearing Ray to be complete?

During your post-attunement time, the effects of the C-Ray work become cumulative and the process of change is steadily enhanced. There is no specific time-frame for the unfolding of your personal "etheric clearing plan"...other than to say that your Higher Self and El Morya will be orchestrating the perfect plan with perfect timing for you.
What can I expect to experience in the coming time, as the overall Lightarian Clearing Ray process continues to unfold?
As always, we acknowledge that each of us will be having his/her own range of experiences depending on the specific nature of our path, how we progress through the clearing process, what remains for us in our growth and learning and how we each go about being of higher service for the coming times. However, in general terms, we can offer the following ideas about your postClearing Ray attunement time as the process matures for you:
[1] As the overall six levels of clearing, releasing and re-alignment work moves into its advanced stages, your Higher Self and El Morya will continue to have an intimate relationship, which will support your ongoing spiritual evolution. You, as a divine being, have been experiencing the clearing of your fields at all levels and, in the process, all levels of Yourself have "learned how to clear more effectively." In the coming times, with "change being constant," further clearing will be a necessary component and mandatory requirement for your continued spiritual movement. At all levels of your Being, you are now better prepared!
[2] This ongoing process of clearing will be quicker, smoother and more graceful...and will be accomplished with greater conscious insight and understanding on your part. Just imagine that during the releasing of all of the various types of "etheric adverse energies" via the Clearing Ray process, there were energies that were left behind. They were deemed appropriate to remain in place for whatever purpose was to be served! Some of these "etheric energy patterns not cleared early on in the process" were left in place for good reason by Higher Self and El Morya, perhaps eventually be released at some time in the future. So, indeed, further clearing work will be occurring naturally and more smoothly as you continue to move along your spiritual path Again, all in perfect timing to serve highest purpose for you!
[3] Change in your life will be accelerated ... as you further master the art of "letting go!" The kinds of shifts in your life that used to require months and years to accomplish will now take place in weeks and months. Perhaps those that used to take days and weeks will take only minutes!
[4] An extraordinary aspect of "becoming the master of letting go" is to begin to experience the releasing of very obvious physical conditions in your life, such as relationships, residences, occupations, eating habits, etc. Lightarian students and clients often report about the virtually effortless ways in which they are "disengaging" from the most fundamental of our physical conditions and circumstances that no longer serve their highest purposes! We want to share a recent visualization that relates to this facet of post-clearing-attunement experience.
Imagine that -you are the basket attached to a hot air balloon. Metaphorically, let the basket be your lower vibrational self experience and the balloon be your Higher Self. As we all know, if the weights (usually sand bags) in the basket are too great then the "lift" from the balloon will not be enough to create the lift-off process. The Lightarian Clearing Ray is fundamentally about assisting you in the etheric levels to off-load your " sand bags." Over time, results of the etheric clearing work just simply begin to manifest in the physical plane in the form of healing of the physical body and the often dramatic ways in which you'll discover yourself rearranging your life-operating patterns and circumstances. With this new-found sense of flow in your life and as a clearer Being, you will find yourself more easily making the necessary choices required to off load the "physical sand bags" that are no longer needed in your life.
[5] When one goes through the process of etheric clearing, the physical body is powerfully launched along a path of natural healing and transformation. In general terms, through our experiences with clients and students regarding this physical transformation process, we have learned that the physical body is generally very slow to heal. Certainly, the physical body is far slower in its healing responses than our etheric, subtle bodies. We are learning that the healing process within the physical body can be likened to the clearing and smoothing out of old, deeply engrained patterns of stress, discomfort, debilitation and dis-ease. Over the years, actual physical traumas and accumulated adverse emotional/mental experiences have all left their deep imprints in the physical body. These old adverse physical patterns are stored in the form of "grooves," very much like the grooves in an old-style vinyl record. The old ingrained patterns will begin to come to the forefront to be released naturally as your etheric clearing process advances ... we call this the "ungrooving process" for the physical body.
Actually, just as music is produced by the phonograph needle moving along the grooves of the old vinyl record, we have found that emotional and mental experiences can be produced when the body's grooved-in physical patterns are stimulated. As you go through the process of releasing your etheric adverse patterns through the work of the C-Ray, you may continue to have adverse emotional and mental stuff coming up based on this "ungrooving." So, as the physical body naturally heals, this aspect of the unfolding process may present some potentially deep, old emotional/mental issues for you to deal with
[6] There probably will be periods of stress and strain on the fundamental fabric of your experience of living!-especially if you are here to quickly move to higher service in the Light during these exciting times!! Yes ... there will be emotional upsets, because you are still an emotional being. Yes ... there will be doubts, because you are still a mental being. However, the way in which you handle upsets and doubts will have been fundamentally shifted forever.
Will the positive effects of the Clearing Ray attunement continue on indefinitely?

Yes, except that this is a free-will planet and if you really strongly and consciously intended to do so, you could recreate and reinforce old patterns that had been cleared and released. Generally speaking, as the clearing work moves along, your Higher Self energies are routinely working with Ascended Master El Morya in the background. Please remember, that "big time" etheric processing will be taking place for you following your Clearing Ray attunement! With both your Higher Self and El Morya actively engaged in the process, we simply know and trust that you will be staying on track and not "backsliding." We have seen no evidence to the contrary over the years working with many, many Lightarian students and clients.
Is there anything to be routinely done to support the physical body as the etheric clearing work and the resulting natural healing continues on?
Please keep in mind that all of the Clearing Ray work takes place within the etheric levels of the recipient's bodies. Ultimately, all of the etheric releasing launched by this work ripples down to create "the opportunity" for the physical body to eventually clear and heal! Meditation will support the etheric side of the process while relaxing the physical body. Also, there are many very beneficial physical things that clients and students could be doing to generally support their spiritual process. In a holistic sense, these activities can include watching their diet, exercising, avoiding the use of alcohol/tobacco/drugs and perhaps benefiting from supportive physical energy work such as massage or chiropractic. Each individual must "go through the dance" regarding how they balance their day-to-day work and play with their other self-supportive activities.
Generally, in the context of the Lightarian Clearing Ray attunement process, we do not routinely offer specific advice on this matter. Basically, as each recipient of the work gets clearer and clearer, he/she will make better choices as to how to self-support their physical body during their unique spiritual process.
Having said all that, we feel that clients and students who have received the Clearing Ray may perhaps begin to realize that the physical body ultimately needs to become thoroughly detoxified and fully healed, in order to carry as much Light as possible through it as a vehicle for divine work. In order to support those wishing to continue to move strongly along their spiritual path, the Lightarian Institute has developed advanced courses to support and accelerate the personal transformation process. Please contact the Institute if you would like more information about this next level of work.


Planning in advance for your session

Your Lightarian C-Ray Training/Attunement session will typically have a format consisting of two simple phases: (1) Review of materials about the C-Ray and extensive training conversation on how to effectively share the C-Ray with students and clients and (2) the energetic Attunement itself.
The Training segment can be done in-person or by telephone and the Attunement can be done in-person, by phone or remotely. Discuss your preference with your Teacher when you schedule your session. If you will be having a telephone session, plan to use a quiet room where you can be comfortable and undisturbed. If you have access to a telephone headset or speaker phone, consider using it to allow you to be most relaxed. This will be more comfortable, in general, and could be especially desirable if you choose to do the meditation by phone, so that your hands can be totally free and relaxed.
Note: For those new students who have previously received the C-Ray Attunement as a client and then have decided to become a Lightarian C-Ray Teacher/Practitioner, your Teacher will use a special meditation designed to acknowledge and deepen your relationship with El Morya - from one as a client to now one as a Teacher/Practitioner. This special meditation is found in Section 4.
Important Points about the C-Ray Attunement

1. Golden Rule for experiencing a guided meditation
Over the years, a simple truth (we call it the "Golden Rule") for experiencing a guided meditation has evolved. Here it is: There's no right way and no wrong way! So. .. take what you get! Whatever shows up in the meditation.Just let it be!. Always hold the experience lovingly and lightly and without judgment. If you find yourself evaluating what's going on, then simply let that BE, too!
2. Use of the "Divine Tuning Fork" during the Attunement
For the Lightarian Clearing Ray Attunement, it is essential that there be a "resonant" energetic connection between you and your Teacher. This will be accomplished via the use of an etheric device that we call the "Divine Tuning Fork." During the Attunement, you'll be asked to imagine a large, etheric Tuning Fork with its two prongs pointing downward. Imagine that one of the prongs of the Tuning Fork is overlighting and connecting into the teacher's energies and the other prong is overlighting and connecting into your energies - creating a clear, direct and high vibrational link between you and the Teacher. This picture is to simply give you an idea of how the Teacher will be linking with you during the Attunement. Your Teacher will set all this up! Now, another step in the process will be the creation of a third prong projecting out from the Tuning Fork to link you and your Teacher into the energies of El Morya, thereby creating a three-way link among all of you! Again the Teacher will set it up and, at the conclusion of the Attunement, the Teacher will disengage the Divine Tuning Fork.
Preparation for your Attunement
Here are a few helpful comments about receiving your Attunement.
In person Attunement
Typically, following your training discussions, your Teacher will move directly on to the Attunement. If not already taken care of, the Teacher will energetically prepare the space and ask you to be comfortably seated. You will be asked to relax and close your eyes. You may find it helpful to hold your hands, palms up on your legs (receptive mode). During the attunement, the Teacher will verbally lead you through a series of steps within a guided meditation format.
Telephone Attunement
Prepare a quiet room where you can be comfortable and undisturbed. At the start of the meditation, you will be asked to relax and close your eyes. If you have access to a telephone headset or speaker phone, consider using it to allow you to hold your hands, palms up on your legs (receptive mode). If you must hold a telephone handset, relax and don't hesitate to shift hands if needed to remain as comfortable as possible. During the attunement, the Teacher will verbally lead you through the steps of the process.
Remote Attunement
At the conclusion of your telephone training discussions, you and your Teacher will set a time to "meet etherically" for the attunement. Just before the appointed time, your Teacher will be (a) energetically preparing him/herself and the space around each of you and between you, intending that everything be fully sealed and protected; (b) Invoking the highest level of your Higher Self energies and specifically the presence of El Morya to participate in the Attunement.
Important suggestions for receiving the attunement remotely:

1. Prepare a quiet room where you can be comfortable and undisturbed. Turn the ringer off your phone. You can be seated or lying down. It is preferable to have your hands facing palms up. Plan on being in this state for approximately %hour for the remote attunement.

2. You may want to invite and anchor in supportive energies, such as your highest vibrational guides, any of the Ascended Masters, the Archangels, or other spiritual Beings that you may like to work with.
3. At the appointed time, close your eyes and take a few deep, long breaths and relax into a quiet state of mind. Move your attention, your point of conscious awareness, to a "place of power" within your energy fields that you would like to operate from during this process ... that place of mastery, responsibility and total ownership for all things in your life ... that place where the Divine resides within you! Then, imagine the "Divine Tuning Fork" and then, totally relax and allow the meditation to unfold via the "Golden Rule" for meditations.
4. As your remote attunement is drawn to a close by your Teacher, you'll probably sense that the process is complete through some feeling, visualization, thought, or intuitive knowing. Simply acknowledge completion of the Attunement and thank El Morya, Archangel Raziel, your Teacher, all levels of Self and any of your spiritual guides and teachers who supported you and your C-Ray Teacher during this attunement.
Immediately following your remote attunement:
Following your etheric attunement, you and your Teacher may agree to reconnect "in the physical" or to exchange E-mails to share any comments about the experience of the attunement itself.
What's next after receiving my Attunement?
1. Immediately upon completion of your training and attunement session, you are both "energetically" and "practically" prepared to work with your own clients and students. Of course, depending upon your prior experience regarding doing "energy work" with others, to one degree or another, you will have to begin the process of getting organized to offer the Lightarian Clearing RayTM to the public. As part of this process, we recommend that you consider your Teacher and the Lightarian Institute as important resources to support you in your work.
2. You may now access the Lightarian Institute's on-line newsletter designated specially for all Lightarian Teachers/Practitioners. This on-line newsletter, called Lightarian Updates, is designed to keep you current and support you in your Lightarian C-Ray practice. To get all the latest Teacher/Practitioner information, you can simply type in the webpage address of .
3. The intention of the Lightarian Institute is to preserve the basics of this work, so that everyone who receives the training/attunement called "Lightarian Clearing Ray" will be receiving the work with consistency of principles, energies, information and methods. After your session, via the Registration Form contained in Section 6, please anchor in your relationship with your Teacher and with the Lightarian Institute by confirming your training/attunement and committing yourself to the principles and practices outlined on the Form. By completing, signing and returning the Registration Form to your Teacher, you start the process of becoming registered with the Institute so that we can properly support you.
4. After you have been properly registered with the Lightarian Institute by your Teacher, you are eligible for the following:
a) to order additional Manuals for your own training purposes;
b) to become listed , for a small fee, in the Directory of Lightarian Teachers and Practitioners as shown on the Lightarian Institute's website and
c) to be included in the Lightarian Institute's referral database of registered practitioners and teachers of the C-Ray.

5. The Lightarian Institute asks for your support to ensure that the C-Ray authentically and effectively spreads across the planet, so that more can become activated with these divine energies from El Morya...all for highest and greatest purpose during these transformational times.

The Attunement process for the Clearing Ray uses a guided meditation. This guided meditation is not meant to be memorized. It is designed to be read to the student/client out loud for in-person or telephone sessions. Depending on the teacher's preference, it may be either read silently or out loud for remote sessions. The Attunement takes place in a highly structured etheric space created by Ascended Master El Morya and the Godhead via the Divine Tuning Fork The Lightarian C-Ray Teacher plays the key role of creating the conscious linkage between the student/client and El Morya during the Attunement. The clear intentions of all parties involved are always present and set the stage for the attunement to take place.
Important Notes about delivering the Clearing Ray Attunement:
1) The first one is the basic C-Ray Attunement for brand new students with no familiarity with the C-Ray. The second one is a Meditation for a new student who has previously received the C-Ray Attunement as a client and then has decided to become a Lightarian C-Ray
Teacher/Practitioner. This special meditation is designed to simply acknowledge and deepen the new student's relationship with El Morya -- from one as a client to now one as a Teacher/Practitioner. No additional attunement is needed. Once attuned, even as a client ... always attuned!
2) You will be using the same Attunement for students as well as clients, except for one difference. You will be directed in the meditation script to skip over one particular area (Boxed Item #15) that is designated to be read for "Students Only." This particular part of the attunement (to be skipped over for clients) is an important acknowledgment to be given ONLY to a student ... namely, that the student is now energetically able to be a conduit for the C-Ray.
3) Possibilities for Group Attunement Work: Generally, all Lightarian attunements are designed to be delivered on a one-on-one basis. However, with very careful, impeccable adaptation of the attunement script, it may be appropriate for you to consider delivering the attunement to small groups. If so, the following recommendations are offered:

[a] For the Divine Tuning Fork, simply invoke that a third or fourth prong, etc. be created to represent the connection among you and each recipient in the small group. At the appropriate time during the attunement, create the additional prong of the Tuning Fork to represent your collective connection to Ascended Master El Morya; [b] Generally, of course, throughout the meditation, you will need to insert the names of all recipients in the places where it normally calls for just one name; [c] Connect separately with each recipient during the "hand on the left shoulder" steps of the attunement process and [d] Ensure that the transfer of El Morya's energies for the attunement are totally complete for each person before moving on to the next.

In Person - Telephone - Remote
Teacher's note: You will always be "speaking to the recipient" for in person and telephone sessions or "speaking to the recipient's Higher Self while using the recipient's name" for remote attunements....except as noted for a few sections when you are speaking to Spirit or Ascended Master El Morya.
Recipient's Name,close your eyes now. Take a few long, deep breaths. ....Pause.... Just relax and keep an open, quiet state of mind. Now move into a deeply centered place. Take your attention to a "place of power" that you would like to operate from during this meditation-perhaps your heart or crown - that place of absolute mastery, full responsibility and total ownership for all things in your life ... that place where the Divine resides within you. Pause.... We are now ready to begin the attunement.
Creating the Divine Tuning Fork (Speaking to Spirit)

1. I now invoke a column of the highest vibrational Godhead energies to descend upon
Recipient name and me to overlight us for this sacred attunement. In this space, I now invoke and intend that two ribbons of energy extend out of this column, transforming itself into a Divine Tuning Fork, with one prong connecting into the highest levels within my fields. I intend that the other prong now begin to overlight ……….'s energy fields and connect into the highest level within his/her fields required for this attunement.
2. I intend that this Divine Tuning Fork will serve to link our energies in preparation for this work .... linking us in such a way that this attunement will be appropriate, useful and effective.I now invite our highest levels of Self energies, members of the Angelic Kingdom, all of the Ascended Masters, as well as our highest vibration guides and teachers to come into this space to support this process.... and further invoke that 's highest and greatest purpose will be served, as well as the highest and greatest purpose of all of us involved. I intend that this Divine Tuning Fork will serve as an etheric linkbetween and me, actually creating the sacred space for this attunement ... a space that is divinely set, sealed and protected! So , please begin to see all of this happening now and let me know when you are ready to continue. ....Wait for reply or sense of completion.....

Creating alignment within all levels of recipient's energies
3. Now, , please invite all levels of your Being - all those Divine aspects of Self - to come forward and fully participate and align with you in the powerful activation process that is being launched during this attunement. Take a few moments to create and feel this alignment taking place within all levels of your Being and let me know when you are ready to continue. ....Wait for reply or sense of completion.....

Inviting in El Morya
4. ……., it is into this sacred space that I invite a very specific energy to join us ... the divine energy of Ascended Master El Morya. He carries with him a gift ... a divine gift of empowerment through the Lightarian Clearing Ray which he is about to share with you. Let us silently acknowledge his presence and thank him for joining us. ....Pause....
5. ……, this Clearing Ray attunement will create a divine relationship between you and Ascended Master El Morya ... a relationship designed to accelerate the etheric clearing process in all areas of your energy fields. Through this energetic activation today and the ongoing clearing work that will follow, an accelerated natural healing process will take place at all levels of your chakras and subtle bodies ... and ultimately within your physical body as well. ....Pause....
The Clearing Ray is designed to release your adverse soul programs, their associated belief structures and related stored energies in your mental, emotional and physical-etheric fields. Old fetal energies, adverse patterns in your physical body's "etheric blueprint" and undesired attachments will also be removed. At higher vibrational levels within your fields, your "connection back to Source" will be opened and strengthened through the re-alignment of your spiritual lineage and the lifting of your veils. ....Pause....
The Clearing Ray will affect all levels of your Being .... by activating your levels of Soul, Oversoul and Higher Self to enhance the process of divine clearing in your life! All of this will powerfully propel you forward along your spiritual path ....Pause....
Creating Third Prong to Divine Tuning Fork (Speaking to E1 Morya)

6. I now address El Morya directly. Dear friend El Morya, I ask you to now approach us ... to begin to link with each of us in the space of our Divine Tuning Fork-to overlight us and actually create a third prong to the Tuning Fork to represent your connection with both of us! ……, please begin to see all of this happening now and let me know when you are ready to continue. ....Wait for reply or sense of completion.....
Transfer of El Morya's Energies (Speaking to El Morya)
7. Speaking again to El Morya. .. Dear friend, within this divine and sacred energy field, I ask you to begin the transfer of the Clearing Ray by placing your right hand on my left shoulder to establish a direct etheric link to me. ....Pause and visualize this happening.... Thank you! It is done.
8. For IN-PERSON - get ready to place your right hand on recipient's left shoulder
For TELEPHONE/REMOTE - use the word (etheric)
I now place my (etheric) right hand on your left shoulder to establish a direct link between you and me ... and in so doing, creating a direct link among the three of us. You and I and El Morya now have an energetic union of the highest order, designed to facilitate this Clearing Ray Attunement and further encourage and inspire you along your path of spiritual growth. ....Pause....
9. For IN-PERSON - get ready to remove your hand from recipient's shoulder
For TELEPHONE/REMOTE - use the word (etheric)
………,I now remove my (etheric) hand from your shoulder as El Morya steps forward to place his hand there. ....Pause.... Begin to experience El Morya's energies infusing directly and deeply into you as he establishes this initial connection with you. .... Pause.... Know that this attunement will create a profound connection between you and Ascended Master El Morya. Know that El Morya will always be connected with you.... to serve as your etheric coach and counselor for your clearing process ... to be an enthusiastic "cheerleader" for you and to assist you as a spiritual mentor of the highest order. ...Pause....
Receiving the Attunement
10. So , it is time for you to receive the attunement for the Lightarian Clearing Ray offered to you by Ascended Master El Morya. ....Pause.... Feel his divine energies now flowing into all levels of Self. Know that a deep and permanent connection is being established between you and El Morya. .. launching you along an extraordinary path of accelerated clearing and profound personal healing ... allowing him to fully serve and guide you during these exciting and challenging times. ....Pause.... Simply know that El Morya's energies are now deeply anchoring into all levels of your being, creating an energetic connection of the highest order. ....Pause.... Take a few moments to fully experience this connection.. ....Pause.... And when you feel that your divine attunement with El Morya is fully established, please let me know. ....Wait for reply or sense of completion.....
11. The transfer of the Clearing Ray is now complete. A link is now in place for you to personally connect with El Morya at any time. He will always be directly available. to you and stands ready to provide divine clearing support as you move toward your future state of greater service in the Light.
Bringing in Godhead Light
12. Now, visualize Divine Light of the highest vibration streaming down to you through the prong of the Tuning Fork that has been overlighting your energies. ....Pause.... See these energies with you now. ....Pause.... This Light will continue to support you during the coming time as this clearing process unfolds. ....Pause.... Over the clearing time, as adverse energies are released and transmuted away, open spaces will be created at all levels within your energy fields ... spaces where these adverse energies had been previously stored. This Light, now streaming into you, will be filling all those spaces opened up by this clearing process. Know that this unique, focused Light will bring new vitality and healing energies into every level of your Being, creating the potential for deep healing to take place within all of your etheric levels and ultimately within your physical body. ....Pause....
Inviting Archangel Raziel
13. One of the Archangels named Raziel is dedicated to supporting those who receive this Clearing Ray attunement. He has graciously volunteered to be with you during the coming time to facilitate the natural healing that will result from this attunement. I now ask Archangel Raziel to come forward to be of service to you. , take a few moments to receive his energies and let me know when you are ready to continue. ....Wait for reply or sense of completion....
Completion with El Morya
14. ……….., we acknowledge that El Morya will be linked ongoingly with your Higher Self to assist and guide all levels of your energies during the unfolding process that has been activated by this attunement. We also acknowledge that El Morya is dedicated to supporting you in manifesting your personal power and assisting you in attracting all manner of abundance -- in spiritual, mental, emotional and physical ways -- into all levels of your life! ....Pause....
READ #15 FOR STUDENTS ONLY - IT IS NOT TO BE READ FOR CLIENTS. This acknowledges that the Student can pass the attunement on to others.

15. ………., knowing that you have the intention to deliver the Clearing Ray teachings and Attunement to others, we ask that El Morya support you in your desire to be of higher and greater service in this way. We acknowledge that you are now fully activated for the Lightarian Clearing Ray and are energetically prepared to pass on these. teachings and this Attunement. We commend you and thank you for your commitment to sharing the Clearing Ray with others, always with the intention to serve the highest and greatest purpose of all those involved! ....Pause....
Expression of thanks
16. As this meditation draws to a close, I wish to express my deepest gratitude to all those Divine aspects of Self, the El Morya energies, Archangel Raziel, the energies of the Godhead, any of our guides and spiritual teachers, and all others from the spiritual realms who have been with us to support and celebrate this Attunement.I ask all of you to ongoingly support on his/her accelerated spiritual journey. El Morya and Archangel Raziel leave
17. We are now ready to conclude this meditation. I ask El Morya and Archangel Raziel to gently withdraw his energies .... to gently disengage from us, each returning to those divine levels from which they emerged. ....Pause.... So , please feel this gentle releasing of their energies taking place .... and now see our Divine Tuning Fork returning back to its original two prongs.
Concluding the Session
18. And now ………… , I ask that our Tuning Fork, the etheric link that has served so well us for this attunement, gently disengage from each of us and return back to the highest levels of the Godhead from which it emerged. ....Pause.... The Clearing Ray Attunement is now complete. ....Pause....
Recipient's return from meditative state
19. So …………., when you are ready, just gently return your attention to the physical space and let me know when you are back.
In-person, Telephone and Remote
Teacher's note: You will always be "speaking to the recipient "for in person and telephone sessions or "speaking to the recipient's Higher Self while using the recipient's name"for remote meditations. ... except as noted for a few sections when you are speaking to Spirit or El Morya.
Recipient's Name , close your eyes now. Take a few long, deep breaths. ....Pause.... Just relax and keep an open, quiet state of mind. Now move into a deeply centered place. Take your attention to a "place of power" that you would like to operate from during this meditation.... perhaps your heart or crown - that place of absolute mastery, full responsibility and total ownership for all things in your life ...that place where the Divine resides within you ....Pause....We are now ready to begin our meditation.

Creating the Divine Tuning Fork (Speaking to Spirit)
1. I now invoke a column of the highest vibrational Godhead energies to descend upon recipient's name and me to overlight us for this meditation. In this space, I now invoke and intend that two ribbons of energy extend out of this column, transforming itself into a Divine Tuning Fork, with one prong connecting into the highest levels within my fields. I intend that the other prong now begin to overlight 's energy fields and connect into the highest level within his/her fields.
2. I intend that this Divine Tuning Fork, vibrating at the highest divine frequency, will serve to link our energies for this meditation. ... linking us in such a way that this meditation will be appropriate, useful and effective. I now invite our highest levels of Self energies, as well as our highest vibration guides and teachers to come into this space to support this process.... and further invoke that 's highest and greatest purpose will be served, as well as the highest and greatest purpose of all of us involved. I intend that this Divine Tuning Fork emanates from the highest Godhead levels and serves as a divine etheric link between ……….. and me, actually creating the sacred space for this meditation ... a space that is divinely set, sealed and protected! So , please see all this happening and let me know when you are ready to continue. ....Wait for reply or sense of completion.... Inviting in El Morya
3. , it is into this sacred space that I invite the divine energy of Ascended Master El Morya. He carries with him a gift...a gift of personal empowerment for you as you become a Teacher/Practitioner for the Lightarian Clearing Ray. Ascended Master El Morya is here to acknowledge the Attunement for the Clearing Ray that you have already received. He will be working with you during this meditation to expand your relationship with him as you step into your new role as Teacher/Practitioner.
4. This meditation is designed to enhance your connection with El Morya and the work of the Clearing Ray. It will also powerfully propel you forward along your spiritual path of higher service as a Clearing Ray Teacher/Practitioner. I ask Ascended Master El Morya to now approach begin to link with each of us in the space of our Divine Tuning Fork... and to actually create a third prong to the Tuning Fork to represent his connection with both of us! , please begin to see all this happening and let me know when you are ready to continue. ....Wait for reply or sense of completion....
El Morya connection (Speaking to El Morya)
5. I now address Ascended Master El Morya directly. Dear friend El Morya, within this sacred energy field, I ask you to project your energies outward to and begin to fully overlight his/her energy fields. ....Pause....
Creating alignment

6. So …….., within this divine overlighting presence of El Morya, please invite all levels of your Soul, Oversoul and Higher Self energies to come into this space with you. ....Pause.... And ask that all levels of Self totally align with you as you take this step to become a Lightarian Clearing Ray Teacher/Practitioner. You may experience this sense of alignment as a feeling, a seeing or a simple "knowing". Please tell me when this alignment of all your levels of Self is in place. ....Wait for reply or sense of completion....
7. ………..,you and El Morya now have an energetic union of the highest divine order, designed to facilitate your work as a Teacher/Practitioner for the Clearing Ray and to further empower, encourage and inspire you along your path of personal growth and higher spiritual service. He will always be directly available to you and stands ready to be of divine service through you as you work with your clients and students in the coming time!

8. …., through this meditation, you have energetically created an enhanced alignment of all levels of your energies with those of Ascended Master El Morya...all to serve highest and greatest purpose for you and for all those to whom you offer your time and energies as a Lightarian Clearing Ray Teacher and Practitioner. We acknowledge that your expanded relationship with El Morya is now in place! ....Pause....
Completion with El Morya
9. ……., we further acknowledge that Ascended Master El Morya is dedicated to supporting you in developing your personal power and attracting all manner of abundance into all levels of your life! ....Pause.... Knowing that you have the desire to deliver the Clearing Ray teachings and attunement to others, we especially ask that El Morya fully support you in the fulfillment of your intentions to be of highest and greatest service in this way. ....Pause....

Concluding the Session
10. We are now ready to conclude our meditation. I ask Ascended Master El Morya to gently disengage from us and return to those divine levels from which he emerged. , begin to see our Divine Tuning Fork returning back to its original two prongs. ....Pause.... And now, I ask that our Divine Tuning Fork, the etheric link that has served us so well for this meditation, gently disengage from each of us and return back to the highest levels of the Godhead from which it emerged. ....Pause....
11. As our meditation draws to a close, I wish to thank all those Divine aspects of Self, the El Morya energies, the energies of the Godhead, and any other guides and spiritual teachers who have been with us to support this meditation. Our work together is complete!
12. In closing,……….. , we acknowledge that you are now fully activated as a Teacher/Practitioner for the Lightarian Clearing Ray and energetically prepared to share its teachings and pass on its attunement to others. We commend you and thank you for committing yourself to sharing this process with others, with the intention to always serve the highest and greatest purpose of all those involved!
Recipient’s return
13. So ……., when you are ready, just gently return your attention to the physical space and let me know when you are back.

The Clearing Ray Training is typically taught with a format consisting of two simple phases: (1) a review of the Training Manual for the C-Ray after in-depth study of it by the student, followed by (2) the energetic Attunement itself.
The Training portion of your work with students can be done via in-person or telephone sessions, or through an optional e-mail exchange of comments, questions and answers.
The Attunement portion can be done in-person, by phone or remotely. A remote attunement may be chosen when the student feels he/she would be more comfortable not holding the telephone receiver or perhaps prefers to he down for the meditation. Discuss the student's preference with him/her when you schedule the session.
Lightarian Training Options
1. In-Person and Telephone Training
It is recommended that you mail the Manual well in advance to allow the student ample time to become familiar with the material. Ask your student to thoroughly study the Manual and ask them to have any questions ready for the training session. Having had the student study the Manual in advance, it will not be necessary to go over the material line by line.
You may want to create a link with your student by setting up a connection via the Divine Tuning Fork - just to set the proper tone and create an appropriate space for your training discussions from the very beginning. It will allow you and the student to be "as connected as possible," so that the highlighting of topics and answering of questions can be most effective for him/her.
If appropriate, simply begin your training conversation by becoming more familiar with the student. Ask students to tell you something about themselves, energetically describe themselves, talk about the type of work they are currently doing, if they are currently working with other energy modalities from a Practitioner and/or Teacher standpoint, or if they have any intention to move more fully into it later, etc. etc. Also, open the door for students to ask you any questions they may have about yourself and your energetic background. After this initial introductory period, basically guide the student through the manual, section by section ... highlighting certain key points that you want to emphasize, and also asking the student if they have any questions regarding the particular page or subject matter you are discussing before moving on. As you and the student review the materials, answer questions as accurately and directly as possible. Note any questions you couldn't answer and eventually talk with your Teacher about them Based on your preferred style of teaching the material, you'll quickly find out what you should be recommending to students to study carefully ahead of time, rather than just reviewing during the session. You may find that certain sections of the material should be covered item-by-item in detail.

2. Optional method - E-mail Training
As an alternative to In-Person or Telephone Trainings, you may want to consider offering "E-mail Trainings." This may be an appropriate alternative to telephone work, especially for international students where phone costs could be prohibitive for them...or, under special circumstances, when a student may not be able to set aside the necessary training time based on his/her busy lifestyle. However, doing an E-mail Training should be considered a "last resort" and is not meant to replace the more effective In-Person or Telephone Training work.
For those special cases where E-mail Training would be appropriate, send out the Training Manual well in advance for the student to study and also prepare some "E-mail Training Notes" -- supplemental notes to be e-mailed to the new student, also for his/her review and study. Your E-mail Training Notes should attempt to orient the student, highlight materials in the Manual and generally supplement the student's careful study of the Training Manual. As you development your E-mail Training Notes, you should focus on accomplishing two things... [1) to provide some additional material, in a condensed way, that you would normally give to a student during an in-person or telephone session and [2] also, to give descriptions as to how you work with your students (over the phone or in-person)...sort of like providing your student with a sense of the "flow of things" for a typical in-person or telephone training session. Remember, in general, your students will tend to work with their students the way you worked with them So, for the e-mail student who wants to begin to work with his/her students in-person or by phone, you will probably have to provide this little bit of extra support!
Encourage a lively e-mail "Question & Answer" exchange between the two of you based on the Manual and the e-mail notes you have provided. After the student's questions have been answered, you would schedule a mutually agreeable time/date to pass on the attunement via remote.
Creating a context for your training work
As a result of our teaching and attunement experiences here at the Institute, we've created an overall context or "point of view" about the two parts of our work with students.
First - regarding the use of the Manual ... As you begin to train others, you, as Teacher, will be the facilitator of the material.In other words, just let the Manual do the training! However, you will still need to create your own style of facilitation as you work with the Manual. It's not about being a "perfect" Teacher but about being an effective facilitator of the material. The Manual is designed to make it as easy as possible for you, as a Teacher, to deliver the training and attunement to your students and, as a Practitioner, to work with your own clients. The Manual is designed to assist you in getting the job done! We want our Manuals to be very vital and alive, so as you begin to train others, we are open to any suggestions you might have on how to make the Manual a better, more effective document.
Second - regarding the Attunement... Our best advice is to just "get out of the way" for the attunement. You will simply be the link -- creating the purest possible connection for your student with Ascended Master El Morya when passing the attunement. You will, in a sense, be channeling the process. So, "get out of the way"..just allow yourself to be a clear conduit for the activation and energy work ... and intend and allow your Higher Self to assist in the process.
Embodying these two ideas will allow you to share the Clearing Ray Training/Attunement easily, clearly and effectively with your students.
Planning ahead for your sessions with students
We offer the following suggestions, as you prepare yourself for working with new students:
[1] Generally, arrange your work space in an energetically attractive and appropriate manner indicative of the highest vibrational level you can create for the environment for this sacred work. Try to work regularly in the same high energy place, so as to continually build the energy through each session with your students.
[2] Be sensitive to your student's needs by assuring privacy and no interruptions (no distracting noises from ringing phones, TV's, pets or others), providing appropriate seating and/or lying-down space and setting a comfortable room temperature. Have good quality drinking water available for yourself and your student.
[3] If you plan to do telephone work, use only telephone products of an appropriately high quality and reliability. If possible, consider the use of a telephone headset, so that you will not tire from holding the phone in your hand.
[4] To ensure the consistency and integrity of the C-Ray process, you must provide only authorized Manuals to your students. Copies are available from the Lightarian Institute and from licensed providers in certain foreign countries (refer to the L.I.G.H.T. website for a listing of authorized providers or contact the L.I.G.H.T. directly).
Setting the energies just before starting your sessions
As Teacher, it is your responsibility to energetically set the energies ahead of time for your session with a student. We recommend that this be done prior to the beginning of the training segment of your session in order to create the most favorable energetic condition for discussions, questions and answers, and any personal sharing that may occur. It may be necessary to re-establish these energies prior to the Attunement phase if any long break or pre-arranged gap in time exists between the training segment and the Attunement.
Our checklist of suggestions for setting the energies for both the training and the attunement parts of the session are shown here:
a. Energetically prepare yourself and the space, intending that everything be fully set, sealed and protected.
b. Invoke the highest level of your Higher Self energies and specifically the presence of El Morya to participate from the etheric to assist you during the training and while passing on the Attunement.
c. To ensure the effectiveness of your passing on the Attunement, intend that you be a pure and clear conduit for the empowering energies of El Morya for this process.
d. You may also invite and anchor in other supportive energies, such as your highest vibrational guides, any of the other Ascended Masters, the Archangels, or other spiritual Beings that you would like to work with.
Delivering the Attunement
Following the training discussions with the student, move directly on to the Attunement. As described earlier, the Attunement can be done in-person, by phone or remotely.
In Person or Telephone Attunement: Ask the student to be comfortably seated and then to relax, close his eyes and hold his hands, palms up on his legs (receptive mode). (Again, suggest the student try to be as comfortable as possible if he's holding a phone for a telephone session etc.)
Remote Attunement: Having pre-set the energies for the session, simply begin the attunement at the agreed upon appointment time.
NOTE: There are two scripted meditations -- one is the basic C-Ray Attunement for a brand new student with no familiarity with the C-Ray, and the second one is a special meditation for a new student who has previously received the C-Ray Attunement as a client and then has decided to become a Lightarian C-Ray Teacher/Practitioner. This second, special meditation, called "Lightarian Clearing Ray Meditation ... For a Client Becoming a Student" is designed to acknowledge and deepen the new student's relationship with El Morya -- from one as a client to now one as a Teacher/Practitioner.
Completion of training/attunement process
Generally, finishing the attunement represents the end of the session and the completion of your work with the student. Optionally, in the case of remote attunements, you may choose to reconnect with the student by phone or e-mail simply to exchange ideas or share about the meditation.
Your role as Teacher after the session
1. Immediately upon completion of the Clearing Ray training/attunement work it is recommended that you provide the student with an appropriate, professional appearing certificate, perhaps similar to that issued by the Lightarian Institute.
2. You will be responsible for registering your students with the Lightarian Institute: Registration Form and Registration Process: Encourage your student to promptly fill out, sign and return his "Lightarian Clearing Ray Registration Form" directly to you. As Teacher, you will be responsible for registering your students with the Lightarian Institute. Once you receive the student's signed and completed "Registration Form," you will need to sign it and mail, fax or scan/email it to the Lightarian Institute to properly register your new student.
Remember, once you have properly registered your student with the Lightarian Institute, he/she is eligible: (a) to order additional C-Ray manuals for his/her own training purposes; (b) to become listed, for a small fee, in the Directory of Lightarian Teachers & Practitioners as shown on the Lightarian Institute's website and (c) to be included in the Lightarian Institute's referral database of registered practitioners and teachers of the C-Ray.
3. Please remember that your student has just established a profound relationship with Ascended Master El Morya as his/her new etheric mentor regarding the clearing process!! And. we encourage you to be a "mentor" in the physical plane for your student, too! After you have trained and attuned your student, your support should not end! Commit yourself to creating a supportive relationship with your student and align with his intentions to authentically and effectively serve others as he starts to work with clients and begins to train and attune his own students. Be as supportive as possible by answering questions from your student that may arise later after the training session is complete.

The Lightarian Clearing Ray attunement can be provided to individuals not interested in teaching and attuning others ... to those who simply want to experience the remarkable personal clearing benefits of this energetic connection with Ascended Master El Morya.
Are there any minimum and maximum age limits for clients?
The Lightarian Clearing Ray attunement can be offered to anyone at any age. However, there are TWO ESSENTIAL CRITERIA, BOTH OF WHICH MUST BE MET before you begin working with a client of any age:

FIRST: Conscious permission and consent be received from:
a) the spiritually-aware client, or
b) the client's spiritually-aware parent or guardian, if the client is too young, or
c) the client's spiritually-aware family member/guardian if the client is elderly, ill or unconscious.
SECOND: The compelling "knowing" by the Clearing Ray Practitioner that the work to be done is appropriate and will serve the client's highest purpose!
In general terms, the Clearing Ray Attunement can be given to anyone, but should be given only when there is a very strong knowing on the part of the Teacher/Practitioner that the individual recipient (especially in the case of a child or ill adult) is asking for it at some level of his/her Being. The resulting clearing work will affect all spiritual levels of the recipient. So, the recipient's Higher Self energies may deem it appropriate for the clearing work to be received (either consciously or beyond conscious awareness for the young, the elderly, the ill or the unconscious) to assist the whole of the Being in progressing forward along their spiritual path The passing on of the C-Ray launches a well-orchestrated clearing process supervised by El Morya with appropriate consideration of all aspects of the individual's age, state of health and well-being taken into account.
Providing information to clients
We recommend that an appropriate level of background information about the Clearing Ray be given to your clients, along with guidelines for them to prepare for the Attunement. This is especially important for remote attunements! We offer a suggested material to be used as Client Information (provided further on in this section) that you can copy and provide to your clients ... or edit it to suit your needs ... or you can create your own.
Also, as a part of building your relationship with your client, you may choose to include some appropriate discussions about the client's spiritual needs and interests and, of course, answer any specific questions about the information you have already provided them.
Type of attunement session for your client
As described for working with students, the Attunement can be done in-person, by phone or remotely (when the client feels he would be more comfortable not holding the telephone receiver or perhaps prefers to lie down for the meditation). Discuss the client's preference with him/her when you schedule the session. If it's to be a telephone or remote Attunement, be sure to offer the following suggestions to the client:
"Plan to use a quiet room where you can be comfortable and undisturbed. If you have access to a telephone headset or speaker phone, consider using it to allow you to be most relaxed. This will be more comfortable, in general, and could be especially desirable if you choose to do the meditation by phone, so that your hands can be totally free and relaxed. "
Energetic preparation by Practitioner
Always prepare the space energetically before the client arrives or calls, or before the appointment time for the remote session, as per the guidelines given for students.
Delivering the Attunement
Following any conversation with the client about the work, questions/answers etc, move directly on to the Attunement.
In Person or Telephone: Ask the client to be comfortably seated and then to relax, close his eyes and hold his hands, palms up on his legs (receptive mode). (Again, suggest the client try to be as comfortable as possible if he's holding a phone for a telephone session etc.) Remote: Having pre-set the energies for the session, simply begin the attunement at the agreed upon appointment time.
After the session
Be as supportive as possible if your client contacts you with questions.

Thank you for your commitment to receive the Lightarian Clearing Ray Attunement. The Clearing Ray is passed from your Clearing Ray Practitioner to you by means of a simple, direct attunement process in the form of a guided meditation. After you have read this material, discuss any questions you may have with your Practitioner and arrange for receiving the Attunement - in person, by telephone, or remotely.
The Lightarian perspective
The word Lightarian describes an individual who is learning about the use of etheric Light energies for the purpose of expanding awareness and enhancing spiritual evolution, especially regarding the processes of clearing, healing, activation work and manifestation. A Lightarian begins to view Light as the ever-present etheric energy that consciously manifests itself into all of the forms and structures that we experience. In a sense, the Light is everything and everything is Light ... including all that we call physical ... especially our physical bodies. This holistic view of the Light enables us to better understand that all levels of our subtle etheric and physical bodies will be changing and evolving, based on the spiritual development that each of us undertakes. To be a Lightarian means that you are consciously engaged in this process of inner development and dedicated to applying spiritual principles in your life to stimulate personal clearing, healing, activation and manifestation.
In order to effectively move along your spiritual path, four general areas of personal development must be taking place - they are clearing, healing, activation and manifestation! With varying intensity and varying pace, these four forms of energy work are naturally unfolding for each of us. However, to advance and accelerate these processes during these changing and challenging times, powerful tools are now available! The four Energy Technologies of the Lightarian Institute are designed to stimulate breakthroughs in your personal spiritual journey in each of these four essential phases of personal energetic development.
The intensity and impacts of this clearing work on your spiritual development will be profound! It will stimulate and challenge you to the highest levels of self-trust, spiritual surrender and worldly discipline as you focus on the clearing of your chakras, subtle bodies and ultimately the physical body itself. This Clearing Ray work provides no guarantees and cannot be squeezed into any particular time frame. It is not an alternative to appropriate conventional medical care, physical or emotional therapy or psychological support. It is simply an extraordinary opportunity to learn spiritual principles and receive etheric attunement support ... all to apply, in practical terms, to your day-to-day lifestyle and spiritual evolution.

This is "leading edge" etheric work which combines an educational aspect and an energetic experience for you. The material for the Lightarian Clearing work has been inspired, channeled and developed from non-scientific, non-clinical, etheric energy sources. The sole purpose of the Clearing Ray is to expand the conscious awareness and understanding of the individual via the materials and to launch spiritual process via the energetic attunement.
The Lightarian Clearing RayTM focuses on the first phase - the clearing of your etheric fields, by providing unique, effective methods for the releasing of undesired programming, limiting belief structures and adverse mental, emotional and physical-etheric stored energy patterns. Your chakras, subtle bodies and ultimately your physical body will be gently and effectively cleared and opened to hold more Light! Divinely inspired by the Ascended Master El Morya, the Clearing Ray will powerfully propel you along your life path, allowing more of your Higher Self energies to integrate into and operate through your lower energy fields and physical body.
The Clearing Ray Attunement initiates a long-term releasing process during which time particular patterns of adverse etheric energies are gently released and transmuted away. This process is "orchestrated" beyond your conscious awareness by the energies of Ascended Master El Morya in conjunction with your Higher Self. The Clearing Ray Attunement can be experienced in person, over the telephone, or remotely. The session usually consists of a brief conversation with the Practitioner to discuss any questions you may have, followed by a simple guided meditation. The meditation process involves the transfer of a divinely-inspired energetic clearing attunement from Ascended Master El Morya, always with the full consent and cooperation of your Higher Self energies. Another participant in the Clearing Ray attunement is Archangel RazieL Near the conclusion of the attunement, Raziel is invited into the process to support you during the extended, post-attunement clearing time, especially regarding the smooth integration of new energies and the easing of any uncomfortable processing effects.
Description of the Lightarian Clearing Ray process
Via the Clearing Ray, your Higher Self in collaboration with El Morya, launches the releasing of adverse energies stored in your auric field ... complex patterns of limiting programs, restrictive belief structures and their associated adverse stored energies! We have learned that there are six basic patterns to this extraordinarily complex structure of adverse energies cleared by the behind-the-scenes Clearing Ray work ... six simple ways of understanding the nature of the energies to be cleared.
In very general terns, the flow of the clearing process stimulated by the Clearing Ray will follow the sequence of the six patterns as outlined below. However, in more specific terms, these energies may be releasing at different rates, at different times and in any order, depending upon what serves your highest and greatest good at the time ... all orchestrated by your Higher Self in collaboration with Ascended Master El Morya.

We offer the following Lightarian modeling of these six patterns of adverse energies released through this long-term clearing process:
Pattern 1 of the Clearing Ray Process: Clearing your adverse soul level programming
In our etheric fields, each of us carries an extraordinarily complex interwoven "fabric" of limiting programs, restrictive belief structures and their associated adverse mental, emotional and physical stored energies which defines the boundaries and obstacles for our incarnational experience here. These boundaries and obstacles frame in and provide the limiting structure for the challenging life scenarios that we want to experience; all those rich and colorful adverse and challenging experiences needed, at some level, for our learning and growth.
In order to better understand the idea of this limiting structure, remember back to a time when you visited an amusement park. Did you ever take a ride in a one of those bumper cars? Remember how it felt to squeeze your body into it and then drive around bumping into everything and everybody you could before the time ran out!! Well, imagine that you (as soul energy) have squeezed into your personal bumper car (your physical body vehicle) and are now maneuvering along a corridor (your life path) where the walls of the corridor create the boundaries for the ride (your incarnational experience) that you've come in to have.
Also, you may discover some speed bumps and obstacles of varying sizes along the way. You may create excursions away from the center of the corridor, perhaps going so far off course as to bump gently or even sometimes violently into the sidewalls. In metaphysical terms, you'd say that you came into that bumper car to experience the journey ... both the wonderful aspects of the ride and the more challenging aspects, too! All those bumps, obstacles and constraining sidewalk serve as an important basis for learning and growth as you move along your life path
At some level, each of us knows that we are responsible for creating these restrictive conditions and are essentially producing all of our experiences in life, even if at times we can feel somewhat "victimized." We know that we have made soul level and conscious choices to have the limitations, the bumps and the obstacles in our lives ... all to serve highest purpose! Receiving the Clearing Ray launches the releasing process for this first pattern of limiting programming and its associated adverse belief structures and lower vibrational stored energies!
Pattern 2 of the Clearing, Ray process: Releasing, old fetal energies
When the fetus emerges from the womb, it carries along with it four subtle bodies and the beginnings of the four lower chakras....

[4] the 4th subtle body and 4th chakra where fetal belief structures are stored,
[3] a mental body with 3rd chakra,
[2] an emotional body with 2nd chakra, and
[1] a physical-etheric body with its energy center of the 1 st chakra.

These etheric energy fields bring forward into the new life a variety of strong patterns, both of a "positive" and an "adverse" nature. These patterns have been acquired primarily from etheric "imprinting" from the parents and environmental influences and impacts during the pregnancy. Ultimately, tracing back beyond the immediate parents, we could describe much of the patterning brought in with the newborn to be from sources such as physical race lineage, specific genetic code transfers, tribal belief structures, mass-consciousness emotional and mental patterns, etc. All passed along from prior generations. These are very strong primal and primitive patterns, which are refined by the specific parental imprinting to produce a complex etheric energy structure. Any of these undesired, old fetal patterns remaining in your etheric fields are addressed by the Pattern 2 work.

Pattern 3 of the Clearing Ray process: Clearing the "etheric blueprint" of the physical body
As the clearing effects of your attunement continues to manifest within your energy fields, a natural healing process is established, which ultimately benefits the physical body. Over the years, we've learned that there are further etheric levels of deeply entrenched adverse energy patterns within the physical body, not cleared along with the first and second types of adverse energies. These deeper etheric patterns require additional attention from your Higher Self and El Morya to effect a clearing, thereby allowing for further, more complete healing of the physical body to take place.
There appears to be a structure of very subtle, yet powerful energies intimately linked to the physical body, which we call the "Etheric Template for the Physical Body." These energies form an etheric "double" of the physical body and basically could be viewed as the sum total of all of the tiny auric fields of every cell of the physical body. This is the most fundamental level of non-physical energies that coexists with and is essential to the vitality and very life of the physical body. Adverse patterns in the Etheric Template are released at this level of work.

Pattern 4 of the Clearing Ray process: Releasing subtle attachments
During the three earlier phases of the Clearing Ray post-attunement time, adverse etheric patterning has been progressively clearing from the individual's energy fields, setting up a natural healing process for all levels of etheric energies (subtle bodies and chakras) and ultimately the physical body. Within each of these three clearing phases, there has been some degree of clearing/removal of the more coarse, gross forms of etheric attachments, which are typically found imbedded in and/or connected to the human energy field of the individual. These various forms of adverse energies have been given a variety of names such as links, cords, connections, psychic attack lines, etheric attachments, implants, etheric devices, etc.
With the general clearing of the fields and the releasing of these coarser attachments, the first three types of work have already peeled away layer upon layer of adverse energies, very much like the old "layers of the onion" metaphor!

After this degree of clearing has been accomplished, your Higher Self and El Morya are able to access the next level of energies to be cleared .... a finer, more subtle layer of thread-like etheric "attachment energies." These energies appear to spread out from the outermost boundaries of each of our subtle bodies, linking and attaching themselves to individuals and objects and to various external physical and etheric patterns and forms that we have interacted with over the years.

Pattern 5 of the Clearing Ray process: Opening your connection back to Source
By the time the fifth pattern of work is begun, the Clearing work has been stimulating the. progressive clearing various forms of layered energies from the individual's energy fields. Again, using one of our favorite metaphors ... like peeling the layers of the onion...we see these layered types of energies "peeled away!" However, we have learned that not all types of adverse energies are to be "peeled away" in layered form At times, some undesired energetic conditions are simply the result of mis-alignments or out-of-balances between energies that are perfectly fine! So, in these cases, there is nothing to be cleared or removed -- only the need for a re-alignment process.
This is the nature of the adverse energies addressed at this level of the Clearing Ray work. The releasing of this fifth form of adverse patterning is essentially not a clearing at all ... it is more like an "etheric chiropractic adjustment" applied to all aspects of your Being, from Soul to Oversoul to Higher Self levels. This etheric adjustment clears the way for more balance within all levels of your fields and opens the path for further enhancement of your connection to Source!

Pattern 6 of the Clearing Ray process: Lifting the veils
The 6th characterization of the work is about the releasing of what we call the veil energies that are carried in your fields ... further enhancing the principle of having greater "alignment" within your energies! To better understand the idea of these veils, let's begin by focusing strictly on you ... the "you" that you think you are, as you function in this plane of experience.
As you chose to come into this incarnation, you anchored into this plane, created your life here and established a reference point for this experience ... call it your "point of conscious awareness." This form of your energy serves as your "witness" to this plane of existence for you. .. operating in a "watching mode" as your life unfolds physically, emotionally and mentally. .. functioning as an observer of your Self energies regarding this plane of existence. This "point of conscious awareness" is different from your other energies which have physical, emotional, mental or higher etheric structure to them. This "point of conscious awareness" may be best viewed as simply a "point of energy" rather than an "form of energy" that has structure. In simplistic terms, you could even imagine that this "point of awareness" is merely just that ... a point of pure consciousness, actually having no form or structure to it at all!

Through our channeling and intuition, we find that, metaphorically speaking, this "watcher" aspect of you brings into the incarnation - or acquires during your life - a pair of "rose-colored glasses!" This is what we call the "veil!" It's a little bit of distortion that is present in your fields that represents a "veil" over the witness point - like a imperfect contact lens having a little distortion or imbalance to it, that creates a lack of clarity as to how you "see yourself and your life." This veiling is ultimately lifted as the clearing process unfolds.

Preparing for your Clearing Ray Attunement
Your only preparation for the attunement would be to review this material and consider a few suggestions...
In general, for Guided Meditations: Over the years, a simple truth for experiencing a guided meditation has emerged....

There's no right way and no wrong way! So ... take what you get.
Whatever shows up in the meditation ... Just let it be!
Always hold the experience lovingly and lightly and without judgment.
If you find yourself evaluating what's going on, then simply let that BE, too!
Creating the energetic connection for the attunement: As you begin your Clearing Ray session, your Practitioner will establish a "resonant" energetic connection with you. Whether you are receiving the Clearing Ray in-person, by telephone or remotely, this energetic connection will be accomplished via an etheric device that we call the "Divine Tuning Fork"....
Imagine a large, etheric Tuning Fork with its two prongs pointing downward. Imagine that one of the prongs of the Tuning Fork is overlighting and connecting into your Practitioner's energies and the other prong is overlighting and connecting into your energies - creating a clear, direct and high vibrational link between you and the Practitioner. This picture is to simply give you an idea of how the Practitioner will be linking with you during the Attunement. The Practitioner will set this all up. Now, another step in the process will be the creation of a third prong projecting out from the Tuning Fork to link you and your Practitioner into the energies of Ascended Master El Morya, thereby creating a three-way link among all of you! Again the Practitioner will set it up and, at the conclusion of the Attunement, the Practitioner will disengage the Divine Tuning Fork.
In-person or Telephone Attunements: The Practitioner will verbally lead you through a series of steps within a simple guided meditation format.

For Telephone Attunements: Plan to use a quiet room where you can be comfortable and undisturbed. Shut off the ringer on other phones, etc. If you have access to a telephone headset or speaker phone, consider using it to allow you to be most comfortable and especially to have your hands totally free and relaxed.
For Remote Attunements: Following your telephone conversation with the Practitioner, the Attunement itself can be done "remotely" (telepathically) as your Practitioner orchestrates the clearing attunement with your Higher Self energies.
1. For the attunement, prepare a quiet room where you can be comfortable and undisturbed for approximately 1/2 hour Plan on going in a few minutes before the appointed time to avoid rushing. Turn off your telephone ringer. You can be seated or lying down.
2. Just before the appointed time, the Practitioner will [a] create an etheric, telepathic connection with you via the highest level of your Higher Self energies and [b] invite Ascended Master El Morya and an Archangel named Raziel to come forward in preparation for the session. Archangel Raziel is dedicated to assisting recipients of Clearing Ray Attunement during the extended post-attunement period during which the releasing of adverse energies is accomplished.
3. At the appointed time, close your eyes and take a few long, deep breaths and relax into a quiet state of mind ... a light "meditative" state. Move your attention to a place of power within your energy fields that you would lie to operate from during this process...that place of mastery, full responsibility and total ownership for all things in your life...that place where the Divine resides within you! Then simply relax and allow the meditation to unfold!
4. During the attunement, the Practitioner will "remotely" orchestrate all the steps in the attunement process via your Higher Self energies and El Morya.
5. As the remote Clearing Ray attunement is drawn to a close by the Practitioner, you'll probably sense that the process is complete through some feeling, thought or intuitive prompting. Simply acknowledge completion of the Attunement and silently thank everyone involved.
6. You and your Practitioner may chose to reconnect by phone or e-mail to share about the process.

Following your Clearing Ray Session
Through experience, we've learned a great deal about the kinds of effects people experience after the Lightarian Clearing work. Here are some ideas about what you could generally expect:

Opening to carry more Light!
As clearing begins to take place, higher vibrational energies can flow more freely into your energy fields and a natural, holistic healing process begins at all levels of the chakras, subtle bodies and ultimately the physical body. By clearing the auric field of limiting patterns and blockages, the chakras and subtle bodies can begin to "anchor in more Light." You'll begin to create a day-to-day life experience of more and more joy, authenticity and conscious choice ... and one of less and less "automatic" behavior patterns, addictions, doubts, fears and pain.
Etheric cleansing and the "natural" healing that follows!
As with many energy therapies and modalities, following your Clearing Ray attunement, you may experience some etheric cleansing and detoxing effects. These may occur as the adverse energies are loosened, moved around and fully released and transmuted from your energy fields. The rate of clearing and the length of the releasing time are adjusted by your Higher Self and supervised by Ascended Master El Morya. Together they serve highest purpose for you by maximizing your well-being and minimizing any discomforts during the process.
Important Note: These etheric cleansing and detoxing effects can occur from time to time over your extended and open-ended releasing period.
A natural healing process begins not just within your etheric fields, but also within the physical body. At the body level, "physical adverse impacts" have been created over the years by all of your adverse etheric patterning at the higher vibrational levels. These "impacts" are the sources of all levels of stress, discomfort and dis-ease within the physical body. As this adverse etheric "imprinting" onto the physical body is released, the body is free to begin the process of self-healing!
These combined effects of etheric releasing and the onset of etheric and physical healing can stimulate a variety of mental, emotional and physical healing manifestations or symptoms. Some recipients of this clearing work experience mild nausea or headaches, "catch" a cold or generate flu-like symptoms, experience fatigue and the need to take naps, or notice transient pains in various parts of the physical body. At the higher vibrational levels, some report deep emotional releases, aching in the heart chakra, pain in the third eye, mental disorientation or unexplainable emotional swings and the shedding of tears.
What can I do with any of these minor pains and discomforts that may occur?
The best advice is to acknowledge these "ripple effects" of the clearing process as simply manifested "stuff' passing through your subtle and physical bodies as it is being released. Honor these "symptoms" of the process and consciously release it all up to the highest Divine levels to be transmuted and transformed into the Light.

A time for self-discovery!

At the completion of your Lightarian Clearing Ray Attunement, the releasing process will begin right away, launching the potential for dramatic shifts in your life as you accelerate along your spiritual path During the releasing time, a greater and deeper understanding of your personal energy may naturally occur for you. Perhaps, you will begin to experience shifts in your day-to-day behavior, receive images and impressions, experience flashbacks to past events, notice unusual random thoughts, etc. You can simply witness or notice what comes up for you during the releasing time or you may choose to contemplate or meditate to enhance this process of self-discovery!
How much time does it take for the effects of the Clearing Ray to be complete?
During your post-attunement time, the effects of the Clearing Ray work become cumulative and the process of change is steadily enhanced. There is no specific time frame for the unfolding of your personal "etheric clearing plan"...other than to say that your Higher Self and El Morya will be orchestrating the perfect plan with perfect timing for you.
RECOMMENDED READING: Located on the Lightarian Institute's website at, you will find three types of information which may be very helpful to you:
[1] Articles on a variety of topics related to personal development and fundamental principles of spiritual evolution. These supportive Articles can provide both detailed information and perhaps inspiration for you as you move ahead with your unfolding spiritual process stimulated by the Clearing Ray.
[2] A Glossary of Lightarian Terms ...definitions and descriptions of words and phrases used in this Client Information and generally within Lightarian Articles and related materials.
[3] On-line highlights and ordering details about the book NEW HUMANS, NEW EARTH... The Grand Celestial Plan for Personal and Planetary Transformation (ISBN 0-9701894-0-0) by Christopher and Jeannine Marie Jelm This book provides excellent background about the global/human transformation that is taking place and describes the underlying principles for personal spiritual process.
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE! Please remember that spiritual energy work of this or any other type must never be considered an alternative to the prudent and appropriate use of competent traditional medical or psychological assistance

In this Section you will find the Registration Form that was discussed in Section 3, "Planning for your Training/Attunement." For your convenience, we repeat some important information contained there:
Filling out the Registration Form and becoming registered.
The intention of the Lightarian Institute is to preserve the basics of this work so that everyone who receives the training/attunement called "Lightarian Clearing Ray" will be receiving the work with consistency of principles, energies, information and methods. After your Training session, via the enclosed Registration Form, please anchor in your relationship with your Teacher and with the Lightarian Institute by confirming your training/attunement and committing yourself to _the principles and practices outlined on the reverse side of the Form. By returning the Form to your Teacher, you start the process of becoming registered with the Institute so that we can properly support you.
After you have been properly registered with the Lightarian Institute by your Teacher, you are eligible for the following:
1) to order additional Manuals for your own training purposes;
2) to become listed, for a small fee, in the Directory of Lightarian Teachers & Practitioners as shown on the Lightarian Institute's website and
3) to be included in the Lightarian Institute's referral database of registered practitioners and teachers of the C-Ray.
Two copies of the Registration Form are provided - one to keep in the Manual as your own reference copy and the other to complete, sign and return to your Teacher. For faxing or scan/emailing of the Form to your Teacher, only Page 1 of the Form is required. Also, please note that as you start to promote your offering of the Clearing Ray in any way, you will need to use the TM symbol next to the name "Lightarian Clearing Ray" in all advertising and indicate that the Lightarian Clearing Ray is a trademark of the Lightarian Institute for Global Human Transformation.
Your responsibilities as you start to train your own students....
Once you become a C-Ray Teacher, you will be responsible for registering your own students with the Lightarian Institute. At the completion of your training session, please review the Registration Form with your students, especially asking them to carefully read the GUIDELINES on the reverse side of the Form Encourage them to fill it out and sign it immediately. Ask them to Promptly send Page 1 of the Form back to you! Then you, as Teacher, need to complete the section titled "For Teacher's Use" and forward it to the Institute for proper registering of your student. This registration process anchors in the completion of the training, creates a powerful relationship between you and your student, properly validates your student with the Lightarian Institute ... and also creates the commitment on the part of all involved to authentically promote and deliver the C-Ray work.
Please note the section of the Registration Form where it says "Please list your Lightarian Clearing Ray lineage." The C-Ray Master Teacher for the Institute (Christopher Jelm) will always be listed first. For your students, they will need to fill in your name, as their Teacher, under the name of your line of Teacher(s), etc ... back to the Institute's Master Teacher (Christopher Jelm). Provide your students with this "lineage" list during your training conversation with them.

Please fill out, sign and return this Form to your Teacher
*** Please carefully read Side Two of this Form ***
I accept and align with the GUIDELINES FOR LIGHTARIAN TEACHERS as described on the reverse side of this Registration Form. I acknowledge that I have been attuned and trained for the Lightarian Clearing Ray on (date) by Yulius Eka Agung Seputra,a registered Lightarian Teacher, trained by someone in the lineage back to a Teacher directly trained and certified by the Lightarian Institute.

Student's Signature: Date:
Student Name (Please print very clearly):
Address City _
State Zip Code Country
Telephone Fax (if any)

E-mail address, if any (please print very clearly)
Please list your Lightarian Clearing Ray lineage:
1. Christopher Jelm 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
************************ FOR TEACHER'S USE ************************* I acknowledge that I have attuned and trained this student as shown above.
Teacher's Signature: Date:
Print Name:
Fill in below ONLY if this information has changed from what the Institute has on file.
E-mail address
Address City/State/Postal Code
Country Telephone:
Teacher: Please promptly sign and mail, fax or scan-email this form (Side One only) to: Lightarian Institute, PO Box 396, Pleasant View, TN 37146 USA; Email: coin; For faxing, please visit our website for current fax number.
Side One of Two

I understand that the Lightarian Clearing Ray is a trademark of the Lightarian Institute for Global Human Transformation (L.I.G.H.T.) and that it has been trademarked in order to preserve the basics of the process, so that everyone who receives trainings and the attunement called the "Lightarian Clearing Ray" will be receiving the work with consistency of principles, energies, information and methods. I align with this intention and will support the effective and impeccable transfer of this work by agreeing to abide by the following guidelines:

1. When I attune and teach others the Clearing Ray (C-Ray):
a. I will use the same C-Ray attunement as taught by L.I.G.H.T.
b. I will use the C-Ray Manual offered by L.I.G.H.T. as my training manual and provide one copy to each student. I understand that no duplication of the Manual is permitted and that additional copies of the Manual must be ordered from the L.I.G.H.T. or from licensed providers in certain foreign countries (refer to the L.I.G.H.T. website for a listing of authorized providers or contact the L.I.G.H.T. directly).
2. Following the training and attunement of a student:
a. I will promptly provide the student with an appropriate certificate/confirmation of the training and attunement just completed.
b. I will remind the student to fill out, sign and return his/her Registration Form to me for review and signing. I will then promptly send a copy of this Form to L.I.G.H.T. This registration will allow the student to purchase authorized Manuals from the L.I.G.H.T.
3. When I promote my offering of the Clearing Ray in any way, I will use the TM symbol next to the name "Lightarian Clearing Ray" in all advertising and indicate that the Lightarian Clearing Ray is a trademark of the Lightarian Institute for Global Human Transformation.
4. I understand that I will be teaching and attuning others as a free and independent Teacher.

*** Please carefully read Side Two of this Form ***
I accept and align with the GUIDELINES FOR LIGHTARIAN TEACHERS as described on the reverse side of this Registration Form. I acknowledge that I have been attuned and trained for the Lightarian Clearing Ray on (date) by Yulius Eka Agung Seputra,a registered Lightarian Teacher, trained by someone in the lineage back to a Teacher directly trained and certified by the Lightarian Institute.

Student's Signature: Date:
Student Name (Please print very clearly):
Address City _
State Zip Code Country
Telephone Fax (if any)

E-mail address, if any (please print very clearly)
Please list your Lightarian Clearing Ray lineage:
1. Christopher Jelm 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
************************ FOR TEACHER'S USE ************************* I acknowledge that I have attuned and trained this student as shown above.
Teacher's Signature: Date:
Print Name:
Fill in below ONLY if this information has changed from what the Institute has on file.
E-mail address
Address City/State/Postal Code
Country Telephone:
Teacher: Please promptly sign and mail, fax or scan-email this form (Side One only) to: Lightarian Institute, PO Box 396, Pleasant View, TN 37146 USA; Email: coin; For faxing, please visit our website for current fax number.
Side One of Two


I understand that the Lightarian Clearing Ray is a trademark of the Lightarian Institute for Global Human Transformation (L.I.G.H.T.) and that it has been trademarked in order to preserve the basics of the process, so that everyone who receives trainings and the attunement called the "Lightarian Clearing Ray" will be receiving the work with consistency of principles, energies, information and methods. I align with this intention and will support the effective and impeccable transfer of this work by agreeing to abide by the following guidelines:

1. When I attune and teach others the Clearing Ray (C-Ray):
a. I will use the same C-Ray attunement as taught by L.I.G.H.T.
b. I will use the C-Ray Manual offered by L.I.G.H.T. as my training manual and provide one copy to each student. I understand that no duplication of the Manual is permitted and that additional copies of the Manual must be ordered from the L.I.G.H.T. or from licensed providers in certain foreign countries (refer to the L.I.G.H.T. website for a listing of authorized providers or contact the L.I.G.H.T. directly).
2. Following the training and attunement of a student:
a. I will promptly provide the student with an appropriate certificate/confirmation of the training and attunement just completed.
b. I will remind the student to fill out, sign and return his/her Registration Form to me for review and signing. I will then promptly send a copy of this Form to L.I.G.H.T. This registration will allow the student to purchase authorized Manuals from the L.I.G.H.T.
3. When I promote my offering of the Clearing Ray in any way, I will use the TM symbol next to the name "Lightarian Clearing Ray" in all advertising and indicate that the Lightarian Clearing Ray is a trademark of the Lightarian Institute for Global Human Transformation.
4. I understand that I will be teaching and attuning others as a free and independent Teacher.


Activation Work
One of the four areas of personal development that takes place as one moves along his/her spiritual path See Clearing, Healing and Manifestation. See Lightarian Modalities. See Activations.
Energy shifts within your chakras and subtle bodies in the form of small, quantum changes in your personal energy structure ... you could say that little energy circuit switches are "turned on" in order to increase your capacity to handle more Light, to bring forward your gifts and talents or for other appropriate transformational purposes. Activations can also be in the form of major initiatory steps which can dramatically change your energy structure ... creating major shifts in your beliefs, perspectives and perceptions about life and even your sense of yourself. See Activation.
Angelic Kingdom
The vibrational realm of Beings that are pure spirit and provide all manner of support to humans for healing, protection and divine intervention. Members of the Angelic Kingdom have a unique consciousness "construction" different from humans and extraterrestrials, always embodying unconditional love, non judgment and dedication to service. The source of the Angelic Realms emanates from a 16th density level of the Godhead and creates energy projections outward through many layers of hierarchy. As these energies radiate into our universe, they manifest as the levels of the Seraphim, and then subdivide into the energy fields we are traditionally quite familiar with, namely the seven Archangels. Below the level of the Archangels are the strata typically called the Cherubim, followed by the Guardian Angels, then the Devic Energies and Nature Spirits.
One of the levels within the Angelic Kingdom. Within this strata there are seven Archangels. We list here the names that we are familiar with, along with the particular dominant energetic value each embodies: Michael (Love), Raphael (Courage), Gabriel (Joy), Uriel (Beauty), Raziel (Loyalty), Zadkiel (Purity) and Zephron (Compassion). Please note: There may be other names associated with the Archangel energies. The naming process is simply a device to assist humans in identifying with these wonderful beings and are not to be considered as limiting in any way. All Angels function in support of all cultures, all religions, all around the globe with perhaps various names within different human cultural traditions.

Ascended Masters
Twelve high vibrational, spiritual Beings sourced by the Maitreya energy, collectively operating through all of their aspects as the 9th density band of energies. They offer their wisdom and guidance, as they participate at this very high level of God consciousness. Traditionally, for convenience in communication, names have been assigned by humans to the Ascended Master energies, often reflecting their incarnational lifetimes. These powerful Beings are much greater than the Earth incarnations associated with them, which reflect only a tiny fraction of their energies. Each Ascended Master has chosen a dominant energetic quality to infuse into his or her particular range of experience. We call this the particular "Divine Virtue" of each of the Ascended Masters. They each have their own focus, expertise, and range of experience to offer. Based on our communications to date, our most appropriate "naming" of the Ascended Masters has resulted in the following listing: Ascended Masters Babaji, Buddha, El Morya, Hilarion, Krishna, Kuthumi, Lady Mary, Lady Nada, Lanto, Sananda, Serapis Bey and St. Germain. See each Ascended Master's name for his/her dominant Divine Virtue description.
Ascension can mean many things to many people. To us, personal ascension is the transformation of one's life into an experience of an expanded awareness, enhanced perception and knowing of the divinity within. It is a process of personal inner development ... the raising of one's personal vibration; the attainment of enlightenment and higher consciousness. It is the reduction of layers of energies between our lower incarnational selves and our Higher Self energies. It is the reunion of body, mind and spirit ... cleansing and raising the body temple and mind to such a degree that they can be reunited with spirit (Higher Self). See Descension.
Ascension Master
See Maitreya
Babaji (Ascended Master)
The name assigned to one of the twelve Ascended Masters. His Divine Virtue is "Beauty." See Ascended Masters.
Buddha (Ascended Master)
One of the names associated with the Ascended Masters. Not to be confused with the incarnational Buddha. Divine Theme is "Compassion." Source for all Reiki Ray energies; inspiration and source for the Lightarian Healing RayTM and Lightarian ReikiTM. See Ascended Masters. Also see Lightarian Modalities.
Etheric vortexes or centers of energy located at various places over the physical body. There are seven major chakras, each serving as an energetic center for a given subtle body (see Subtle Body). Most humans have many more than the traditional seven major chakras that we are familiar with. The chakras beyond the major seven are arranged as progressively larger and larger funnel shaped etheric centers located over the head. This progression of chakras represents the individual's connection to divine universal energy, call it the "connection or Lineage back to Source." The chakras also serve to vitalize the body by absorbing universal energy. Each chakra has its own particular dominant energetic function. See Energy Construct. Also see Spiritual Lineage

We are all potential vehicles for channeling spiritual energies ... whether it is our own Higher Self energies or other etheric Beings. Channeling can take many forms - from "automatic writing" to telepathic communications to simply "knowing." As one raises personal vibration, expands consciousness and clears personal energy fields, there is an increasing level in the quality and clarity of these etheric communications.
One of the aspects of personal development that takes place as one moves along his/her spiritual path. See Activation Work, Healing and Manifestation. Also see Lightarian Modalities.
Density refers to the etheric vibrational frequency spectrum, organized into various bands or octaves over which all existence is experienced. "Density" denotes a vibrational frequency, not to be confused with "a location in time and space" which the term "dimension" traditionally implies. All forms of energy have a particular range of vibrational density or frequency - minerals, plants, animals, humans, extraterrestrials, celestial Beings, etc. Density bands describe a range of frequencies ... for example, the 4th band of density ranges from 4.0 to 4.99, the 5th from 5.0 to 5.99 and so on. As examples, current human physical bodies function in the 3rd and 4th density bands. Ascended Masters function in 9th, Maitreya functions in 10th, and Universal Source functions in 11th. Shangri-la Gaia's etheric orb is in 5th density and the new human species residing upon her is in 6th.
In some ways, the ascension process can be viewed as "descension." Higher Self descending into this plane more fully, to experience through the physical vehicle more completely. One's Higher Self becomes more integrated and operative on all levels and the individual can align more fully with these higher energies. When viewed in this way, the "descension" process enables the individual to be of greater service to mankind and Gaia. See Ascension.

Divine Virtues

These are the twelve divine themes or qualities, which are the basis for creating all of the diverse patterns of human experience. They are: Courage, Compassion, Love, Power, Beauty, Will, Curiosity, Joy, Justice, Purity, Imagination, Loyalty. They form an energetic "palette" from which any level of consciousness can "paint" its experience. All vibrational levels, from Universal Source down to physical humans on Earth use these twelve divine themes to create all of the both wonderful and challenging adventures to be taken on during an incarnation.
El Morya (Ascended Master)
One of the twelve Ascended Masters whose Divine Theme/Focus is "Power." Inspiration and Source for the Clearing RayTM and Lightarian ClearingTM. See Ascended Masters. Also See Lightarian Modalities

Energy Construct
The "energy construct" is the particular arrangement of chakras and subtle bodies of the individual. This "construct" can vary from person to person. Generally, humans have a progression of chakras beyond the basic seven, with the eighth and higher chakras located over the head. As one raises personal vibration and clears the auric field of old limiting patterns and stored energies (through life itself or through accelerated etheric and physical body clearing techniques), the chakras and subtle bodies can start to process and anchor in more Light. As this happens, the energy fields can reorganize, creating progressively less and less layers of chakras/subtle bodies. They can shift into a more effective and efficient vehicle for carrying more Light. Changes can take place in the number and location of one's major chakras and the number of subtle bodies.
By etheric, we mean "not of this physical plane of experience." Etheric energies operate in the higher density planes of experience. Examples of etheric energies are: the human energy field of chakras and subtle bodies, auras, body meridians, Earth ley lines and energy grids, Reiki energies, etc. See Density.
Gabriel (Archangel)
One of the seven Archangels. Divine Theme/Focus is "Joy."
Earth, Earth Mother, Mother Earth. Gaia is not just a planet of rock, water and air.She is a sentient Being with both a physical form that is our planet and spiritual, etheric forms that exist in layers of consciousness back to her connection to Universal Source.
Godhead levels
There are many layers of energies that emanate from the simple mystery of what we call "Prime Creator." They are energy projections with varying levels of vibrational frequencies. In order to create diversity, these projections differentiate themselves into bands of experience. Bands of the Godhead levels exist beyond the energy vibrations of our Universal Source energies and could be best understood as the source of our Source in this universe. See Prime Creator. Also see Source.
One of the aspects of personal development that takes place as one moves along his/her spiritual path. See Activation Work, Clearing and Manifestation. Also see Lightarian Modalities.
Higher Self
Aspect of "Self' that resides in the higher density levels of one's experience - one's true awareness and God connection. There can be many aspects/layers of Higher Self (call them Soul, Oversoul or Higher Self directly) representing different aspects of consciousness that are being played out throughout time/space, be it earth-human or otherwise. The highest level of Higher Self is like the hub of a wheel - the union or focal point of all these various aspects. It is the animating force within each of us that guides our lower Selves to search for higher understanding and expression, to ultimately reach the state of transformation of becoming an integrated whole.See Multi-dimensional Self.
Hilarion (Ascended Master)
One of the twelve Ascended Masters whose Divine Theme/Focus is "Love.".See Ascended Masters.
Krishna (Ascended Master)
One of the twelve Ascended Masters whose Divine Theme/Focus is "Will.". See Ascended Masters.
Kuthumi (Ascended Master)
One of the twelve Ascended Masters whose Divine Theme/Focus is "Loyalty." See Ascended Masters.
Lady Mary (Ascended Master)
One of the twelve Ascended Masters whose Divine Theme/Focus is "Justice." See Ascended Masters.
Lady Nada (Ascended Master)
One of the twelve Ascended Masters whose Divine Theme/Focus is "Imagination." See Ascended Masters.
Lanto (Ascended Master)
One of the twelve Ascended Masters whose Divine Theme/Focus is "Joy." See Ascended Masters.
The full vibrational spectrum of energies ranging from the highest etheric vibrational levels of the Godhead down to physical manifestation in the lowest densities of experience. Essentially, everything is Light!
The word Lightarian is a way to describe an individual who learns about and masters the use of etheric Light energies for various purposes, such as self-empowerment, clearing, healing, activation and manifestation. A "Lightarian" begins to view Light as the ever-present etheric energy that consciously manifests itself into all of the forms and structures that we experience. In a sense, the Light is everything and everything is Light ... including all that we call physical, including our physical bodies. This holistic view of the Light enables us to better understand that all levels of our subtle bodies, and our physical body as well, will be changing and evolving based on the spiritual processing that each of us does. A "Lightarian" is one who is consciously engaged in the process of inner development and dedicated to the application of spiritual principles for self-empowerment, clearing, healing, activation and manifestation in his/her life. A natural result of this focus and intent is to be of greater service to Gaia and humankind.
Lightarian Ray Modalities and Energy Technologies
The Ray Modalities are the Empowerment RayTM, Clearing RayTM, Healing RayTM, Activation RayTM and the Manifestation RayTM. The Energy Technologies are Lightarian ClearingTM and Lightarian ReikiTM. These forms of energy work have been inspired and channeled from Ascension Master Maitreya and Ascended Masters El Morya, Buddha, Sananda and St. Germain, respectively, for the Rays and from Ascended Masters El Morya and Buddha, respectively, for the Energy Technologies. These forms of energy work are designed to stimulate breakthroughs in your personal spiritual journey in the four essential phases of personal energetic development -self-empowerment, clearing, healing, activation and manifestation.

Empowerment RayTM
Ascension Master Maitreya is the divine inspiration for this attunement for spiritual awakening. The Empowerment RayTM focuses dominantly on enhancing your personal progression of energetic activations, while broadly stimulating your spiritual sense of who you are and why you are here! The E-Ray is designed to accelerate your process toward full, personal self-realization and creates a unique relationship for you with Ascension Master Maitreya.
Clearing, RayTM
Inspired by Ascended Master El Morya. It creates an attunement-based energetic connection between you and El Morya which, overtime, fully clears all etheric patterns at all levels within your auric field that no longer serve you.

Healing RayTM
Ascended Master Buddha is the source and divine inspiration for this simple, attunement-based connection to support the healing process for the recipient.
Activation RayTM
Ascended Master Sananda is the divine inspiration for this form of energy work. The A-RayTM creates a very direct, personal connection for you with Sananda. This work supports you with ongoing stimulation of energy pattern shifts within your subtle bodies ... all designed to raise your personal energetic vibration to enable you to have more Light in your day-to-day life.
Manifestation RayTM
Ascended Master St. Germain is the divine inspiration for this form of manifestation. The Lightarian Manifestation RayTM creates a very direct, personal connection for you with Ascended Master St. Germain as your "spiritual coach and counselor!" All to support you in stepping forward into higher spiritual service and creating abundance in all areas of your life.
Lightarian ClearingTM
Ascended Master El Morya is the divine inspiration for this form of accelerated etheric clearing work that releases all adverse and undesired energy patterns from the auric field through a series of six attunements.

Lightarian ReikiTM
Ascended Master Buddha is the source and divine inspiration for this form of healing. Unique, expanded and highest vibrational Reiki ray energies, designed to raise your personal vibration and dramatically expand your mastery and capability for delivering healing energies of a higher and finer frequency.
The etheric energy vehicle or form associated with a higher being operating in a higher vibrational state, comparable to how the physical body serves as the vehicle for physical humans.
Someone who has a heightened level of awareness, appreciation and understanding of their spiritual nature, especially regarding their role in the global/human transformation. A "catch-all" term often used to describe "New Agers" and metaphysically/spiritually-oriented individuals. In more specific terms, Lightworkers could be considered: (1) those mentioned in biblical references to the legions of the 144,000 Beings who have come into Earth incarnations over the years to aid the planet and humanity, (2) any soul that has had extensive experience to offer and has come into incarnation here and now to be of specific assistance during the Earth transition that is unfolding.
Divine spiritual Being with a vibrational energy range beyond that of the levels of the Ascended Masters and just below that of Universal Source. The Ascended Master levels emanate from the Maitreya energies. Maitreya is the inspiration and source for the Lightarian Empowerment Ray and can be viewed as the divine architect for the global/human ascension process here on Earth. We call him the Ascension Master! Also see Lightarian Modalities.
One of the aspects of personal development that takes place as one moves along his/her spiritual path. See Clearing, Healing and Activation Work. Also see Lightarian Modalities.
Michael (Archangel)
One of the seven Archangels. Divine Theme/Focus is "Love."

Multi-dimensional Self (Also called Multi-density or Multi-layered Self)
The entirety of one's energies from the highest vibrational levels down to the lowest. Includes levels of Soul, Oversoul, and Higher Self.
Overlighting is an etheric, energetic process which occurs when an energy (such as an Ascended Master, an Angel, etc.) fully surrounds your etheric energies and physical body with their energy. During this experience you may feel their energy very strongly in a variety of ways, such as a buzzing sound in your ears, a little heaviness or chill in your body, sleepiness, perhaps even slight disorientation or headache. When the spiritual being withdraws their energy, you usually go back to feeling "normal."
Typically, mid-range vibrational aspects of Self comprised of many souls, much like a large limb of a tree with several smaller branches protruding. See Multi-dimensional Self. Also see Spiritual Lineage.
Prime Creator
The primal source from which all energies and existence emanate.
Raphael (Archangel)
One of the seven Archangels. Divine Theme/Focus is "Courage."

Raziel (Archangel)
One of the seven Archangels. Divine Theme/Focus is "Loyalty."
Sananda (Ascended Master)
One of the twelve Ascended Masters whose Divine Theme/Focus is "Purity." Inspiration and source for Lightarian Activation RayTM. See Ascended Masters.
One of the higher vibrational strata or hierarchy within the Angelic Kingdom. See Angelic Kingdom.
Serapis Bey (Ascended Master)
One of the twelve Ascended Masters whose Divine Theme/Focus is "Curiosity." See Ascended Masters.
Lowest density level aspect of a being's etheric energies. Singular point of consciousness anchored into our lower subtle bodies and physical body for the purpose of experiencing an incarnational reality. See Multi-dimensional Self. Also see Spiritual Lineage.
Depending upon the context, there can be various definitions and alternative names for Source, such as Universal Source, All That Is, the I AM Presence, God, etc. From our perspective, Source is an I 1 th density band of etheric energy which is directly responsible for the creation of our universe. Through projections of energies outward, Source manifests itself as all levels and layers of consciousness and energy forms. Source itself is a projection of a higher order consciousness. See Prime Creator. Also see Godhead levels.
Spiritual Lineage
An individual's energy fields can be characterized as having a spiritual "lineage" back to Source, based on the number of layerings of energy that exist at any given time. The idea of "layerings" represent increasingly higher vibrational layers of soul energies. These layerings symbolize one's personal layerings of "Soul, Oversoul and Higher Self' as each of us link back to our spiritual roots at the level of Source. There is a well-defined thread of consciousness that represents your unique personal line of awareness back to Source. This thread of consciousness awareness traces from your physical body vibrationally upward through all your layers back to Source.
St. Germain (Ascended Master)
One of the twelve Ascended Masters whose Divine Theme/Focus is "Courage." Inspiration and source for Lightarian Manifestation RayTm. See Ascended Masters. Also see Lightarian Modalities.
Subtle Bodies
Etheric fields surrounding the physical body where all of our physical etheric patterning, emotional patterns, mental behavior, thoughts and memories, belief structures and programs are located. The sum total of our subtle bodies represents our auric field.
Universal Source
See Source.
Uriel (Archangel)
One of the seven Archangels. Divine Theme/Focus is "Beauty."

Zadkiel (Archangel)
One of the seven Archangels. Divine Theme/Focus is "Purity."
Zephron (Archangel)
One of the seven Archangels. Divine Theme/Focus is "Compassion."

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