Sabtu, 29 November 2008

Ascension Reiki Manual by Yulius Eka Agung Seputra

Table of Contents

Click on Chapter headings to go to chapters and read them. Click on subjects listed in the chapters to go to and read specific subjects within the chapters. 1. Healing Hands First DegreeIntroduction · Reiki's Ancient Past Right View · Depths of Field · The Five principles of Reiki · Affirmations · The I AM Presence · The Ascension Reiki Affirmation The Reiki Treatment · The Golden Rule · The Reiki Room · The Full Treatment Hand Positions · The Spot Treatment · The Self Treatment Advanced Techniques · Opening the Energy · Sweeping the Aura · Changing Hand Positions · The Universe · Ki · Laying aside the Ego 2. Keys to the Kingdom Second DegreeRight Intent · The Legend of Reiki · The Nature of Manifestation · Quantum Mechanics · Healing Affirmation The Ascension Reiki Symbols · Akasha Drawing the Symbols · Working With the Symbols · Distant Healing · Sending the Symbols 3. Universal Language Third DegreeRight Speech · Reoccurring Dreams · The Legend of Ascension Reiki · Prayer of the Elohim · East Meets West · The Breath of the Elohim The Ascension Reiki Attunements · The First Degree Attunement · The Second Degree Attunement · The Third Degree Attunement · The Attunements of the Seven Lower Chakras · The Rainbow Bridge Passing Ascension Reiki Attunements- (1st, 2nd & 3rd degree) · Rainbow Bridge Symbols · The Full Size Symbols · The Symbols of the Hand 4. Heart of Creation Fourth DegreeRight Focus · The Legend of Creation The Nature of the Absolute- The Higher Self · Symbol of the Higher Self · The Nature of the Higher Self · Scriptural Cross- References The Manifested One- The Will · Symbol of the Will · The Nature of the Will · Scriptural Cross- References The Two- The Spirit · The Symbol of The Two · The Nature of the Spirit · Scriptural Cross- References The Three- (Soul, Mind & Body) The Soul · The Symbol of the Soul · The Nature of the Soul · Scriptural Cross- References The Mind · Symbol of the Mind · The Nature of the Mind · Scriptural Cross- References The Body · Symbol of the Body · The Nature of the Body · Scriptural Cross- References The Seven · The Symbol of the Seven · The Nature of the Elohim (Seven) · Scriptural Cross- References The Seven Elements of Knowledge- The Elohim · God · Holy Spirit · Christ · OM- AUM- AMEN · Love · Faith · Hope The Laws of the Universe · The Legend of the Origin of the Human Race Anatomy and Physiology The Astral Body & Physical Body The Seven Body Systems · The Brain and Nerve System · The Skeletal System & The Sense of Hearing · The Muscular System & The Sense of Sight · The Respritory System & The Sense of Smell · The Digestive System & The Sense of Taste · The Circulatory System (Including Lymph System) & The Sense of Touch · The Endocrine System Affirmation of the Heart Balancing Energy through Yoga · Round of the Ages · The Lotus 5. Higher Consciousness Fifth DegreeRight Alertness Archetypes · Reflections of Archetypal Function in the World View · Psychological Type Theory · Archetypal Function Reiki Zones and Reflex Points · The Zones · The Reflex Points · Hands and Feet · The Ears · The Eyes · The Body · The Mind and the Hands · The Soul and the Feet · The Spirit and the Eyes · The Will and the Ears The Affirmation of the Mind The Four Noble Truths and The Eightfold Path of At-One-Ment Affirmation of the Mind 6. Breath of the Eternal Sixth DegreeRight Purpose Working With Ki · The Complete Breath · Direct Experience · The Chakra System · The Breath of the Elohim · Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath · The Breath of Uma and Brahman · Bringing it all Together · The Silence of Meditation · The Five Higher Chakras · The Chakra of the Higher Self · The Highest Source Passing Ascension Reiki Attunements- (4th, 5th and 6th degree) · Symbols of the Chakras above the Head · Fourth Degree Attunement · Fifth Degree Attunement · Sixth Degree Attunement · The Full Size Symbols · Symbols of the Hand Affirmation of the Soul Soulmates 7. The Most Secret Knowledge Seventh DegreeRight Effort The Attunement Process · Our Mother's Reiki · Our Father's Reiki · The Joining The Transition of the Ages · The Sevens of Time The Five Kingdoms The Meridian System · The Path of Energy · Distribution Rules of the Twelve Regular Meridians · The Order of the Twelve Meridians · The Five Shu Points · Reiki and the Meridians Inner Guidance The Anointing Affirmation of the Spirit 8. Unconditional LoveRight Motivation Sound Passing Ascension Reiki Attunements- (7th and 8th degree) · Symbols of the Chakras above the Head · Seventh Degree Attunement · Eighth Degree Attunement · The Full Size Symbols · Symbols of the Hand Affirmation of the Will Born of Water and Spirit Combination Attunements · Passing Ascension Reiki Combination Attunements Master Teaching 9. The Mystical Ninth Degree1. The Ascension Salutation and the Ninth Degree Symbols 2, The Transcendental Heart and the Face of OM 3. The Mystical 4. The Five Mystical Empowerments 5. Salvation 6. Jesus and the plan of Salvation 7. The Universal Experience of Salvation 8. Jesus Speaks 9. The Greater Invocation 10. Peace Seeds 11. Enlightenment 12. The Ninth Degree Attunement

1.Healing Hands
First Degree
IntroductionEverything that has anything to do with us as human beings has a connection to some part of our anatomy. The understanding of the total anatomy of a human being is the key to understanding all knowledge, all truth and all healing. How can a person either understand or achieve total healing without knowing what a total, complete, whole human being really is? Have you ever thought about what you are and how you came to experience everything there is? Is the Self all you are or is there something more? The path of remembrance is a journey of curiosity about what life actually is. As you become curious about life, the synchronicity of coincidences increases and you begin to remember who and what you are. You also begin remembering where you came from and how you were created. The Higher Self has five main components and three minor ones for operating in the material world. These components are: · 1. The Will · 2. The Spirit · 3. The Soul · 4. The Mind · 5. The Body The Body is made up of three layers which are: 1. The Acting Body (consciousness, the unconscious) 2. The Thinking Body (collective consciousness, the collective unconscious) 3. The Feeling Body (cosmic consciousness, the cosmic unconscious) "Harmony to the Essenes meant peace. They considered that human life can be divided into seven departments: physical, mental, emotional, social, cultural, its relationship with nature and its relationship with the entire cosmos." "Man, it was held, has three bodies that function in each of these departments: and acting body, a feeling body and a thinking body. The thinking body's highest power is wisdom. The feeling body's highest power is Love. The acting body's function is to translate the wisdom of the thinking body and the Love of the feeling body into action in an individual's social and cultural worlds and in his utilization of the terrestrial and heavenly forces." Quotation from: "The Essene Way - Biogenic Living" by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely. With permission and thanks from International Biogenic Society- P.O. Box 849, Nelson, B.C., Canada V1L 6A5 (Catalog of books available at same address) Reiki's Ancient Past Since ancient times there has been a constant search for deeper understanding of Healing. Throughout the ages the mysteries of the Reiki have manifested and come to light in many forms. Reiki healing is the gentle path of balancing life energies for health and well being. This path of balance has been the traditional healing system of the human race long before the advent of technology and modern medicine. Although the word Reiki is a relatively modern word for "hands on healing", the knowledge of Reiki has been around since the beginning of Humanity. There are many words and definitions of Reiki. None of them can truly define Reiki. Even combining all the names and definitions only alludes to the universal experience of Reiki and the ancient Legends associated with its beginnings. One ancient word for Reiki is "The Tao", pronounced (Dow). The Tao means "The Way" of life guided by the "Highest Source". Another word for Reiki from ages past is the word yoga. The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word yuj which means to bind together, join with, yoke with, be in union with or become one with the "Highest Source". When we place our hands on someone with the intent to heal, we yoke with the "Highest Source". The healing energy then flows and healing takes place. The Ascended Master Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary of labor and heavy burdened. I will give you rest and refresh you. Take upon yourself the Yoke (yoga, oneness) which is upon me and learn from me, for "I AM" gentle and humble in heart and peaceful and serene of mind. You will find serenity for yourselves and rest for your souls. For the Yoke (union, binding) upon me is easy and my burden (message) is Light." (Matthew 11:28-30) To view the rest of the chapter click on the topics below. · Right View · The Reiki Treatment · Advanced Techniques
Right View
The first degree of Ascension Reiki reflects the first step in the Eightfold Path of Healing. The first step in the Eightfold path of Healing is Right View. Right View is the laying aside of selfish interests or ego so that the higher Will of the Reiki Source may manifest to help or heal the person in need. TheHigher Will of the Reiki Source is Universal Love. The laying aside of the ego for the Reiki practitioner is accomplished by the simple act of placing their hands on theirself or another person with the intent to heal. By doing this the higher Will of the Reiki Source manifests or flows through the practitioner into the healee. With a simple attunement a healer is born. With this Universal experience, Universal Life Force Energy, not just personal life force energy, begins to automatically flow into and through the individual whenever they place their hands on themselves or another person, with the intent to heal. Reiki energy is guided by a Higher Power and is not limited by the experience of the individual practitioner or healee. It will always know where to go and what to do to bring the highest good to both. A Reiki attunement lasts a lifetime! From the time of receiving an attunement onward, the Reiki healing energy is always available to the practitioner who has received the attunement and whomever they place their hands on. Reiki also combines with and enhances every other known method of hands on healing. It always brings the highest good to the healee no matter what healing method it is combined with. Reiki energy naturally adjusts to the receiver's needs and is completely safe in any situation and at all times. It cannot in anyway be used to harm someone. Reiki healing is guided by the Higher Power of Divine Love of the Universal Source. It will only harmonize and balance a persons energy. One of the great benefits of a Reiki treatment is stress reduction and relaxation. This helps trigger the natural healing process to take place within the healee. A Reiki treatment is the cooperative intent of the healee, the Reiki practitioner and the Higher Power of the Universal Source. It is this cooperative intent which helps empower the healee to take charge of their own healing process. Reiki energy is guided by the highest intelligence and always heals what is most important first. The Reiki practitioner does not control the Reiki energy. In fact it is the Reiki energy that guides the practitioner as to what to do to bring the highest good to the healee. The outcome of a Reiki treatment is therefore unpredictable. The Reiki practitioner cannot promise the healee any specific result but can only promise that every person that experiences a Reiki treatment receives some benefit. Fortunately the Reiki energy is not controlled by the practitioner and because of this, miracles often happen. The Reiki practitioner is only an instrument for the healing energy of Divine Love which remains neutral until the healee has the little bit of willingness to receive it and positively empower their own lives. When the intent of the healee is sincere and they are willing to make an effort to cleanse their outward behavior patterns and their inner self, a total healing can take place. The healee's well being is ultimately established in the choices they make with their free will, in their everyday life and in their inner consciousness. Reiki is not a religion or a belief system and has no doctrines or creeds. It does not contradict the universal laws of conscience and Love. Therefore Reiki healing embraces truth in whatever information system it appears. It is not necessary for the practitioner to believe in anything in particular for Reiki energy to flow through them. The practitioner may actually be thinking that there is no way Reiki will heal this person, yet when they place their hands on the person with the intent to heal, Reiki heals anyway. Depths of FieldThe Higher Self and the five aspects of the Higher Self are fields of light, energy and information. The Reiki source is the knower in all these fields. The Higher Self is directly connected with the Reiki Source, which is Life itself. The Higher Self is also made of the same field energy in all the fields. The remembrance (re-membrance) of our nature and its connection to the Reiki Source is the heart of Reiki healing. What Reiki is about is allowing your true essence and the source of your essence to become infused with your conscious self and become a fully realized being. · The first depth is the field of the body. The unified field energy of the body is "Healing". · The second depth is the field of the mind. The unified field energy of the mind is "Peace". · The third depth is the field of the soul. The unified field energy of the soul is "Abundance". · The fourth depth is the field of the spirit. The unified field energy of the spirit is "Joy". · The fifth depth is the field of the will. The unified field energy of the will is "Love". · The sixth depth is the field of the Higher Self. The unified field energy of the higher self is "Life". The Five Principles of Reiki The five principles of Reiki reflect the nature of the five anatomical aspects of the Higher Self which are: the body, the mind, the soul, the spirit and the will. · 1. Be kind to your neighbor and all living things.- Being kind brings Love into the will. · 2. Be thankful for your many blessings.- Being thankful brings Joy into the spirit. · 3. Work honestly.- Working honestly brings Abundance into the soul. · 4. Let go of anger.- Letting go of anger brings Peace to the mind. · 5. Let go of worry.- Letting go of worry brings Healing to the body. AffirmationsRight View is a lens through which we can observe life. The wider the lens is opened, the greater is the amount of light that enters into the Higher Self and its five aspects (body, mind, soul, spirit and will). Affirmations are a way to open the lens wider to bring in more light. Affirmations are also a way of bringing us into the natural relationship of ourselves with the Reiki Source. The use of affirmations or prayers teach us about responsibility (ability to respond) to the flow of life energy in us, through us and all around us. The use of The Ascension Reiki Affirmation opens the healing energy from the Reiki Source. It is anatomically balanced in its content and connects through the five anatomical aspects of the Higher Self. The Ascension Reiki affirmation is used to clear and balance all the fields of the Body, the Mind, the Soul, the Spirit, and the Will. You will find out, through experience, what the use of affirmations will do for you. There are no set rules on how or when to use them. The ancient practice is to use affirmations in the early morning to begin the day and in the evening before going to sleep. The The "I AM" PresenceThe "I AM" statements in The Ascension Reiki Affirmation are statements of some of the qualities of the Highest Source, the Creator. Because we were created by the Highest Source these qualities are part of our anatomical makup. The use of the "I AM" statements are a direct link to the Highest Source and the co-creative nature of our own higher self. Ascension Reiki Affirmation"I AM" LifeSeparation is gone, I am remembering to be happy. "I AM" LoveFear is gone, I am remembering to be kind to my neighbor and all living things. "I AM" JoySorrow is gone, I am remembering to rejoice and give thanks for my many blessings. "I AM" AbundanceScarcity is gone, I am remembering to work honestly and be generous. "I AM" PeaceAnger is gone, I am remembering to laugh. "I AM" HealingWorry is gone, I am remembering to smile.

The Reiki Treatment
The Reiki treatment is a most rewarding experience for both the practitioner and the healee. Its always different and no description can truly represent the awe that the experience can inspire. Its a joy to both give and receive a Reiki treatment. The more you work with Reiki the deeper it gets. The Golden Rule If you choose to give Reiki treatments freely to your family and friends; something good will always return to you. If you choose to give Reiki treatments for a Love offering something good will return to you. If you choose to trade Reiki treatments for other services; something good will always return to you. If you choose to offer Reiki treatments on a sliding scale something good will always return to you. If you choose to work at a professional level and establish a fee for your services; something good will always return to you. The "golden rule" is to treat others the way you would like to be treated. The Reiki RoomThe Room in which you do a Reiki treatment should be distraction free. Light in the room should not be too bright or too dark but should feel warm and friendly. If music is used it should be soothing and peaceful. The Reiki table should be set at a height that makes you comfortable when standing using the hand positions. Sitting in a chair is good for working with the hand positions used on the head. Remember to remove any metal ( rings, watches, etc.) before giving a Reiki treatment. The healee should also do the same before a Reiki treatment. The Full Treatment Hand PositionsWith the simple act of placing the hands on oneself or on another person the Reiki energy automatically flows. This is a cooperative effort of the Reiki Source, the Reiki practitioner and the healee. The healee must give permission for the Reiki treatment or Reiki session, as it is sometimes called. Permission is necessary because Reiki energy will not override a persons free will. The hands should simply rest comfortably in each position, not pressing down or too light. A full treatment consists of the use of all the hand positions in the First Round, Second Round and Third Round (illustrations below). A full treatment takes about an hour to an hour and a half. The full treatment is very good for healing as well as balancing all the anatomical systems. It is also good as a preventative maintenance. It is a good idea to briefly explain the hand positions to the healee before a treatment so there are no surprises of where your hands are being placed. The hands should always be lifted, not dragged from one position to another. The fingers should be kept together, not spread out. Move one hand at a time always keeping one hand in contact with the healee so there is an uninterrupted flow of energy in each round. Each position should last two to three minutes unless you feel your hands get hot or cold. If your hands become hot or cold at a certain hand position let them remain there a little longer until they feel normal. Wash your hands after the second round because your last position in round two is on the feet. Always be there to assist a person when they turn over to be on their stomach for round three positions. The massage or Reiki table is narrow and the healee may be in a very relaxed state by this time. When the round three hand positions are finished step back, place your hands together palm to palm in front of your solar plexus and bow toward the healee. This gesture ends your part of the treatment. Your higher self bows in respect and recognition of the healee's higher self and the Reiki source and the connecting of the two. The rest of the treatment and how long it lasts is now between the healee and the Reiki source. Tell the healee you are finished and if they have fallen asleep tap them gently on the shoulder to awaken them. Give them a few minutes to sit up and return to normal consciousness. Offer them a glass of water and get one for yourself. Remember to wash your hands after the treatment is finished. You may be led to talk with them about the treatment. Let them share with you, if they wish, what they felt during the treatment.

The Spot TreatmentA full Reiki treatment is not always what is needed. A spot treatment may be used to specific ailment such as a headache. Place your hands on the affected area, for as long as necessary. Sometimes you may find it necessary to place your hands near but not directly on the area that needs healing. Trust your intuition. Pay attention to how your hands feel in different positions. The Self TreatmentOne of the great benefits of Reiki is that you may also give yourself a spot treatment or a full treatment. This is a true blessing and most helpful when aches and pains arise. It is impossible to place your hands in exactly the same positions on yourself as when doing a treatment on someone else. Be creative and remember as long as the hands cover the same areas as the full treatment, it will be a full treatment.
Advanced Techniques
Opening the EnergyAt the beginning of a Reiki treatment bring the hands together in the prayer position in front of the solar plexus. Take a couple of deep breaths and then either out loud or silently say The Ascension Reiki affirmation. This brings a much deeper energy into the Reiki treatment. This is not merely a reciting of the affirmation but a sincere opening of the energy. Sweeping the AuraSweeping the aura of the healee is also a useful tool in a Reiki treatment. Start at the head. Place your hands a few inches above the physical body and slowly move your hands through the aura from the head to the feet. If you feel hot spots or cold spots or anything different leave your hands over the area for a few moments until you feel the energy change. Begin to Use your intuition. Even though you are not actually touching the physical body while sweeping the aura fields, Reiki energy is flowing through you and out of your hands. Sweeping the aura fields heals and balances the aura fields which directly effect physical health. After sweeping then proceed with the hands on treatment. A full treatment may also be given by using the full treatment hand positions held a few inches above the body. This is a very advanced technique. You should use your intuition to help you feel how far away from the body to hold your hands. It can vary from a few inches to several feet depending on which layer of aura you need to access with the Reiki hand positions. Trust your intuition. Spot treatments may also be given in this way. Changing Hand PositionsWhen moving the hands from one position to another, first move one hand and wait a few breaths before moving the other hand. This serves to jumper the energy from one position to the next. Of course if you feel heat or cold or anything really different leave the hands in this position. This sends energy between your hands to the areas in between. For instance when moving from the shoulder to the elbow one hand is under the shoulder and the other is on top of the elbow. The energy jumpers between your hands through the arm between your hands. Similar to jumper cables and a battery. After the basic hand positions have been mastered your intuition will have probably begun to develop. The Reiki hand positions and the order of the rounds may be changed according to your guidance from within. Reiki is an intuitive healing art. Some practitioners prefer to start with round two positions starting at the solar plexus. Then Round One positions are done second, starting at the head. Make sure you wash your hands after working on the feet in this order because your hands will be near the nose when you do the head positions. Then Round Three positions are done. The UniverseThe universe is a great organism and because of this all living things in the universe respond to Reiki energy. Animals and plants are very sensitive to Reiki energy and sometimes truly amazing results can take place when using Reiki energy to heal them. KiThe food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe and the earth we walk on are charged with Ki. Ki is not the physical energy of nutrients, oxygen or magnetic currents but the subtle life force energy within them. Ki is not limited to just the external world but composes the life essence within us as well. Working with Ki greatly expands our understanding of Healing. Laying Aside the Ego The laying aside of the ego for the Reiki practitioner is accomplished by the simple act of placing their hands on theirself or another person with the intent to heal. By doing this the higher will of the "Reiki Source" manifests or flows through the practitioner into the healee. It is the ki or prana that flows through the practitioner to the healee that heals. The Reiki source guides the flow and direction of this ki or prana to where it is needed most to bring the highest good to the healee. The laying aside of a little more of the ego for the Reiki practitioner is also accomplished by the simple act of breathing complete breaths with the intent to heal during a Reiki treatment. By doing this a much greater amount of ki is pumped through you and guided by the Reiki Source into the healee. You lend your hands to the Reiki Source and you lend your breath to the Reiki Source. Learning how to breathe The Complete Breath is easy and working with it during a treatment will help deepen the flow of energy. In this way your consciousness or "acting body" becomes linked with the Rei-ki current flowing through you. This linking is called "field coupling". By linking your consciousness with the Reiki current, the Reiki Source can better guide you as to where and how long to leave your hands during a treatment.
2.Keys to the Kingdom
Second Degree
Right IntentWhen you have reached the place where you have Faith in God, in nature and yourself, you know the Word of power; your word is balm for every wound, is cure for all the ills of life. The healer is the one who can inspire Faith. The tongue may speak to human ears, but souls are reached by souls that speak to souls. You are the forceful one when your soul is large, and you can enter into souls, inspiring Hope in those who have no Hope, and Faith in those who have no Faith in God, in nature, nor in humanity. A thousand things produce inharmony and make people sick; a thousand things may tune the harpsichord, and make people well. An herb may heal the one; a drink of water may restore another one; a mountain breeze may bring to life one seeming past all help; A coal of fire, or bit of earth, may cure another one; and one may wash in certain streams, or pools, and be made whole. The virtue from the hand or breath may heal a thousand more; but Love is queen. Thought, reinforced by Love, is God's great sovereign balm. Jesus bowed his head in recognition of the wisdom of this master soul, and went his way. (Udraka- Aquarian Gospel ch. 23:13-21) Perhaps you think that different kinds of Love are possible. Perhaps you think there is a kind of Love for this, a kind of Love for that; a way of Loving one, another way of Loving still another. Love is one. It has no separate parts and no degrees; no kinds nor levels, no divergencies and no distinctions. It is like itself, unchanged throughout. It never alters with a person or a circumstance. It is the Heart of God. (A Course in Miracles- workbook lesson 127) The Legend of ReikiLong before time, space and patience, all things and all beings were unmanifest, just a probability in The Field of all possibilities. The Field was just an aura around The Source; And Life's energy was just an ever expanding dream of becoming a fully realized being. The dream of becoming was a reoccurring dream; And the dream was somehow mysteriously guided from somewhere deep within. The more The Source examined this mysterious force of inner guidance, the more mysterious it became. It was observed that all of Life's energy was being guided from the inner most depths of "The Highest Source". The mysteries of guidance were pondered and no name could be found to adequately describe The Force. Then, as if out of nowhere, came a name for the inner guidance of "The Highest Source". The name of Reiki reverberated and a wave of Light then flowed through The Source and The Field of Dreams. The waves of Light kept reoccurring in the reoccurring dreams until patterns of Creation began to emerge. Deeper and deeper into the realm of dreams The Highest Source imagined, trying to discover the true intent of the Reiki force. Then as if in the twinkling of an eye, The Highest Source entered into the deepest of dreams in The Field of Dreams, known as Nirvana. A brilliant flash of enlightenment then occurred and the True Intent of Reiki and its Source became known. All was at peace. All was One At One. All had entered, forever into Eternal Love, the true intent of Reiki and the Reiki Source. The Nature of ManifestationReligion and science both study the origin and nature of the universe and the physical world. Systematized knowledge derived from objective observation, study and experimentation carried on in order to determine the nature of life is called the search for truth! Dr. Deepak Chopra, M.D., in his book "Creating Affluence," says that according to physicists, the source of the universe is called the Unified Field or Quantum Field. He explains that everything that is evident or manifested has its origin in the Unified Field. The Unified Field by itself is unmanifested, without form, a void and/or a field of all possibilities. Physicists tell us the Unified Field is an unmanifested oneness of energy and information. Waves, frequencies or impulses of energy and information materialize from the Unified Field in the form of subatomic particles that make up atoms. The subatomic particles, such as protons, electrons, quarks, bosons, leptons etc., that make up an atom of hydrogen or an atom of oxygen are the same. An atom of hydrogen is different from an atom of oxygen because of the different quantities and combinations of these subatomic particles or impulses of energy and information. Molecules are groups of atoms. When molecules are combined chemically, they are called compounds. Organic compounds all contain molecules of carbon. Organic compounds are the basis for all life forms (on planet earth). Example: carbohydrates (sugars), lipids (fat), proteins (muscle), and DNA. Cells, composed of molecules, are the basic structural building blocks of any organism. Example: blood cells and nerve cells etc. Tissues are groups of similar cells working together performing a certain function. Example: the four kinds of tissues- epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue, nerve tissue. Organs are composed of two or more different kinds of tissues. Example: heart, lungs, liver etc. Body systems are groups of organs performing a certain function. Example: the digestive system. An organism is the total of all systems together. Example: Human Being. Quantum MechanicsSubatomic particles are so small they can't be seen by the naked eye or even with a microscope. Physicists know that subatomic particles exist because of the trails they leave behind on the photographic plates. The photographic plates are used to record the Unified Field experiments inside of particle accelerators. In the particle accelerator experiments physicists discovered something amazing. The trails of the subatomic particles only showed up on the photographic plates when there were people observing the experiments. When the scientists were out to lunch no one was observing the Unified Field experiments. Nothing showed up on the photographic plates of the experiments that took place while they were out to lunch . This basic discovery showed scientists that when attention is focused on the Unified Field, that waves of energy change into particles. Conversely when our attention is not focused on the Unified Field, no particles materialize. Our attention when focused on the Unified Field is actually enough to change a wave to particle. These experiments prove that the universe is essentially mind stuff. Scientists have shown that our attention or mental activities actually transform themselves into molecules called neuropeptides. These neuropeptides are not only found in the brain but in every cell of the body. Neuropeptides are the chemical messengers of our thought patterns to the cells in our bodies. What we focus our attention on actually makes a difference in our body chemistry and health. When we place our attention on the qualities of the Unified Field, these qualities manifest in our awareness and in our body chemistry and health. The process of materializing particles, peptides or planets into existence by the focusing of mental activity on the Unified Field is called Quantum Mechanics. The Unified Field is the essence of the Creator of the Higher Power of Divine Love and it is all around us, omnipresent and intelligent. Our attention and intention materializes from the field this quantum energy, life energy, Ki, Chi, Reiki or Universal Life Force Energy. No matter what words you use, it is all One Energy. There is only one power in the universe and that is Love. All other powers, that seem to be, are only illusion. Healing AffirmationI am here only to be truely helpful. I am here to represent The One who sent me. I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do, because The One who sent me will direct me. I am content to be wherever You wish, knowing You go there with me. I will be healed as I let You teach me to heal.
To view the rest of this chapter click on the topics below: · The Reiki Symbols · Drawing the Reiki Symbols · Working With the Symbols · Distant Healing
The Symbols
The Ascension Reiki Symbols The Reiki symbols are so old that they predate any written language. The Symbols are ancient cave drawings from the Heart Cave of humanity. This Heart Cave of Humanity is the secret chamber within our Collective Conscious and Collective Unconscious. The Symbols are star maps of the inner Cosmos sometimes called Akasha. These ancient star maps preserve the knowledge of the primordial energy systems and their evolution into the anatomical structures of the material universe as well as the path of return. The symbols have appeared and disappeared throughout history. The symbols always seem to reappear just when humanity is ready to understand more about them. They have appeared in many variations throughout history. The clarity of the symbols depends upon the depth of the inner vision of humanity. The Reiki symbols are keys that connect us with the Akashic Inner Net and Reiki energy at the Collective Conscious and Collective Unconscious levels. AkashaAkasha is a Sanskrit word, and means primary substance, that out of which all things are formed. According to the Aquarian philosophy, it is the first stage of the crystallization of spirit. This philosophy recognizes the fact that all primordial substance is spirit; that matter is spirit moving at a lower rate of vibration, becoming, as one master expressed it, a coagulum. This Akashic, or primary substance, is of exquisite fineness and is so sensitive that the slightest vibrations of an ether any place in the universe register and indelible impression upon it. This primal substance is not relegated to any particular part of the universe, but is everywhere present. It is in very fact the "Universal Mind" (Collective Conscious, Collective Unconscious) of which our metaphysicians speak. When the mind of man is in exact accord with the Universal Mind man enters into a conscious recognition of these Akashic impressions, and may collect them and translate them into any language of earth with which he is familiar. [Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ- p.10 (transcribed by Levi Dowling)] The Symbols The Elohim The Seven Elements of the Body The Endocrine System (Dai-Ko-Myo)
Logos of the Circle Seven The Symbol of the Body Circulatory System (Cho-Ku-Rei)
Other forms of Cho-Ku-Rei
Well Spring of Nirvana The Symbol of the Mind Digestive System (Dai-Ko-Myo)
Other forms of Dai-Ko-Myo
Breath of the Eternal Symbol of the Soul Respitory System (Caducceus, Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen)
Other forms of Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen
The Fountain of Youth Symbol of the Spirit Muscular System (Sei-He-Ki)
Other forms of Sei-He-Ki
The Shining Way The Symbol of the Will Skeletal System (Raku, Firing the Clay)
Tai-chi T'u The Symbol of the Higher Self Brain and Nerve System (Yin/Yang)

Drawing the Symbols
Drawing the symbols is the first step in working with the energy associated with them. Draw the left hand version with the left hand and the right hand symbols with the right hand. Just follow the numbers and the arrows and trace the symbols. You can draw the symbols in many ways. With the index finger, with the palm of the hand or just with your mind. Practice drawing them until you can draw them without looking at the drawings. Then progress on to the next step of learning how to use them in the hands on treatment and how to send them in distant healing. The Elohim Draw with Left Hand Draw with Right Hand

Logos of the Circle Seven Draw with Left Hand Draw with Right Hand

Wellspring of Nirvana Draw with Left Hand Draw with Right Hand

Breath of the Eternal
Draw both with Left Hand
Draw both with Right Hand Fountain of Youth Draw with Left Hand Draw with Right Hand

The Shining Way Draw with Left Hand Draw with Right Hand

T'ai-chi T'u Draw with Left Hand Draw with Right Hand

Working with the Symbols
The symbols are very powerful tools in healing. They carry with them energy and understanding far beyond our normal comprehension. They are part of an ancient almost forgotten healing language used to communicate with the Creator. When we use the symbols in healing we use them to ask the Creator to send specific energies into a persons anatomy for healing. As you learn to use the symbols your intuition will develop in their use. Learn to trust your intuition. Our Creator will teach you how to use them and what they mean if you simply are willing to trust and have the little bit of willingness to see things differently. Once you have learned how to draw the symbols you can begin using them in hands on treatments. The symbols can be drawn and used either full size or hand size. This is very easy. Let your intuition guide you. Sometimes it is good to draw a full sized symbol a few inches above the body at the beginning of a treatment. For instance drawing the Symbol of the Body, the Cho-Ku-Rei full size is very easy. When the person is lying on their back draw the symbol a few inches above the body, full size from the top of the head to the base of the spine. Draw the spirals through the chakras. You will end up over the heart chakra. Then gently push your hand down till almost touching the body to push the symbol into the body. All the symbols can be used full size in this way. All the symbols can be drawn hand size and sent to different organs or parts of the body. For instance, you wish to use a symbol in one of the hand positions in a full treatment or a spot treatment. Just draw the symbol before you place your hand or hands in position and push the symbol in as you place your hand into position. One or all the symbols can be used in any hand position. Be creative and trust your intuition.
Distant Healing
The idea that healing can flow through you to another person who could be thousands of miles away is one of the most intriguing aspects of Reiki Healing. It is easily done and works very well. There are many techniques for sending Reiki at a distance. Just experiment with the different methods until you until you find one or more that you are comfortable with. Distant healing may be done at an appointed time that the practitioner and the healee agree on ahead of time. The Healee just agrees to sit or lie comfortably for an agreed upon amount of time. Fifteen minutes to a half an hour usually. The practitioner sends the Reiki Healing Energy during this time in the method that they are guided to use. It is a very good idea to begin the treatment with a prayer or affirmation. This helps bring in a deeper intent. The Ascension Reiki Affirmation in Healing Hands as well as the Healing Affirmation in Keys to the Kingdom are good affirmations to use. They are well balanced in their intent. · The First Method is to use a surrogate like a pillow or a stuffed animal like a teddy bear. Just imagine that the surrogate is the person you are working on and do the hand positions that you are led to use either for a full treatment or spot treatment. · The Second Method is to just picture the person either sitting or lying down an place your hands where you are led to place them. · The Third Method is sit in a comfortable chair and hold your hands palms up and with your intent simply send it to the healee. You may just visualize them either sitting or lying down and send Reiki to the whole person letting the healing totally surround them and fill them. The Reiki energy always knows where to go and what to do to bring healing. · The Fourth Method is to use the symbols along with any of the first three methods. Sending the SymbolsThere are many methods for sending the symbols. Three methods are described below but you will discover others as you work with the symbols in distant healing. The First method is to draw the symbol in the air with your hand. Then along with your intent push it away from you with your hand to the healee. You may send one, two, three or all of the symbols to the healee as you are led to do. Always trust your intuition. Love is your intent. Use your left hand to draw and send the left hand (yin) versions of the symbols and your right hand to send the right hand (yang) versions of the symbols. You can also draw and send with both hands at the same time sending both yin and yang versions of the symbols simultaneously.
The Second Method is to draw the symbol in the air with your index finger. Then along with your intent and a flick of the wrist point and send the symbol to the healee. You may send one, two, three or all of the symbols to the healee as you are led to do. Always trust your intuition. Love is your intent. Use your left hand to draw and send the left hand (yin) versions of the symbols and your right hand to send the right hand (yang) versions of the symbols. You can also draw and send with both hands at the same time sending both yin and yang versions of the symbols simultaneously.
The Third method is to just visualize the symbols and send them with your intent. Sometimes you may be led to send only one symbol. Perhaps only the yin version. Other times you be led to send two or three symbols. You can't really make a mistake in sending the symbols. Love is always your intent and Intuition is your guide, trust and allow the little bit of willingness it takes to see things differently work inside of you to help others.
3.Universal Language
Third Degree
Right SpeechListen and understand. What goes into one's mouth does not make a person clean or unclean, but what comes out of the mouth, that is what makes one clean or unclean. Don't you see that whatever goes into the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart. (Jesus- Bible- Matthew- 15:10&17) Reoccurring DreamsThe Highest Source always dreamed of being a Creator and so it was dreamed and so it was done. The Reiki patterns of Creation in the reoccurring dream grew in intensity until Critical Mass was reached. There was a great flash of light and a big bang that reverberated like rolling thunder. The light carried in it the patterns of the creation of all Beings. The thunder carried in it the patterns of all the heavens and universe which would be the dwelling place of all beings. In the Beginning all beings were made of light. And the light of the Creator is the light within all beings and we were called the Children of Light The Light of Reiki shown forth from the hearts of all beings and became the first language. The language of Reiki was an unbroken circle of Eternal Light and Love that emanated from within all beings. The Light of Reiki connected all beings with each other and with the Creator. No truer language has ever been unspoken. A simple smile was enough to communicate all Love and all Light among all beings. The Rolling Thunder rolled along in waves of reverberating possibilities of evolutionary patterns of creation. There was another flash of light and the first quantum event took place. In the beginning there was Light. All things came from the light and were dependent upon the light. Even Time, Space and Patience drew their relative measurements and harmonies from the velocity of Light, the only constant in a Universe in flux. The Great Sun refracted into the Great Rays and the illuminated bodies appeared. All the galaxies, all the stars, all the planets, all the moons, all Beings and Non Beings sang together the "Uni-verse" which we call the Song of God. The Legend of Ascension ReikiNear the beginning of Earth time many of the Children of Light saw the beauty of the Earth and began to play in the Field of Dreams of the Earth Plane. In their haste to experience the material world they descended into matter without the inner guidance of Reiki and the Reiki source. They created physical forms around their beings and descended into the material world. The further they descended into the material world the more dense became the forms they inhabited. The more dense the forms the more difficult it became to ascend out of the material world. The more these children played at creation without the inner guidance of Reiki the more difficult it became to remember their way home from their adventures in the material world. Their came a time when the density of their creations was so great that these children became entrapped in the material world and forgot they were beings of light and forgot the true nature of their origin. They were then called the Children of Earth. At the first signs of entrapment there was a great gathering of the Children of Light upon the Circle of the Earth. The plight of those who entered the earth plane and had become trapped was of great concern to the remaining Children of Light. Together they looked deep within to the Reiki Source for a solution. Together the Reiki Source and the Children of Light began to evolve a new form of Reiki for the healing of the Children of Earth. This new form of Reiki was called Ascension Reiki because it was to be used to not only heal but to create an ascension path to rescue the Children of Earth. The Children of Light knew that they had to descend into the material world to use Ascension Reiki to help the Children of Earth. There was no material form that was suitable for the Children of Light to descend into the Earth Plane. The Creator then used Ascension Reiki to create the Human form. The Children of Light then descended into the human form and brought with them the knowledge of Ascension Reiki for the uplifting of the Children of Earth. The Secrets of Reiki and the ascension path were preserved in The Seven Symbols so that we could never loose the knowledge of our true nature and the ascension path. The Sanskrit Language was created to further preserve the knowledge of Reiki healing. The letters are symbols that represent healing sounds that are grounded in our anatomical makeup. The letters also relate to the Master Symbols of Ascension Reiki. The diagram below will give you a deeper insight into the Universal Language of Ascension Reiki.
illustration (with Ascension Reiki Symbols added) courtesy of The American Sanskrit Institute, 73 Four Corners Road, Warwick N.Y. 10990 free catalog available upon request Prayer of the ElohimOur Mother and Father of Heaven Holy are Your Names Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily bread Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us Lead us from temptation and deliver us from illusion For yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory forever, Amen East Meets West In the East our Mother and Father of Heaven are known by the names of Radharani and Krishna. In the west their son and daughter are known by the names Mother Mary and Jesus. The Acting Body The Chakras and Endocrines The Thinking Body Prayer of the Elohim The Feeling Body The Elohim
Survival 1st Chakra (base of the spine) gonads Our Mother and Father of Heaven (Radharani and Krishna) Hope
Giving and Receiving 2nd Chakra (gut area) pancreas Holy are Your Names Faith
Protection 3rd Chakra (navel area) adrenal glands Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven Love
Balance Heart Chakra (solar plexus) thymus gland Give us this day our daily bread OM (Amen, Aum, Amin)
Assimilation Throat Chakra Thyroid & Parathyroid glands Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us Christ
Integration Third Eye Chakra pituitary gland Lead us from temptation and deliver us from illusion Holy Spirit
Coordination- Timing Crown Chakra (center top of head) pineal gland For yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory forever, Amen God
The Breath of the ElohimThe Breath of the Elohim is about transcending the acting body and much more. The Breath of the Elohim is a form of The Complete Breath and gives us a means of Working with Ki and a method of the Direct Experience of deeper states of being. This is easily achieved by the simple means of counting seven beats of the heart while breathing in and counting seven beats of the heart while breathing out. In seven beats and out seven beats. The next step is to add the names of the Elohim. Silently say one name on each beat of your heart like this: Breathe In: · Hope- first beat · Faith- second beat · Love- third beat · Om- fourth beat · Christ- fifth beat · Holy Spirit- sixth beat · God- seventh beat Breathe Out: · Hope- first beat · Faith- second beat · Love- third beat · Om- fourth beat · Christ- fifth beat · Holy Spirit- sixth beat · God- seventh beat The use of the Elohim Breath greatly increases the flow of Ki. With a little practice it becomes quite natural to breathe in this way in hands on healing, distant healing and passing of attunements. It is also a great breath for meditation and in ascending Ki energy and connecting with "The Highest Source". It is not about belief systems but about direct experience. Try for yourself and see. Another step is to bring in the Kundalini Yoga influence. This is done by using the seven names with the seven lower chakras of The Chakra System. Start with the base of the spine and proceed upward to the crown on the in breath and repeat this sequence from the base of the spine to the crown on the out breath. This is a gentle process that does not force the Kundalini current to open. It is a natural unfoldment. It is highly recommended that a person working with the Elohim Breath become familiar with the teachings of the Masters. These books are listed as the Cross- Reference Books listed in the symbols section. Use your intuition as to the order in which you read them. This knowledge will greatly enhance your understanding of the names of the Elohim and greatly expand your inner guidance. The Ascension Reiki AttunementsThe attunement process of Ascension Reiki attunes the total anatomy of the Higher Self. The basic anatomy of each individual is eightfold in nature. The eight attunements of Ascension Reiki attune the eight anatomical aspects of the Higher Self. This is a step by step process that opens the natural anatomical energy pathways in each individual. This allows the Reiki current to flow automatically with the intent to heal. The Eight Anatomical Aspects of the Higher Self are: · 1. The Will · 2. The Spirit · 3. The Soul · 4. The Mind · 5. The Body The Body is made up of three layers which are: 1. The Feeling Body (Cosmic Conscious, The Cosmic Unconscious) 2. The Thinking Body (Collective Conscious, The Collective Unconscious) 3. The Acting Body (Conscious, The Unconscious) The First Degree AttunementThe First Degree attunement of Ascension Reiki attunes the Acting Body. This attunement allows a person to work with Reiki energy on both conscious and unconscious levels for healing and personal growth. This attunement can be given in class or from a distance. Both methods work equally well. The Second Degree AttunementThe second degree attunement of Ascension Reiki attunes the Thinking Body. This attunement allows an individual to work with Reiki Healing energy on the Collective Conscious and Collective Unconscious levels for healing and personal growth. This enables a person to work with Reiki Energy for distant healing. This also allows a person to work with the Reiki energy and the Reiki Symbols in hands on healing and distant healing. This attunement can be given in class or from a distance. Both methods work equally well. The Third Degree AttunementThe third degree attunement of Ascension Reiki attunes the Feeling Body so that Reiki energy will flow through an individuals Cosmic Conscious and Cosmic Unconscious for Healing, for passing Attunements to others, and for personal growth. The Third Degree is the first Teacher or Master level of Ascension Reiki and allows a person to teach the first three degrees of Usui Reiki as well as the first three degrees of Ascension Reiki. This attunement can be given in class or from a distance. Both methods work equally well. The Attunements of The Seven Lower ChakrasTo pass the first three attunements it is necessary to understand the basics of The Chakra System and the main chord that connects all the chakras together called the Kundalini. The first three attunements attune the seven chakras in the three bodies (Acting Body, Thinking Body and Feeling Body). There are Thirteen chakras on this main chord. This main chord goes from the base of the spine upward connecting seven chakras from the base of the spine to the crown (top) of the head and six more above the head. The Seventh Chakra above the head is the Creator. We are all connected to the Creator. The Rainbow BridgeBetween the top of the head and the first chakra above the head is called the Antakharana or Rainbow Bridge. The Antakharana is the midpoint between the seven chakras below and the seven chakras above. The Seventh Chakra above is the Creator. We are all connected at the Fourteenth Chakra. It is our origin. As above so below. In ancient times the rainbow bridge was called the Ark of the Covenant. The Rainbow Bridge is where the seven rays of the three bodies are collected into the main chord before it passes through the first chakra above the head. The Rainbow Bridge is the seat of the Ascension Reiki attunements of the lower three bodies (the acting body, the thinking body and the feeling body). Passing Ascension Reiki AttunementsThe procedure for passing the attunements of the first three degrees of Ascension Reiki are described below. Music may be used during the attunement if you choose but it isn't mandatory. 1. The person receiving the attunement should sit in a comfortable chair. 2. The teacher passing the attunement should stand behind the student sitting in the chair. 3. Both should Begin by taking a few deep easy breaths to relax and center. 4. The receiver then brings their hands together, fingers pointed up, in front of the solar plexus. (like praying hands) 5. The teacher standing behind the student and brings their hands together, in the prayer position, in front of the solar plexus. 6. The teacher then opens the attunement energy by saying one of the following affirmations out loud. · The Ascension Reiki Affirmation is used to open the Reiki Energy for the first degree attunement. · The Healing Affirmation is used to open the Reiki Energy for the second degree attunement. · The Prayer of the Elohim is used to open the Reiki Energy for the third degree attunement. Rainbow Bridge Symbols7. The teacher then opens the Rainbow Bridge with either a hand motion using both hands or just with intent. Then draw the appropriate symbols with the open hand or index finger techniques. Be sure to draw the left hand symbols with the left hand and the right hand symbols with the right hand. As you draw each symbol send it into the Rainbow Bridge. This allows the symbols to travel down through the seven lower chakras and up through the higher chakras. The symbols directed by the Creator and automatically go where they need to go and do what they need to do to attune and adjust a persons energy. First Degree Attunement The Symbol of "The Pyramid" represents all the energies in the Acting Body when it is Placed in the Rainbow Bridge. Draw and send this symbol into the Rainbow Bridge for the first degree attunement.
Second Degree Attunement The Symbol of "The Double Pyramids" represents all the energies in the Thinking Body when placed in the Rainbow Bridge. Draw and send this symbol into the Rainbow Bridge for the second degree attunement.
Third Degree Attunement The Symbol of "Double Pyramid with the inner Circle" represents all the energies in the Feeling Body when it is Placed in the Rainbow Bridge. Draw and send this symbol into the Rainbow Bridge for the third degree attunement. Note: Draw the first 8 steps just like the Double Pyramid and add step 9, the drawing of the Inner Circle.
The Full Size SymbolsNote: the rest of the procedure is the same for a first degree, second degree or a third degree attunement 8. The teacher then proceeds to draw all the symbols full size over the body and sends them in. Full size means drawing the symbol very large, from the top of the head to the base of the spine. For additional help refer to the section Drawing the Symbols and realize that many of the symbols have seven circles in them. These circles represent the seven chakras from the top of the head to the base of the spine. Stand on the left side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The Elohim" from the top of the head to the base of the spine and then send it into the left side of the body.
Stand on the right side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The Elohim" from the top of the head to the base of the spine and then send it into the right side of the body.
Stand on the left side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The Logos of the Circle Seven" from the top of the head to the base of the spine and then send it into the left side of the body.
Stand on the right side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The Logos of the Circle Seven" from the top of the head to the base of the spine and then send it into the right side of the body.
Stand on the left side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The Wellspring of Nirvana" starting at the third chakra and drawing the spiral until you finish at the top of the head. Then send it into the left side of the body.
Stand on the right side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The Wellspring of Nirvana" starting at the third chakra and drawing the spiral until you finish at the top of the head. Then send it into the right side of the body.
Stand in front of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The Breath of the Eternal" starting at just below the nose and follow the path of breath downward to the base of the spine and then up the spine to the top of the head. Remember to trace the left hand path and the right hand path. Both finish at the top of the head. Then send it into the front side of the students body.
Stand behind the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The Breath of the Eternal" starting at just below the nose and follow the path of breath downward to the base of the spine and then up the spine to the top of the head. Remember to trace the left hand path and the right hand path. Both finish at the top of the head. Then send it into the back side of the students body.
Stand on the left side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The Fountain of Youth" from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Be sure to trace both the path of the Conceptual Vessel (front) and the Governing Vessel (back) from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Then send it into the left side of the body.
Stand on the right side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The Fountain of Youth" from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Be sure to trace both the path of the Conceptual Vessel (front) and the Governing Vessel (back) from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Then send it into the right side of the body.
Stand on the left side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The Shining Way" above the head, from up high down to the top of the head. You should draw it at least five hand lengths high (about two and one half feet tall). Notice that this symbol has only five circles in it. They represent the first five chakras above the head. This is why this symbol should be drawn above the head. Then send it into the left side of the Main Chord (Kundalini Nerve) above the head and body.
Stand on the right side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The Shining Way" above the head, from up high down to the top of the head. You should draw it at least five hand lengths high (about two and one half feet tall). Notice that this symbol has only five circles in it. They represent the first five chakras above the head. This is why this symbol should be drawn above the head. Then send it into the left side of the Main Chord (Kundalini Nerve) above the head and body.
Stand in front of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The T'ai-chi T'u". Starting at a point as high as you can reach above your head. Draw the symbol full size all the way down to below the feet. This symbol is the symbol of the Higher Self and encompasses every part of a persons being. Remember to draw the black and white spots within the yin and yang side of this symbol. Then send it into the front side of the students being.
Stand behind the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The T'ai-chi T'u". Starting at a point as high as you can reach above your head. Draw the symbol full size all the way down to below the feet. This symbol is the symbol of the Higher Self and encompasses every part of a persons being. Remember to draw the black and white spots within the yin and yang side of this symbol. Then send it into the back side of the students being.
9. The student is then tapped on the shoulder to signal them to raise their hands, still palms together, over their head. The hands should gently rest in the center of the top of the head with the fingers pointing up. All the Yang Meridians connect together at the center of the top of the head in the Crown Chakra . This also places the hands directly in the antakarana where the first, second or third degree symbols have been placed. The finger tips also touch the first chakra above the head where the circuitry of the acting body, the thinking body and the feeling body connect together. 10. The teacher then places their hands around the students hands and breathes the Breath of the Elohim a few times. As you breathe "The Breath of the Elohim" you will feel the energy build. When you feel it is time blow the out breath of "The Breath of the Elohim" from high above the students head all the way down to the base of the spine. This will pass the yangward side of the attunement to the student from the top of the Kundalini down through the chakras above their head, into their hands which are resting in the Rainbow bridge and all the way down the spine through the lower seven chakras. 11. Let go of the students hands and tap them on the shoulder. This signals them to return their hands to the prayer position in front of the solar plexus. The Solar Plexus is the place of the Heart Chakra. The Heart Chakra is where all the Yin Meridians connect together. 12. The teacher then goes around in the front of the student and then places their hands around the students hands and breathes the Breath of the Elohim a few times. As you breathe "The Breath of the Elohim" you will feel the energy build. When you feel it is time blow the out breath of "The Breath of the Elohim" from high above the students head all the way down to the base of the spine. This will pass the yinward side of the attunement to the student from the top of the Kundalini down through the chakras above their head, into their hands and through the lower seven chakras. Symbols of the Hand13. The teacher then separates the students hands and releases the students right hand so it can rest palm up on the students right leg. The teacher then holds the students left hand in their upturned hand. The students hand should be palm side up resting in the teachers hand which is also palm side up. The teacher then with the left hand draws each of the seven symbols, tracing directly on palm side of the students left hand. After drawing each symbol gently tap the palm of the students hand three times. This sends the symbols into the lower three bodies, (the acting body, the thinking body and the feeling body) and begins connecting the Reiki energy through the hands and the three bodies. The symbols are directed by the Creator and automatically go where they deed to go and to what they need to do. 14. The teacher then releases the students left so it can rest on the students left leg palm up. 15. The teacher with their left hand then picks up the students right hand. The students hand should be palm side up resting in the teachers hand which is also palm side up. The teacher then with the right hand draws each of the seven symbols, tracing directly on the palm side of the students right hand. After drawing each symbol gently tap the palm of the students hand three times. This sends the symbols into the lower three bodies, (the acting body, the thinking body and the feeling body) and begins connecting the Reiki energy through the hands and the three bodies. The symbols are directed by the Creator and automatically go where they deed to go and to what they need to do. Note · For First Degree also draw the Pyramid Symbol in Both Hands · For Second Degree also draw the Double pyramid in Both Hands. · For Third Degree also draw the Double pyramid with the Inner Circle in both hands. 16. Again place the students hands together in front of the solar plexus in the prayer position. 17. The teacher returns to a position behind the student. 18. The teacher then places his or her hands above the students head just around the Rainbow Bridge. The hands should be about a foot apart. 19. Keep your hands above the students head for a few breaths of "The Breath of the Elohim" then close the Rainbow Bridge with your hands (also close the 1st chakra above the head when passing the 4th degree Combination Attunement)and gently smooth the aura from high above the head down to the feet 20. Thank the One Creator for the attunement. Use your own words or perhaps the following. · Our One Creator, thank you for this (first degree, second degree or third degree) attunement. 21. The teacher then goes around to the front of the student and brings their hands together in the prayer position in front of the solar plexus and bows to the student. The student also bows in return. Like a Japanese greeting. This ends the attunement. It may seem like a lot of steps but it is really easy. You can practice the procedure on an empty chair just imagining that someone is sitting in it. You will know when you are ready to teach your first class and pass your first attunement. You can use the "Healing Hands" for your for first degree class manual, "Keys to the Kingdom for your second degree class manual and "Universal Language" for your third degree class manual. What you charge for a class is really up to you. Treat others how you would want to be treated and be flexible.
4.Heart of Creation
Fourth Degree
Right FocusIf we free ourselves from the noise and demand of this world and search for the purpose of Life; the knowledge of Universal Love is encountered as though forgotten and remembered. If the search for Love continues with an open heart and mind, it will naturally lead to the study of many books considered to be the classics of Spiritual literature from all over the world. At first the approach to Universal Love presented in each book seems to be very different No one book seems to be complete in itself but each offers a lesson for humanity. These lessons from each book begin to appear to be more like chapters out of a much greater work. If we continue studying and refining the knowledge that is found in these books, universal patterens begin to emerge . The Legend of CreationThere are many legends of the creation. Each one of them is different yet there are obvious similarities that cannot be overlooked.. Every version has something to add that makes the story even more thought provoking. One extraordinary account is found in the 9th chapter of the Aquarian Gospel. According to the text it is the version taught by Salome to Mother Mary while she was pregnant with the master Jesus. The 9th chapter of the Aquarian Gospel gives us a most phenominal insite into the pattern of creation itself. It is the pattern of creation that is the key to understanding all the spiritual knowledge found on this planet. When the pattern of creation is understood all knowledge becomes one. The Mystery Begins Salome taught the lesson of the day. She said, All times are not alike. Today the words of man may have the greatest power; tomorrow woman teaches best. In all the ways of life the man and woman should walk hand in hand; the one without the other is but half; each has a work to do. But all things teach; each has a time and season for its own. The sun, the moon have lessons of their own for humanity; but each one teaches at the tappointed time. The lessons of the sun fall down on human hearts like withered leaves upon a stream, if given in the season of the moon; and so with lessons of the moon and all the stars. Today one walks in gloom, downhearted and oppressed; tomorrow that same one is filled with joy. Today the heavens seem full of blessedness and Hope; tomorrow Hope has fled, and every plan and purpose comes to naught. Today one wants to curse the very ground on which he treads; tomorrow he is full of Love and praise. Today one hates and scorns and envies and is jealous of the child he Loves; tomorrow he has risen above his carnal self, and breathes forth gladness and good will. A thousand times people wonder why these heights and depths, these light hearts and these sad, are found in every life. They do not know that there are teachers everywhere, each busy with a God-appointed task, and driving home to human hearts the truth. But this is true, and every one receives the lessons that he needs. And Mary said, Today I am in exaltation great; my thought and all my life seem lifted up; why am I thus inspired? Salome replied, This is a day of exaltation; day of worship and of praise; a day when, in a measure, we may comprehend our Father-God. Then let us study God, the One, the Three, the Seven. Before the worlds were formed all things were One; just Spirit, Universal Breath. Spirit breathed, and that which was not manifest became the Fire and Thought of heaven, the Father-God, the Mother-God. When the Triune God breathed forth, lo, Seven Spirits stood before the throne. These are the Elohim, creative spirits of the universe. These are they who said, Let us make man; and in their image man was made. In early ages of the world the dwellers in the farther East said, Tao is the name of Universal Breath; and in the ancient books we read, no manifesting form has Tao Great, and yet he made and keeps the heavens and earth. No passion has our Tao Great, and yet he causes sun and moon and all the stars to rise and set. No name has Tao Great, and yet he makes all things to grow; and brings in season both the seed time and the harvest time. And Tao Great was One; the One became the Two; the Two became the Three, the Three evolved the Seven, which filled the universe with manifests. Tao Great gives unto all, the evil and the good, the rain, the dew, the sunshine and the flowers; from his rich stores he feeds them all. And in the same old book we read of man: He has a spirit knit to Tao Great; a soul which lives within the Seven Breaths of Tao Great; a body of desires that springs up from the soil of flesh. Now spirit Loves the pure, the good, the true; the body of desires extols the selfish self; the soul becomes the battle ground between the two. Blessed is the man whose spirit is triumphant and whose lower self is purified; whose soul is cleansed, becoming fit to be the council chamber of the manifests of Tao Great. (Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ Ch. 9:1-30) The Mystery ContinuesAs we research deeper into the patterns discussed in this doccument a truely incredible amount of information begins to come together. The following Links will take you to this information. Simply click on them to enter. · The Nature of the Absolute · The One · The Two · The Three · The Seven The Laws of the UniverseThere are two principle laws of the universe. They are the law of duality and the law of grace. The Sanskrit word for duality is karma. The law of karma is the law of duality, the law of opposites. Everything in the material manifestation is subject to the law of opposites. The atom has positive and negative charges. Magnets have opposite poles. Woman and man are also equal and opposite, neither ewisting without the other. Whatever seed you sow grows and you reap the harvest. That is the law of Karma. The law of Grace is the second law of the universe, more of a phenomenon than a law. Grace is not affected by cause and effect, it trancends duality. Grace is known by many names; unwarranted favor, mercy, forgiveness, Unconditional Love, Divine Love and salvation. The best illustration of the laws of Karma and Grace are in the legends of the creation of and the developement of the human race. There are many stories from all parts of the world. A good deal information of the creation of humanity can be found in the "Bible" in the Book of Genesis. A much greater detailed body of information about the origins of humanity can be found in "Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus"- (selected and edited by Jeffrey Furst). These are well worth reading and will open your eyes to a much deeper understanding of our origins. The following story is a brief summary of the information in these sources and others. The Legend of the Origin of the Human RaceAfter the creation of the universe, many souls sometimes called entites marveled at the beauty of the Earth. They saw the evolutionary process in motion and like little children, they desired to experience the material world. They wanted to play at creation themselves. They saw the animals, male and female, and disired to experience the duality and sexuality of nature. Up until this time these souls were One, neither male or female They crudely divided themsilves in two and began making material bodies for themselves by drawing upon the life forces and forms around them. Feathers and scales, hooves and hair, rocks and trees, from these they fashioned their bodies in all shapes and sizes. These soulmates were so engrossed in their play that they hardly noticed when the two began to lose their ability to be One. The more attached these soulmates became to their desires, of every nature, the more entrapped they became. They gradually lost the ability to move freely between the material world and the Spiritual world. They became more and more entrapped in the inertia of material desires and eventually even became seperated and lost from each other. The mythological world they created for themselves had finally trapped them. The sons and daughters of men, as they became known in much later times, had begun to learn their first lesson in the law of karma. At this time, many Souls who were still free saw the predicament of the sons and daughters of men. They sought inner guidance from the Reiki source, the source of Creation. They needed a plan set in motion to set the sons and daughters of men free. Together These Souls and the Reiki Source created a new form of Reiki for the healing of the sons and daughters of men. This new Reiki in modern terms was called Ascension Reiki because it was created for the reunion of soulmates into One and their release from the material world. The first step was to Create a physical form that would be suitable for the material world. It would need to fit in with nature but also needed to carry within its structure the divine patters of the Transcendental Nature of the Creator. This had to be done because it was known how easily souls could be drawn into attatchment to material desires. The anatomical pattern of creation would have to be so ingrained in the physical form that it would help soulmates remember their oneness and divine origin if they got lost in this material world. In accordance with Divine guidance the first human form was created. This form was a living soul made flesh and was neither male or female but One. A being of light and breath within a very fine vibratory physical form. This took many projections or incarnations into the material world to perfect. The first of the form was called the Atman, then Amilius and later Adam. The higher vibratory form of Adam was perfected and called The Word of the Creator, the first and the last, the Logos of the circle seven, the Son of God and the Way of salvation. The purpose of this Atman was to bring into the earth the form necessary for the healing and eventual release of the sons of men from the material world. Brahman is the Supreme, the Eternal. Atman is his Spirit in man. Karma is the force of creation, wherefrom all things have their life. Matter is the kingdom of the earth, which in time passes away; but the Spirit is the kingdom of Ligtht. In this body I offer Grace and my body is mercy. (Krishna- Bhagavad Gita- ch.8:3-4) This Brahman, this Atman (Self), deep hidden in all beings, is not revealed to all, but to the seers, pure in heart, concentrated in mind- to them is he revealed. (Upanishads- Katha Upanishad) Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. (Jesus- Bible-Matthew ch. 5:8) The form of the Atman was at to high a vibritory rate to be of the greatest help to the sons of men at that time. So the One Adam became two, male and female. Both equal and opposite. They became known as Amilius and Lilith, later as Adam and Eve and much later as Mother Mary and Jesus. This was accomplished by the thought form projection into the glandular systems of the higher primates until they were evolved enough for the incarnation of living soulmates. The five races were created at once. They were known as the Sons and Daughters of God. The five races were created as a reflection of the five aspects of the higher self of the transcendental creator. The five kingdoms known as The Mineral Kingdom, The Plant Kingdom, The Animal Kingdom, The Water Kingdom and the Air Kingdom became the dwelling place of the five races. The stage was now set for the Sons of God to help the sons of men to free themselves from the material entanglements they had created. Eve and Adam partook of the tree of the knowledge of cause and effect. This step brought them fully into the material world subject to birth and death. It also brought them into the world that the sons and daughters of men were trapped in. They were finally in the vibratory rates in which they could help them. The second wave of Souls that came into the material world through the physical forms of the five races along with Adam and Eve were called the Sons of God or Sons of the One. Through time, space, patience and the use of Ascension Reiki the Sons of the One were able to heal the entangled physical forms of the Sons of Men. All of the Sons of Men eventually incarnated into the physical forms of the Sons of the One. Only legends remained of the mythological beginnings of the Souls life on earth. Anatomy and PhysiologyBarbara Brennan has stated in her book "Light Emerging" that in coronal discharge photography the aura of a leaf, for example, can be seen and photographed. If part of the leaf is cut off and the leaf photographed again the whole aura is still there. The conclusion is that the basic premise of energy is that the slower, denser, grosser vibrations of material nature emanate from the more subtle level of the Quantum Field. In other words the leaf is created by the Aura not the other way around. (paraphrased from p.19) In human terms this means that the physical body is emanated from the Aura Field which is called the Astral Body, Subtle Body or Quantum Body. It is this Body of Light or Astral Body that we speak of when we say that the Body, Mind, Soul, Spirit and Will are aspects of the Higher Self. Each of these aspects manifests itself on the physical level and it is these five subtle aspects of the Self which emanate the Physical Body. Each aspect is a pathway of energy and information. Inward flowing energy is called Yin Energy and Outward flowing energy is called Yang Energy. The Astral Body The Non Physical Body is made of Golden Light. The Golden Light Body is sometimes called the Astral Body. The body is made up of three componants. · The Seven Chakras- are associated with the Feeling Body and the Soul. · The Seven Auras- are associated with the Thinking Body and the Mind. · The Seven Bodily Systems- are associated with the Acting Body and the Astral Body. The Seven Body SystemsThe physical forms of the man and woman carried in them the seven systems as a reflection of the pattern of the Logos of the Circle Seven. To learn more about these systems click on their titles. · The Brain and Nerve system · The Skeletal System · The Muscular System · The Respritory System · The Digestive System · The Circulatory System (including Lymph system) · The Endocrine System (including Reproductive System) Affirmation of the HeartMother Mary and Jesus, We ask for Your Presence Your Guidance Your Blessing Your Anointing and Your Love in this healing and attunement process, Thank You Amen. Balancing Energy through Yoga
The Brain and Nerve System
The Brain and the Nerve System is manifested by the presence of the Higher Self in the Body. It is the Electrical System of the body. It is composed of the Central Nerve System and the Peripheral Nerve System. The Central Nerve System is composed of The Brain, The Brain Stem and The Spinal Chord. The Peripheral Nerve System consists of twelve pairs of cranial nerves which emerge from the brain and 31 pairs of spinal nerves which emerge form the spinal chord. The Brain is divided into two main categories. The Forebrain and the Brain stem. The brain stem is divided into two categories the Mid brain and the Hind brain. The Forebrain consists of the two cerebral hemispheres, the corpus callosum, The pineal gland, the Thalamus, Hypothalamus and pituitary gland.. The functions of the brain stem and the spinal chord are controlled by the forebrain. The cerebral hemispheres receive sensations from the senses, are involved in perception, thinking, intelligence, memory, decision making and the movement of body parts. The right cerebral hemisphere (right brain) in most people is important in inner perceptions such as creativity, intuitive processes, art and music appreciation, and spatial perception. The left cerebral hemisphere (left brain) is important in outward perceptions such as logical linear thinking, mathematics and languages. The corpus callosum is a wide band of nerve tracts that connects the right and left brain together and enables the two hemispheres to communicate with each other and work together. The the corpus callosum, the right brain and the left brain also control pineal gland. The pineal gland is an endocrine gland which secretes a hormone stimulates the hypothalamus. The pineal is located just in front of the posterior end of the corpus callosum. Thalamus relays information to the cerebrum from the senses and sends instructions to the body muscles from the cerebrum. The Hypothalamus coordinates the central nervous system and controls sleep, body temperature, appetite and other life processes in the body. The hypothalamus also secretes hormones that stimulate the pituitary gland which is attached to the lower part of the hypothalamus. The pituitary gland is an endocrine gland that coordinates all the other endocrine glands. The Brain stem is divided into two parts: the mid brain and the hind brain. The mid brain is the highest part of the brain stem and is a relay station for messages to and from the brain. The hind brain is composed of the cerebellum, the pons and the medulla oblongata. The cerebellum maintains posture and coordinates complex body movements. The pons affects breathing and conducts information back and forth between areas of the brain and the body. The medulla oblongata conducts information between the higher brain centers and the spinal chord, regulates the strength of and the heartbeat, the rate of respiration and the diameter of the blood vessels. The spinal chord contains nerve circuits which convey information to and from the brain. The spinal chord is located in the spinal cavity which is in the vertebral column. Inside the spinal cavity is cerebrospinal fluid which circulates in the spinal cavity and in and around the brain. The fluid is produced by the chorid plexus which is just below the corpus callosum. the chorid plexus is in the center of two cavities called the lateral ventricles. The cereberalspinal fluid drains from the lateral ventricles to the third ventricle then to the cerebral aqueduct to the forth ventricle and to the central canal which is attached to the brain stem. From the central canal the fluid circulates down the central canal of the spinal chord and into the space surrounding the spinal chord and brain The spinal chord and brain are suspended in the cerebralspinal fluid which protects them. The brain is sort of suspended in fluid so it sensitive nerve tissue won't be crushed by the weight of the brain. The blood as well as the cerebrospinal fluid provide nutrition and monitor pH balance and carbon dioxide levels in the body. The peripheral nerve system is made up of 12 pairs of cranial nerves and 31 pairs of spinal nerves. The twelve pairs of cranial nerves of the peripheral nerve system are the nerves associated with the five senses and their related functions. The thirty one pairs of spinal nerves are associated with the different regions of the vertebral column. These nerves carry information to and from different regions of the body. They carry sensory information from glands, organs and muscles to the spinal chord and send motor impulses to the glands, organs and muscles in the different regions of the body. Of the 12 pairs of cranial nerves 2 pairs emerge from the brain and 10 pairs emerge from the brain stem. The 31 pairs of spinal nerves emerge from the five regions of the vertebral column. · 1. Cervical- 8 pairs of cervical spinal nerves- carries impulses to and from areas of the head, neck, chest, shoulders, arms and hands. (reflections of The Eightfold Path) · 2. Thoracic- 12 pairs of thoracic spinal nerves- carries impulses to and from the areas of the chest and ribs. (Reflections of the 12 anatomical aspects of the Transcendental Creator) · 3. Lumbar- 5 pairs of lumbar spinal nerves- carries impulses to and from the areas of the abdomen, pelvic and thighs. (reflections of the Body, Mind, Soul, Spirit and Will) · 4. Sacral- 5 pairs of sacral spinal nerves- carries impulses to and from the areas of the thighs legs and feet. (Reflections of the Body, Mind, Soul, Spirit and Will) · 5. Coccyx- one pair of coccygeal spinal nerves- carries impulses to an from the area around the base of the spine. (Reflections of the One Creator of the Higher Self) The Central Nerve System and the Peripheral Nerve Systems are divided into two systems according to function. The Somatic Nerve System is the voluntary control system of the body and controls things like voluntary muscle movement of the hands arms legs locomotion etc. The Autonomic Nerve System is the involuntary control system of the body and controls things like digestion and other internal bodily functions. Some organs are controlled by both voluntary and involuntary nerve functions like breathing which is involuntary most of the time but can also be controlled voluntarily. Both voluntary nerve and involuntary nerve functions are found in the Central Nerve system and both voluntary and involuntary nerve functions are found in the peripheral nerve system.
The Skeletal System
The skeletal system is manifested by the I AM Presence within. It is the support system of the body. It protects the skull protects the brain, the vertebral column protects the spinal chord and the ribs protect the heart and lungs. The skeleton is lightweight weighing around 20 pounds and is composed of 206 bones. The bones are connected together by ligaments at the joints. Cartilage protects the bones from shock at the joints as well a make the movement of the joints easier. Tendons connect the bones to the muscles. Red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets are manufactured by the skeletal system in the red bone marrow. These cells are then taken up by the capillary network and sent throughout the blood stream. The SkullThe skull consists of 8 cranial bones and 14 facial bones. The brain is encased by the cranial bones. The SpineThe spine carries in it the patterns of our anatomical nature. The spine is composed of 5 main areas. The cervical, the thoracic, the lumbar, the sacral and the coccyx. The CervicalThe cervical part of the spine consists of 7 vertebrae. Each vertebrae relates to different parts of the body. For more information on the relationships of the vertebrae to thought patterns etc. the book "Heal Your Body" by Louise L. Hay is highly recommended reading. The cervical vertebrae from the top down are: · 1C- Seventh chakra- pineal gland (Blood supply to the head, scalp, bones of the face, brain, pituitary gland, inner ear, middle ear and sympathetic nervous system) · 2C- Sixth chakra- pituitary gland (forehead, mastoid bones, tongue, auditory nerves, optic nerves, eyes and sinuses) · 3C- Fifth chakra- thyroid and parathyroid glands (teeth, face bones, cheeks, outer ear and trifacial nerve) · 4C- Fourth chakra- thymus (eustachian tube, lips, mouth and nose) · 5C- Third chakra- adrenal glands (glands of the neck, pharynx and vocal cords) · 6C- Second chakra- pancreas (tonsils, neck muscles and shoulders) · 7C- First chakra- gonads- (thyroid gland bursae in the shoulders and elbows) The ThoracicThe thoracic part of the spine is composed of 12 vertebrae. From the top down they are: · 1T- Will- skeletal system- (esophagus, trachea, arms from the elbows down) · 2T- Spirit- muscular system- (heart and coronary arteries) · 3T- Soul- respiratory system- (pleura, bronchial tubes, lungs, breast and chest) · 4T- Mind- digestive system- (common duct and gall bladder) · 5T- Astral Body- Body as a whole- circulatory system (blood, liver and solar plexus) · 6T- Seventh chakra- pineal gland (stomach) · 7T- Sixth chakra- pituitary gland (duodenum and Pancreas · 8T- Fifth chakra- thyroid and parathyroid glands (spleen) · 9T- Fourth chakra- thymus gland (Adrenal and supra-renal glands · 10T- Third chakra- adrenal glands (kidneys) · 11T- Second chakra- pancreas (ureters and Kidneys) · 12T- First chakra- gonads (lymph circulation and small intestines The Lumbar· 1L- Will- skeletal system (inguinal rings and large intestine · 2L- Spirit- muscular system (abdomen, appendix and upper leg) · 3L- Soul- respiratory system (knees, bladder, uterus, sex organs) · 4L- Mind- digestive system (muscles of the lower back, sciatic nerve and prostrate gland · 5L- Body- circulatory system (lower legs, ankles and feet) The Sacrum· Mind- digestive system (hip bones and buttocks) The Coccyx· Body- circulatory system (rectum and anus) The Sense of HearingSound waves are funneled through the outer ear to the ear drum. The eardrum vibrates causing the three small bones ( hammer, anvil and stirrup) of the middle ear to vibrate. They vibrate against the oval window. The vibrations of the oval window cause motion of the inner ear fluid. Movement of the inner ear fluid stimulates hearing receptors which change mechanical sound waves to nerve impulses. These impulses are sent to the brain where they are interpreted as hearing.

The Muscular System
The Muscular System is manifested by the presence of the Spirit in the physical body. Muscles generate physical movement from chemical energy. Muscles also help move food through the digestive system, circulate blood, generate heat and many other functions. The three types of muscles are skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle and smooth muscle. Skeletal muscle is voluntary muscle that enables us to maintain body posture, movement of the skeleton, achieve locomotion and movement of a few organs such as the eye and tongue. The diaphragm is also made of skeletal muscle and is both voluntary and involuntary. Skeletal muscles are attached to the skeleton by tendons. Cardiac muscle composes the involuntary organ of the heart. The heart beat is produced by a tissue that has special properties. This tissue is located in the right upper chamber or atrium of the heart. The brain sends impulses this center which is like a natural pacemaker, firing off electrical impulses that causes the muscles to contract and the blood to circulate. The muscular control of the viscera (organs of the chest and abdomen) is possible because of smooth muscle. Muscles that control the movement of the digestive system, respiratory, reproductive organs, blood vessels etc. are all smooth muscles. The Sense of Sight The eye is the sensory organ of vision. Light energy that passes through the cornea, the iris, the pupil, the lens, the transparent center of the eye and strikes the retina. In the retina are sensory receptors called rods and cones that convert light energy into electrical impulses that travel through the optic nerve to the brain where they are interpreted as sight. The iris or colored part of the eye opens and closes depending upon the amount of light. In dim light the iris opens to let in more light and in bright light the iris becomes smaller to let in less light. In this way the right amount of light is let in to the retina.

The Respiratory System
The Respiratory System is manifested by the presence of the Soul in the Body. The lungs are enclosed in the ribcage on the sides and the diaphragm underneath. As the diaphragm is drawn downward and the ribcage expanded a slight vacuum is created. This vacuum draws air in through the nose, through the sinuses, through the pharynx, through the larynx, through the bronchial tree and into the lungs. Oxygen is absorbed by the lungs into the bloodstream. The oxygenated food rich blood then goes back to the heart and is then pumped to all parts of the body where the oxygen and nutrients are absorbed by the body cells. The cells then give off carbon dioxide back into the blood which returns to the heart. It is pumped from the heart to the lungs where the carbon dioxide and other wastes are exhaled from the lungs on the out breath. The Sense of SmellAt the top of the nasal passages are olfactory receptors. Air that is breathed in through the nose passes over olfactory receptors which transmit the sensory information through the olfactory nerves to the brain which interprets it.
The Digestive System
The Digestive System is manifested by the presence of the Mind in the Body. The Digestive process starts in the mouth with the thorough chewing of the food with the teeth. The tongue mixes the food with saliva produced under the tongue and jaw and in the cheeks. As the saliva mixes with the food it begins the first step in the digestive process by converting the starchy food into sugars (glucose). When the food is thoroughly chewed the tongue helps in the swallowing of the food. The saliva keeps processing the food as it is swallowed and while it travels down the throat but nearly stops when it reaches the stomach. The well chewed food entering the stomach is already partially processed by saliva. The sugars or glucose is acted upon by gastric juice and proteins are acted upon by pepsin both of which are produced by the stomach. The stomach thoroughly mixes the gastric juice, pepsin and the food together with its churning and kneading motions. The gastric juice and pepsin dissolve some of the solid foods releasing fluids and nutrients. Fluids that have been drunk as well as fluids that have been separated from the solids in the stomach and some nutrients are absorbed by stomach into the blood stream which carries them to the liver via the portal vein. The remaining food passes from the stomach into the small intestines. Gastric juice is naturalized in the small intestines. In the small intestines bile and enzymes mix with the food. Bile is produced by the liver and stored in the gall bladder until it is needed in the digestive process in the small intestines. Bile helps break down fats. Pancreatic enzymes flow from the pancreas through the pancreatic duct to the small intestines The pancreatic enzymes digest proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Fluids and nutrients are absorbed by small intestine into the blood stream which carries them to the liver via the portal vein. From the small intestines the remaining food and waste matter enters the large intestine. The large intestine digests the remaining food with bacteria. Water is also absorbed. Fluid and nutrients are absorbed by the large intestine into the blood stream which carries them to the liver via the portal vein. The remaining waste is moved by the large intestine to the rectum where it is expelled. The final processing of nutrients takes place in the liver. The liver is the largest organ inside the body. The liver is the chemical laboratory of the body. The liver metabolizes carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. The liver also helps in the maintenance of blood sugar levels, the breakdown of fatty acids, the synthesis of cholesterol and the metabolizing of proteins. The liver also stores vitamins until they are needed and removes waste products from the blood. The liver performs around 500 functions. The liver sends the filtered processed nutrient rich blood through the inferior vena cava to the heart which pumps the nutrient rich but oxygen depleted blood to the lungs then back to the heart and then on to the rest of the body. In this way the cells of the body receive the nutrients from the digestive system. The Sense of TasteTaste buds in the mouth, tongue and throat are composed of receptor cells. A network of sensory nerves are connected to the receptor cells and relay taste sensation information to various centers in the brain. The four primary tastes are sweet, salty, sour and bitter.

The Circulatory System
The Circulatory System is manifested by the Astral Body in the physical body. The Circulatory System is the energy pathway of fluids in the body. The circulatory system is made up of the Cardiovascular system and the Lymphatic System. The Cardiovascular System · The arteries- carry nutrient rich, oxygenated blood from the heart to capillaries which nourish the tissues in all parts of the body. Venules take blood from the capillaries to the veins. · The veins carry the blood on its return journey to the heart. · The kidneys filter the blood and eliminate waste products into the urine which goes to the urinary bladder where it is stored and then expelled through the urethra. The kidneys regulate the plasma volume in the blood, the concentration of waste products in the bloodstream, the pH of the blood and the levels of electrolytes, (acids, bases and salts), in the blood. One function of electrolytes is that they carry electrical current in the body. The kidneys return water, electrolytes, glucose and other vital substances to the blood in correct proportions to keep the blood stable. · The blood transports oxygen from the lungs, nutrients from the digestive system and hormones from the endocrine system to all the cells and tissues in the body. The blood carries carbon dioxide from the cell tissues back to the lungs for expulsion. The blood also carries waste products from the cells and tissues to the excretory organs. Blood helps regulates pH balance, interstitial fluid balance (fluid in between cells) as well as maintain body temperature. The blood also contains a clotting mechanism as well as immune system components. Blood is made up of three kinds of cells which are suspended in a fluid called plasma. · Red blood cells or erythrocytes transport oxygen and carbon dioxide and are formed in the bone marrow. · White blood cells or leukocytes destroy dead cells, produce antibodies that fight viruses, detoxify foreign materials, and eat bacteria. They are produced in the bone marrow, the thymus, the lymph nodes, various other parts of the lymph system, the spleen and tonsils. · Platelets are cells that cause clotting of the blood when a blood vessel has been damaged or cut and blood is escaping. · Plasma makes up a little over half of the blood. Plasma is about ninety percent water. It contain thousands of substances such as vitamins, minerals, glucose, electrolytes, hormones, antibodies and waste products. Because of plasma, blood and the materials it carries flows freely to all parts of the body. · The Heart - is the pump of the cardiovascular system. Electrical impulses stimulate the pumping of the heart. The heart pumps the nutrient rich, oxygen- depleted blood to the lungs where it releases carbon dioxide and picks up oxygen and returns to the heart. From the heart it is then pumped in two directions, upward and downward. The upward route goes to the upper chest, arms, neck, head and brain and then returns to the heart through the venus system. The downward route goes to the liver, spleen, stomach, kidneys, small intestines the pelvic area and the legs. All the blood that goes to the spleen, stomach, small intestines, and large intestines then goes to the liver through the portal vein. All the nutrients obtained from the digestive system are carried in the blood to the liver for final processing before the blood returns to the heart through the venus system. The blood going to the kidneys is filtered by the kidneys and returned through the venus system to the heart. The rest of the blood going to the lower body and legs returns to the heart via the venus system. · The pericardium is a fluid filled sack around the heart reduces friction and keeps the heart from rubbing against the chest wall. The Lymphatic SystemThe Lymphatic System has two main functions: the balance of body fluid and immunity. As blood flows through the capillaries, dissolved materials and fluid seep through the capillary walls into the intercellular space of the tissues. Most of the fluid is returned to the capillaries but some remains in the intercellular space. When this fluid enters the lymphatic capillaries it is then called lymph. The lymph travels in a one way direction through the lymphatic capillaries then through the lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes. The lymphatic vessels that drain the right arm , the right side of the head, neck, thorax, lung, heart and liver flow into the right lymphatic duct. The right lymphatic duct drains into the bloodstream through the right subclavian vein where it joins the right jugular vein. The rest of the lymph from left arm, left side of the head, neck, thorax, lung, heart and the entire lower part of the body including the legs drain into the thoracic duct. The thoracic duct drains into the bloodstream through the left subclavian vein where it joins the left jugular vein. The processed lymph that enters the bloodstream through the right and left subclavian veins then flows into the superior vena cava which goes to the right atrium of the heart. The lymphatic system has no pump to move the lymph through the system. The movement of lymph is promoted by many factors. The constant pressure exerted by new fluid that is continually entering the intercellular space, the pressure from expansion and contraction of nearby arteries, pressure from the expansion and contraction of the lungs and the very important pressure from the expansion and contraction of muscles during exercise all work together to move the lymph through the lymphatic system. Lymph comes from blood plasma, but it is clearer and more watery. Lymph contains many substances such as fats, fat soluble vitamins, macrophages (scavenger cells), and lymphocytes (white blood cells) and waste. Before it reaches the bloodstream, the lymph is filtered by the lymph nodes of most of its waste, bacteria and other harmful substances . The remaining wastes are filtered out and eliminated by the kidneys. The tonsils, the spleen and the thymus are organs of the lymphatic system. The body is protected from harmful substances that enter the nose and mouth by the tonsils. The spleen filters the blood and produces white blood cells that clear up debris, destroy old blood cells and harmful substances. The spleen also serves as a reserve blood supply. The thymus is responsible for the development of the immune system and lymphocytes (T- cells) that protect the body tissues. The Sense of TouchSensory receptors convert stimulus into nerve impulses which are interpreted as sensation by the central nervous system. Nerve impulses may trigger a reflex response. Sensory receptors are located on the body surface or skin, within muscles, joints, organs and body systems. They are sensitive to vibrations, pressure, touch, temperature, stretch, tickle, itch, pleasure and pain. There are many sensory receptors in the skin which is the organ of touch. The Skin is the largest organ of the body. Skin tissue, nerve endings, blood vessels, hair, nails, and sweat glands are all part of the Integumentary System or "covering." The skin protects the body, makes possible sensations of the environment, helps regulate body temperature, excretes waste, and manufactures vitamin D. The skin not only covers the body on the outside it also protects the eyes, lines the inside ears, nose, mouth and digestive system.

The Endocrine System
The Endocrine is manifested by the presence of the Seven Spirits of the Elohim in the Body. The Endocrine System is part of the intricate feedback system of the Brain and Nerve System. The Brain, the nerve system and the Endocrine glands work together to regulate the growth, development and maintenance of the body. The endocrine system consists of Seven Endocrine Glands. The endocrine glands produce hormones which are the chemical messengers of the endocrine system. These chemical messengers, which regulate the body functions, are secreted by the endocrine glands into the spaces between the cells and then the hormones enter the bloodstream. The hormones circulate around the body in the bloodstream to target cells, tissues and organs which receive only the particular hormone they are receptive to. When the level of a particular hormone in the blood is too high production is decreased and when a level is too low more is produced. The Seven Endocrine Glands· 1. The Pineal Gland is the integrator of the endocrine system. The right brain and left brain send impulses through the Corpus Collosum to the Pineal Gland. The Pineal Gland produces a hormone called Mellatonin which regulates sleep and awake states. The Pineal regulates the rhythms and timing of cycles of body functions. Mellatonin stimulates the Hypothalamus. The hypothalamus secretes a hormone that stimulates or inhibits the secretion of pituitary gland hormones. (The Coordination- Timing) · 2. The Pituitary Gland is the coordinator of the endocrine system. The pituitary stimulates the growth of most body tissues and helps regulate metabolism. The pituitary also stimulates the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, the synthesis of pigments in the skin and the regulation of water absorption by the kidneys. In women the pituitary stimulates the ovaries, ovulation, the secretions of estrogen and progesterone, the uterus in preparation for the fertilized egg, the contractions of the uterus in child birth, the production and release of milk in the breasts. In men the pituitary stimulate the testes, the production of testosterone and the production of sperm. (Integration) · 3. The thyroid and parathyroid regulate metabolism in the body. They also control the calcium levels in the blood, promote skeletal growth, help the body in the use of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and cholesterol. (Sssimilation) · 4. The thymus gland control the general growth of the body and the immune system. The thymus plays a major role in the body's immune system response. It also controls the lymphatic system and the production of antibodies and T-cells (white blood cells). (Balance-Growth) · 5. The Adrenal Glands stimulate the fight or flight response. It increases blood sugar levels, increases blood pressure and affects secondary sex characteristics. The adrenal glands control salt and water balance in the body. (Protection) · 6. The Pancreas stimulates the digestive system and regulates the blood sugar levels of the blood with insulin and glucagon. (Giving and Receiving) · 7. The Gonads are the ovaries in women and the testes in men. The gonads also are contributors in the sexual and survival drives in humans. The ovaries are responsible for the development and maintenance of female secondary sexual characteristics, sexual organs, the production of eggs and the menstrual cycle and sexual reproduction. The testes are responsible for the development and maintenance of the male secondary sexual characteristics, sexual organs, the production of sperm and sexual reproduction. (Survival)

Hatha Yoga
Hatha yoga is the ancient science of balancing the body systems. Hatha Yoga is also part of the ancient knowledge of Ascension Reiki. It was originally given as a therapy to help entities adjust to having a body. This helped build the skills of physical movement in the earth plane. The postures of Hatha Yoga were designed with specific anatomical intent. There are thirteen main postures which are the summary of all the postures of Hatha Yoga. They were created to balance the Seven Anatomical systems as well as integrate the higher anatomy of a human being with the Highest Source, the Creator. Working with these postures will help increase the flow of Reiki Energy within. The first twelve are done in a round one right after another. Together they are known as "The Sun Salutation", "The Round of the Ages", or "Greeting the Light". It must be remembered never to strain when doing yoga. Hatha Yoga is always gentle and easy. If you choose to work with these postures you will enjoy it. It is a good idea to do at least two or three rounds of the 12 postures before using the Lotus. This limbers up the whole system and opens the inner channels of energy. It is not necessary to work with these postures everyday to receive benefits. Two or three times a week brings balance and helps prevent illness. Once you learn the twelve postures you will find that five minutes is all the time you need to do three rounds. Look around and you will be able to find a Hatha Yoga book to learn more. Just be sure that these postures are included in the book. Round of the AgesThe first Seven postures balance the seven energies of the Acting Body, The Thinking Body and the Feeling Body. They also balance the endocrine system. Hope First Chakra Gonads Breathe Out
Faith Second Chakra Pancreas Breathe in
Love Third Chakra Adrenal Glands Breathe Out
OM Heart Chakra Thymus Gland Breathe In
Christ Throat Chakra Thyroid & Parathyroid Breathe Out
Holy Spirit (Third Eye- Chakra) Pituitary Gland Breathe In
God Crown Chakra Pineal Gland Breathe Out
Mother Mary & Jesus Astral Body & Physical Body (First Chakra- above the head) Circulatory System Breathe In
Yasodhara & Buddha The Mind (Second Chakra above the Head) Digestive System Breathe Out
Uma & Brahman The Soul Third Chakra above the Head The Respiratory System Breathe In
Radharani & Krishna The Spirit Fourth Chakra above the Head The Muscular System Breathe Out
I AM THAT I AM The Will The Fifth Chakra above the Head The Skeletal System Breathe In
The Lotus Posture The Unmanifested One The Higher Self The Sixth Chakra above the Head The Brain and Nerve System The Complete Breath The Breath of the Elohim Yasodhara & Buddha's Breath The Breath of Uma & Brahman

5.Higher Consciousness
Right AlertnessThose whose mind is well grounded in the Seven Elements of Knowledge, who without clinging to anything rejoice in the freedom from attachment, whose appetites have been conquered, and who are full of Light, they win Nirvana even in this world. (Buddha- The Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha- p.58) ArchetypesA Zen Master once said "The search for the Buddha nature (Higher Self) is much like riding an ox in search of the ox. "(The Tao of Physics p.111) In other words sometimes the most obvious is right in front of us. Because of the simple nature of the obvious, it is often overlooked. Every exchange of energy between human beings on earth is a reflection of the "Archetypal Function" of the Self and its components. The following chart gives us a few ideas to at least begin to see the energy of life in and around us:Reflections of Archetypal Function in the World ViewSelf Quantum Physics - The observer helps create the observed
Will Governments - The Will of the people
Spirit Religions - The Spiritual Journey of Humanity
Soul Philosophy - Ethics - Morals
Mind Psychology - The Thinker
Body Natural Sciences - Physical Anatomy
Psychological Type TheoryPsychological type theory developed by Dr. Carl G. Yung, a Swiss psychiatrist, (1875-1961) was a major breakthrough in the field Archetypal Function. He put forth the theory that in normal behavior the mind operates in two modes. He called these two modes Introversion and Extroversion. People who prefer Extroversion tend to focus on the outer world of people and external events. They direct their energy and attention outward and receive energy from external events, experiences, and interactions. People who prefer Introversion tend to focus on their inner world of ideas and experiences. They direct their energy and attention inward and receive energy from their internal thoughts, feelings, and reflections. (Introduction to Type- fifth edition by Isabel Briggs Myers) He further maintained that these two modes could be experienced by the mind in four ways. These four ways he called Psychological or personality types. The four personality types that he recognized are Sensing, Thinking, Feeling and Intuitive. He also stated that these four types are used in the two modes of Introversion and Extroversion. His personality types are used world wide now even though they are only a partial anatomical representation of Archetypal Function. We now know that Introversion is the processing of the Yinward or inner world of Life Energy and that Extroversion is the processing of the outer world world of Life Energy. These two modes can be applied to our total anatomical function which brings about what is know as Archetypal Function. Archetypal Function Body Mind Soul Spirit Will Self
Body Touch Taste Smell Sight Hearing Perception
Mind Sensing Thinking Feeling Intuition Emotion Reason
Soul Prayer Concentration Meditation Contemplation Illumination Realization
Spirit Centering Discipline Devotion Knowledge Action Wisdom
Will Energy Thought Ki, Chi, Prana Light Intelligence Creativity
Self Healing Peace Abundance Joy Love Life
ReikiZones and Reflex PointsThe anatomical maps below show the zones as well as the reflex points that are used in a number of healing modalities. Reiki, Zone Therapy, Reflexology, Iridology, Body Electronics and Jin Shin Jyutsu all share a common thread of understanding with the way our anatomy works. Although the information contained in the anatomical maps is basically the same among the different modalities, the application of the information is slightly different. Reiki energy can be used in conjunction with any modality to both enhance and quicken healing results. The ZonesThere are ten energy zones in the body. There are Five energy zones on the right side of the body and and five energy zones on the left side of the body. These five energy zones on each side of the body are associated with "The Five Depths of Field" . The five energy zones one the right side of the body connect with the five fingers of the hand and the five toes of the foot on the right side of the body. The five energy zones one the left side of the body connect with the five fingers of the hand and the five toes of the foot on the left side of the body. To balance the zones with Reiki is really simple. When working on another person start with the hands and hold the one finger from each hand at the same time and let the Reiki energy flow. Move on to the next set of fingers and so on until you have done them all. Example for hands: · hold both #1 thumbs at the same time. Hold the persons left hand thumb in your right hand and their right hand thumb in your left hand. Let the Reiki energy flow. · hold both #2 index fingers at the same time. Hold the persons left hand index finger in your right hand and their right hand index finger in your left hand. Let the Reiki energy flow. · hold both #3 fingers at the same time. Hold the persons left hand #3 finger in your right hand and their right #3 finger in your left hand. Let the Reiki energy flow. · hold both #4 fingers at the same time. Hold the persons left hand #4 finger in your right hand and their right #4 finger in your left hand. Let the Reiki energy flow. · hold both #5 fingers at the same time. Hold the persons left hand #5 finger in your right hand and their right #5 finger in your left hand. Let the Reiki energy flow. Example for feet: · hold both #1 big toes at the same time. Hold the persons left foot big toe in your right hand and their right foot big toe in your left hand. Let the Reiki energy flow. · hold both #2 toes at the same time. Hold the persons left foot #2 toe in your right hand and their right foot #2 toe in your left hand. Let the Reiki energy flow. · hold both #3 toes at the same time. Hold the persons left foot #3 toe in your right hand and their right foot #3 toe in your left hand. Let the Reiki energy flow. · hold both #4 toes at the same time. Hold the persons left foot #4 toe in your right hand and their right foot #4 toe in your left hand. Let the Reiki energy flow. · hold both #5 toes at the same time. Hold the persons left foot #5 toe in your right hand and their right foot #5 toe in your left hand. Let the Reiki energy flow. The Reflex PointsThe reflex points in the hands, feet, eyes and ears are where nerve endings from the different organs come to the surface of the body. In Reiki we use these reflex points to help us receive guidance directly from the body as to where to place the hands in a spot Reiki treatment. If we are so guided, the reflex points can also be used to send Reiki energy directly to a specific organ through the nerve pathways in the body. It must be remembered that in Reiki we do not diagnose. You will have to practice of course to get a feel for working with Reiki on the reflex level but with a little patience and perseverance you will learn and understand how it works. The following are some examples of how to access and use the information in the reflex points. Hands and FeetThe reflex points in the hands and feet are very sensitive. The procedure for the hands and feet is the same. The feet are more sensitive and usually are worked on first. Press on the reflex points with your thumb firmly one at a time. If your find a sore spot or a hard spot (lactic acid crystals) you have found a reflex point that needs work. If you find a sore spot press on it firmly with your thumb and send Reiki for a minute or so or as long as you are guided to. Then place the center of your palm over the reflex point and send more Reiki energy through the reflex point through the nerves to the associated organ. Then lay your hands on the associated organ as in a normal spot treatment. Repeat this procedure on any sore spots or hard spots in the feet or hands. The EarsThe ears are very sensitive. So you must be gentle and use a very light pressure if you use your thumb to work on a specific reflex area. You should work on the feet first and locate the specific areas that need Reiki. If you find a reflex point in the foot that needs work and that reflex point is also found on the ear then and only then gently place the thumb on the reflex point on the ear and hold it there a minute or so as you are guided. Send Reiki during this whole time. Then gently place the center of the palm of your hand over the reflex point in the ear and send Reiki energy. The EyesThe iris of the eye is the most complex tissue of the body meeting the outside world. The iris is connected to every organ and tissue of the body by way of the brain and nerve system. In this way Nature has provided us with a miniature television screen showing the most remote portions of the body by way of nerve reflex responses. Nerve fibers in the iris respond to changes in body tissues by manifesting a reflex physiology that corresponds to specific tissue changes and locations. (Iridology Simplified page 3- by Bernard Jensen, D.C., Nutritionist) The rays in the iris of a perfectly healthy person are straight like in the first eye illustration blow. If there is any area that needs Reiki it shows up in the rays like in the second eye illustration below. The third eye illustration below shows the reflex areas in the iris. The simple method is this: Use a magnifying glass and an eye light to look at the iris. Note where there are spots or separations (lesions) in the rays. Look on the iris map and see what reflex is indicated in that area. This organ needs Reiki. To check this information go to the feet and press on the associated reflex area in the foot. If that area is sore you have seen correctly. You can use the foot techniques for working with the reflexes as well as placing your hands on the correct area for a spot treatment and sending Reiki. You can then place the hands over the eyes not touching them and send Reiki through them to the area you are guided to. The Body
The Mind and the Hands
The Soul and the Feet
The Spirit and the Eyes

These three eye illustrations are reprinted with the permission of Bernard Jesnen, D.C., Nutritionist from his book "Iridology Simplified". (inside cover, pages 9 and 10) A free catalog is available of his books and charts from: Bernard Jensen International 24360 Old Wagon Rd. Escondido, Ca. 92027 The Will and the Ears

6.Breath of the Eternal
Right PurposeIt is far better to be engaged in one's own purpose though performed imperfectly than to be engaged in the performance of another's purpose perfectly. (Krishna- Bhagavad Gita- ch. 3:35) One with Brahman, with God, and beyond grief and desire your soul is in peace. Your Soul's Love is One for all Creation and your Soul has supreme Love for me. By Love and devotion and purpose One knows me in truth, who I AM and what I AM. And when One knows Me in truth One enters into My Being. (Krishna- Bhagavad Gita ch.18:54-55) Working With KiThe food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe and the earth we walk on are charged with Ki. Ki is not the physical energy of nutrients, oxygen or magnetic currents but the subtle life force energy within them. Ki is not limited to just the external forces but also composes the life essence in all the fields. The fields of the Body, the Mind, the Soul, the Spirit, the Will and the Higher Self. Ki is the essence of life in the external world and the internal dimensions of all life. Ki is in us, all around us, and omnipresent. · Rei- means "Universal Source" or "Highest Source" · Ki- means vital energy or life force which flows in and through everything. · Prana- The Sanskrit word for Ki is Prana which means "vital air" or "Absolute Energy". Prana is the essence of life in all the depths of field. · Pranayama Yoga- means union with the "Highest Source" through the use of breath. In other words breath guided by the "Highest Source". Reiki is Pranayama Yoga with the intent to heal. Specialized forms of Pranayama Yoga are also used to pass Reiki attunements. · Reiki- means the essence of life force or "vital air" guided by the "Highest Source". · Ascension Reiki- means ascending the "vital air" or "Absolute Energy" to the Highest Source" · Love- is the Highest Intent As we breathe, Ki or Prana from every level flows in and through us. Breath is a prana pump and if we breathe completely with Love and the intent to heal much more Ki flows into and through us. This brings greater health and healing to ourselves and others. Breath is an essential tool used to increases the flow of the Reiki current in and through us for hands on healing, distant healing and passing of attunements. The Complete BreathLearning the complete yogic breath is easy but it does take practice. The complete breath is sometimes called the full yogic breath. The complete breath uses the whole respiratory system not just part of it. Always breathe in and out through your nose. The complete breath is not forced or done with great force, just steadily and completely. Stand or sit erect. Breathe in and fill the bottom part of the lungs which expands the diaphragm downward. The downward movement of the diaphragm exerts a gentle pressure on the abdominal organs. This gentle downward pressure on the abdominal organs pushes forward the abdomen area just below the navel and in the general belly area. This part of the complete breath is sometimes called the kidney breath. If you place your hands on your lower back in the kidney area you will feel your hands move outward when you complete this part of the breath properly. The second part of the complete breath is the filling the middle part of the lungs. Filling the middle part of the lungs pushes outward the lower ribs, breastbone and chest. When the middle part of the lungs are full you will notice a fullness in your center just at the solar plexus. The third part of the complete breath fills the upper part of the lungs. As you fill the upper part of the lungs the upper chest expands and lifts. This also lifts the shoulders slightly. You will feel the breath rise up to about midway between the collar bone and the solar plexus. The exhaling of the complete breath is simply breathing out and letting your lungs return to their relaxed position. It takes a little practice to make the complete breath flow smoothly through the three stages. In a short while you will be able to breathe completely from your lower abdomen to your collarbone in a smooth uniform movement. This is not a forceful breath but just a gentle normal breathing of the complete breath. As your consciousness of Love merges into the complete breath, become aware of the prana coming in with your breath and flowing out through your hands. This becomes a steady stream of Ki directed by the Reiki Source for hands on healing, distant healing and the passing of attunements. Once you have mastered the complete breath you can begin integrating many other forms of Yoga into this most basic foundation. The integration of other forms of yoga into the complete breath greatly increases the flow of and understanding of the Reiki Current. Direct ExperienceWords are symbols of ideas or concepts. For instance when you think the word automobile a concept or picture comes to mind of an automobile. If you see a picture of a particular automobile the concept of it is much more defined but it still is not the automobile itself. When you you sit in the automobile and take a drive you actually experience it for yourself, beyond words and pictures. This is the nature of Japa Yoga. Japa Yoga is the use of words or names and symbols that represent the highest ideals. These ideals are only concepts until they are experienced in some way personally. We already know that when we breathe in the complete breath that we bring in Ki or life energy into and through our being. In this way we experience Ki for ourselves. When we use words along with the complete breath we bring in the Ki energy associated with the concepts of the words themselves. As we work with the breath and perhaps a prayers, mantras or symbols we gradually begin to transcend the words or symbols into the energy that created the words and symbols in the first place. With the breath this energy is transferred into and through our being. In this way we can experience directly for ourselves, beyond any belief systems about a particular idea, concept, symbol or name. What is a belief system? For many years people in some parts of the world believed the world was flat. But through direct experience the truth was revealed. The earth is a sphere. This is not to say that belief systems cannot be correct and are all wrong. It only means that without direct experience the truth cannot be known. Without direct experience the truth that might be contained in any belief system is simply a belief. For example, enlightenment is not a belief system but the direct experience of truth itself. The Chakra SystemThe Chakra System is composed of Seven Chakras in the Body and Six Chakras or Portals above the body. The Seventh Chakra above the head is the Creator. Chakra means wheel. Chakras are centers of high conductivity and low resistance. This enables energy to easily flow in and out through them. They are centers that help us easily work with energy from the outside world and energy from the kingdom within. All these chakras are connected together by a main tube called Sushumna. It is through this Sushumna that Kundalini or Ki energy flows. Chakras are centers of high conductivity and low resistance. Because of this energy can easily flow in and out the chakras.
The Breath of the ElohimThe Breath of the Elohim is the breath for transcending the acting body and much more. The Breath of the Elohim is a complete breath with seven beats in and seven beats out. This means counting seven beats of the heart while breathing in and counting seven beats of the heart while breathing out. In seven beats and out seven beats. This technique brings in Japa Yoga (names of the Creator) and Mantra Yoga (inner sounds) together with Pranayama Yoga. The next step is to add the names of the Elohim. Silently say one name on each beat of your heart like this: Breathe In: · Hope- first beat · Faith- second beat · Love- third beat · Om- fourth beat · Christ- fifth beat · Holy Spirit- sixth beat · God- seventh beat Breathe Out: · Hope- first beat · Faith- second beat · Love- third beat · Om- fourth beat · Christ- fifth beat · Holy Spirit- sixth beat · God- seventh beat The use of the Elohim Breath greatly increases the flow of Ki. With a little practice it becomes quite natural to breathe in this way in hands on healing, distant healing and passing of attunements. It is also a great breath for meditation and in ascending Ki energy and connecting with "The Highest Source". It is not about belief systems but about direct experience. Try for yourself and see. Another step is to bring in the Kundalini Yoga influence. This is done by using the seven names with the seven chakras. Start with the base of the spine and proceed upward to the crown on the in breath and repeat this sequence from the base of the spine to the crown on the out breath. This is a gentle process that does not force the Kundalini current to open. It is a natural unfoldment. It is highly recommended that a person working with the Elohim Breath become familiar with the teachings of the Masters. These books are listed as the Cross- Reference Books listed in the symbols section. Use your intuition as to the order in which you read them. This knowledge will greatly enhance your understanding of the names of the Elohim and greatly expand your inner guidance. Yasodhara and Buddha's BreathYasodhara and Buddha's breath is very deep. It is the breath for transcending the Thinking Body. It begins the process of accessing Ki through the five aspects of the Higher Self. The highest ideals associated with these five anatomical aspects of the Higher Self are found in the descriptive words in the teachings of masters, the Reiki Symbols and the Names of the Masters associated with them. The inbreath is seven beats of the heart and the out breath is six beats of the heart. On the in breath the names of the Elohim repeated silently as in the Elohim Breath. On the outbreath the names of the masters are said silently. In Breath: · Hope- first beat- first chakra · Faith- second beat- second chakra · Love- third beat- third chakra · Om- fourth beat- heart chakra · Christ- fifth beat- fifth chakra · Holy Spirit- sixth beat- sixth chakra · God- seventh beat- crown chakra Out Breath: · Mary-Jesus- first beat- (Body Chakra above head) · Yasodhara-Buddha- second beat- (Mind Chakra above head) · Uma-Brahman- third beat- (Soul Chakra above head) · Radharani-Krishna- fourth beat- (Spirit Chakra above head) · I AM THAT I AM- fifth beat- (Will Chakra above head) · Unmanifested One- sixth beat- (Higher Self Chakra above head) On the in breath let the energy rise from the base of the spine to the top of the head, one name on each chakra. On the out breath let the energy continue out the top of the head through the higher six chakras, one beat and the the names for each chakra. The first chakra above the head is about a hands length above the head. Each chakra above that is about a hands length. The Breath of Uma and BrahmanThe Breath of Uma and Brahman is for transcending the Feeling body. It is a thirteen beat breath. It takes a lot of practice to even begin to master it. As you breath in the first seven beats you will have reached your normal complete yogic breath. Your lungs are already full and your shoulders have begun to lift slightly. Slowly continue to breathe in six more beats and let the breath fill you right out the top of your head. The out breath is also thirteen beats. Slowly release the breath and return to your starting position. In Breath: · Hope- first beat- first chakra · Faith- second beat- second chakra · Love- third beat- third chakra · Om- fourth beat- heart chakra · Christ- fifth beat- fifth chakra · Holy Spirit- sixth beat- sixth chakra · God- seventh beat- crown chakra · Mary-Jesus- eighth beat- (Body Chakra above head) · Yasodhara-Buddha- ninth beat- (Mind Chakra above head) · Uma-Brahman- tenth beat- (Soul Chakra above head) · Radharani-Krishna- eleventh beat- (Spirit Chakra above head) · I AM THAT I AM- twelfth beat- (Will Chakra above head) · Unmanifested One- thirteenth beat- (Higher Self Chakra above head) Out Breath: · Hope- first beat- first chakra · Faith- second beat- second chakra · Love- third beat- third chakra · Om- fourth beat- heart chakra · Christ- fifth beat- fifth chakra · Holy Spirit- sixth beat- sixth chakra · God- seventh beat- crown chakra · Mary-Jesus- eighth beat- (Body Chakra above head) · Yasodhara-Buddha- ninth beat- (Mind Chakra above head) · Uma-Brahman- tenth beat- (Soul Chakra above head) · Radharani-Krishna- eleventh beat- (Spirit Chakra above head) · I AM THAT I AM- twelfth beat- (Will Chakra above head) Unmanifested One- thirteenth beat- (Higher Self Chakra above head) Bringing it all TogetherOnce you have mastered all three breaths you can breath them in sequence. The first breath is the Breath of the Acting Body, The second breath is the Breath of the Thinking Body and the third breath is the Breath of the Feeling body. This three part breath brings the three bodies into Harmony. Learning these breaths takes time, space and patience but it is well worth it. Breath work is a tool not some magic formula. It is not meant to be a ritual that has to be practiced every day either. It is a lot of fun if you don't turn it into work or some job you have to perform. Just enjoy your life getting deeper and more meaningful everyday. Be open to the lessons that life provides you everyday. Above all remember that Love is our Friend. The Silence of MeditationOnce you have mastered one of the Breaths try this. Breathe one of the breaths for a few minutes and when you finish try sitting in silence for just a few more minutes. Just listen and feel the energy and guidance that comes back to you. Breathing the breath sends the energy from you to the Creator. Sitting in silence and listening allows you to receive what you need back from the Creator. The whole process of breathing one of the breaths and then listening in the silence need not be more than five to ten minutes of your time. Of course it can be longer if you wish. You will be surprised at what yielding five minutes of your time, on a regular basis, to breathing and meditation will do for you. The Five Higher Chakras · 1. The first chakra above the head is the "Portal of the Golden Light Body". This is the seat of the attunement of the 4th degree of Ascension Reiki. · 2. The second chakra above the head is the "Portal of the Mind" and is the seat of the attunement of 5th degree of Ascension Reiki. · 3. The third chakra above the head is the "Portal of the Soul" and is the seat of the attunement of the 6th degree of Ascension Reiki. · 4. The fourth chakra above the head is the "Portal of the Spirit" and is the seat of the 7th degree attunement of Ascension Reiki. · 5. The fifth chakra above the head is the "Portal of the Will" and is the seat of the 8th degree attunement of Ascension Reiki. The Chakra of the Higher SelfThe sixth chakra above the head is the "Portal of the Higher Self" and is the seat of the mystical 9th degree attunement. It is an automatic attunement done directly by the Reiki Source when you have worked your way through the Eighth Degrees and Five Empowerments of Ascension Reiki. These five empowerments will be written about soon and added to this web site. The Highest SourceThe main chord passes from the base of the spine up through all thirteen chakras and continues until it reaches the Reiki Source, the "Highest Source", the fourteenth Chakra of all Beings. Passing Ascension Reiki AttunementsThe procedure for passing the attunements of the fourth, fifth and sixth degrees of Ascension Reiki are described below. Music may be used during the attunement if you choose but it isn't mandatory. 1. The person receiving the attunement should sit in a comfortable chair. 2. The teacher passing the attunement should stand behind the student sitting in the chair. 3. Both should Begin by taking a few deep easy breaths to relax and center. 4. The receiver then brings their hands together, fingers pointed up, in front of the solar plexus. (like praying hands) 5. The teacher standing behind the student and brings their hands together, in the prayer position, in front of the solar plexus. 6. The teacher then opens the attunement energy by saying one of the following affirmations out loud. · The Affirmation of the Heart is used to open the Reiki Energy for the fourth degree attunement. · The Affirmation of the Mind is used to open the Reiki Energy for the fifth degree attunement. · The Affirmation of the Soul is used to open the Reiki Energy for the sixth degree attunement. Symbols of the Chakras above the Head7. The teacher then opens the appropriate chakra above the head for the 4th, 5th or sixth degree attunement. Use either a hand motion using both hands or just with intent. Then draw the appropriate symbols with the open hand or index finger techniques. Be sure to draw the left hand symbols with the left hand and the right hand symbols with the right hand. As you draw the symbols send them into the appropriate chakra. Not everyone can see the chakras above the head. They are easy to find. If you can't see them use this technique to find them. You can refer to The Chakra System to get a better idea. · The first chakra above the head is about the length of a hand above the head. That is from the finger tips to where the palm meets the wrist. · The second chakra above the head is about the length of two hands above the head. · The third chakra above the head is about the length of three hands above the head Fourth Degree Attunement The "Pyramid Symbol" of Mother Mary and Jesus represents the Astral Body and its connection to the Acting Body or Physical Body. Draw and send this symbol into the first chakra above the head for the fourth degree attunement.
Fifth Degree Attunement The "Double Pyramid Symbol" of Yasodhara and Buddha represents the Mind and its connection the Thinking Body. Draw and send this symbol into the second chakra above the head for the fifth degree attunement.
Sixth Degree Attunement The "Double Pyramid with the Inner Circle" symbol represents the Soul and its connection to the feeling body. Draw and send this symbol into the third chakra above the head for the sixth degree attunement.
The Full Size SymbolsNote: the rest of the procedure is the same for a fourth degree, fifth degree or a sixth degree attunement 8. The teacher then proceeds to draw all the symbols full size over the body and sends them in. Full size means drawing the symbol very large, from the top of the head to the base of the spine. For additional help refer to the section Drawing the Symbols and realize that many of the symbols have seven circles in them. These circles represent the seven chakras from the top of the head to the base of the spine. Stand on the left side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The Elohim" from the top of the head to the base of the spine and then send it into the left side of the body.
Stand on the right side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The Elohim" from the top of the head to the base of the spine and then send it into the right side of the body.
Stand on the left side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The Logos of the Circle Seven" from the top of the head to the base of the spine and then send it into the left side of the body.
Stand on the right side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The Logos of the Circle Seven" from the top of the head to the base of the spine and then send it into the right side of the body.
Stand on the left side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The Wellspring of Nirvana" starting at the third chakra and drawing the spiral until you finish at the top of the head. Then send it into the left side of the body.
Stand on the right side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The Wellspring of Nirvana" starting at the third chakra and drawing the spiral until you finish at the top of the head. Then send it into the right side of the body.
Stand in front of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The Breath of the Eternal" starting at just below the nose and follow the path of breath downward to the base of the spine and then up the spine to the top of the head. Remember to trace the left hand path and the right hand path. Both finish at the top of the head. Then send it into the front side of the students body.
Stand behind the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The Breath of the Eternal" starting at just below the nose and follow the path of breath downward to the base of the spine and then up the spine to the top of the head. Remember to trace the left hand path and the right hand path. Both finish at the top of the head. Then send it into the back side of the students body.
Stand on the left side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The Fountain of Youth" from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Be sure to trace both the path of the Conceptual Vessel (front) and the Governing Vessel (back) from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Then send it into the left side of the body.
Stand on the right side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The Fountain of Youth" from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Be sure to trace both the path of the Conceptual Vessel (front) and the Governing Vessel (back) from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Then send it into the right side of the body.
Stand on the left side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The Shining Way" above the head, from up high down to the top of the head. You should draw it at least five hand lengths high (about two and one half feet tall). Notice that this symbol has only five circles in it. They represent the first five chakras above the head. This is why this symbol should be drawn above the head. Then send it into the left side of the Main Chord (Kundalini Nerve) above the head and body.
Stand on the right side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The Shining Way" above the head, from up high down to the top of the head. You should draw it at least five hand lengths high (about two and one half feet tall). Notice that this symbol has only five circles in it. They represent the first five chakras above the head. This is why this symbol should be drawn above the head. Then send it into the left side of the Main Chord (Kundalini Nerve) above the head and body.
Stand in front of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The T'ai-chi T'u". Starting at a point as high as you can reach above your head. Draw the symbol full size all the way down to below the feet. This symbol is the symbol of the Higher Self and encompasses every part of a persons being. Remember to draw the black and white spots within the yin and yang side of this symbol. Then send it into the front side of the students being.
Stand behind the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The T'ai-chi T'u". Starting at a point as high as you can reach above your head. Draw the symbol full size all the way down to below the feet. This symbol is the symbol of the Higher Self and encompasses every part of a persons being. Remember to draw the black and white spots within the yin and yang side of this symbol. Then send it into the back side of the students being.
9. The student is then tapped on the shoulder to signal them to raise their hands, still palms together, over their head. The hands should gently rest in the center of the top of the head with the fingers pointing up. All the Yang Meridians connect together at the center of the top of the head in the Crown Chakra . This also places the hands directly in the antakarana where the first, second or third degree symbols have been placed. The finger tips also touch the first chakra above the head where the circuitry of the acting body, the thinking body and the feeling body connect together. 10. The teacher then places their hands around the students hands and breathes Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath a few times. As you breathe " Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath" you will feel the energy build. When you feel it is time blow the out breath of "Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath" from high above the students head all the way down to the base of the spine. This will pass the yangward side of the attunement to the student from the top of the Kundalini down through the chakras above their head, into their hands which are resting in the Rainbow bridge and all the way down the spine through the lower seven chakras. 11. Let go of the students hands and tap them on the shoulder. This signals them to return their hands to the prayer position in front of the solar plexus. The Solar Plexus is the place of the Heart Chakra. The Heart Chakra is where all the Yin Meridians connect together. 12. The teacher then goes around in the front of the student and then places their hands around the students hands and breathes "Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath" a few times. As you breathe "Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath" you will feel the energy build. When you feel it is time blow the out breath of " Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath" from high above the students head all the way down to the base of the spine. This will pass the yinward side of the attunement to the student from the top of the Kundalini down through the chakras above their head, into their hands and through the lower seven chakras. Symbols of the Hand13. The teacher then separates the students hands and releases the students right hand so it can rest palm up on the students right leg. The teacher then holds the students left hand in their upturned hand. The students hand should be palm side up resting in the teachers hand which is also palm side up. The teacher then with the left hand draws each of the seven symbols, tracing directly on palm side of the students left hand. After drawing each symbol gently tap the palm of the students hand. · For fourth degree tap the palm once after drawing each symbol. This sends the symbol to the first chakra above the head. The symbols are directed by the Creator and automatically go where they deed to go and to what they need to do. · For fifth degree tap the palm twice after drawing each symbol. This sends the symbols to the second chakra above the head. The symbols are directed by the Creator and automatically go where they deed to go and to what they need to do. · For sixth degree tap the palm three times after drawing each symbol. This sends the symbol to the third chakra above the head. The symbols are directed by the Creator and automatically go where they deed to go and to what they need to do. 14. The teacher then releases the students left so it can rest on the students left leg palm up. 15. The teacher with their left hand then picks up the students right hand. The students hand should be palm side up resting in the teachers hand which is also palm side up. The teacher then with the right hand draws each of the seven symbols, tracing directly on the palm side of the students right hand. After drawing each symbol gently tap the palm of the students hand. · For fourth degree tap the palm once after drawing each symbol. This sends the symbol to the first chakra above the head. The symbols are directed by the Creator and automatically go where they deed to go and to what they need to do. · For fifth degree tap the palm twice after drawing each symbol. This sends the symbols to the second chakra above the head. The symbols are directed by the Creator and automatically go where they deed to go and to what they need to do. · For sixth degree tap the palm three times after drawing each symbol. This sends the symbol to the third chakra above the head. The symbols are directed by the Creator and automatically go where they deed to go and to what they need to do. 16. Again place the students hands together in front of the solar plexus in the prayer position. 17. The teacher returns to a position behind the student. 18. The teacher then places his or her hands above the students head just around the appropriate chakra. The hands should be about a foot apart. · For fourth degree place the hands around the 1st chakra above the head. · For fifth degree place the hands around the 2nd chakra above the head. · For sixth degree place the hands around the 3rd chakra above the head. 19. Keep your hands above the students head for a few breaths of "Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath" then close the appropriate chakra, with the symbols in it, with your hands and gently smooth the aura from high above the head down to the feet 20. Thank the One Creator for the attunement. Use your own words or perhaps the following. · Our One Creator, thank you for this (fourth degree, fifth degree or sixth degree) attunement. 21. The teacher then goes around to the front of the student and brings their hands together in the prayer position in front of the solar plexus and bows to the student. The student also bows in return. Like a Japanese greeting. This ends the attunement. It may seem like a lot of steps but it is really easy. You can practice the procedure on an empty chair just imagining that someone is sitting in it. You will know when you are ready to teach your first class and pass your first attunement. You can use the "Heart of Creation" for your for fourth degree class manual, "Higher Consciousness" for your fifth degree class manual and "Breath of the Eternal" for your sixth degree class manual. What you charge for a class is really up to you. Treat others how you would want to be treated and be flexible. Affirmation of the SoulUma and Brahman, We ask for Your Presence Your Guidance Your Blessing Your Anointing and Your Love in this healing and attunement process, Thank You Amen. Soul MatesWhat is the Marriage tie? Is it comprised in what a priest or officer may say? Is it the scroll on which the officer or priest has written the permission for the two to live in marriage bonds? Is it the promise of the two that they will Love each other until death? Is Love a passion that is subject to the will of Man? Can man pick up his Love, as he would pick up precious gems, and lay it down, or give it out to any one? Can Love be bought and sold like sheep? Love is the power of God that binds two souls and makes them one; there is no power on earth that can dissolve the bond. The bodies may be forced apart by man or death for just a little time, but they will meet again. Now, in this bond of God we find the marriage tie all other unions are but bonds of straw. (Jesus- Aquarian Gospel ch. 98)

7.The Most Secret Knowledge
Right EffortThe Blessed Lord said: Because your soul has Faith I will reveal this most profound secret. It is vision, wisdom and knowledge combined, and when known shall free you from illusion. It is the supreme mystery and wisdom, the king of education, and the purification supreme. Seen in a wonder of vision, it is a path of righteousness, very easy to follow, joyfully performed and leads to the highest End. But those who have no Faith in this Truth, not reaching me: they return to the paths of this world, the cycles of life in death. All this visible universe comes from and is pervaded by my invisible Being, my unmanifested formless aspect. All beings rest in me, are rooted in me. Yet, I have not my rest in them, I AM not rooted in them. And in truth, (because of free will) everything that is created does not rest in Me; behold my sovereign Yoga! I AM the source of and the maintainer of all beings, yet I rest not in them, still My Self is the very source of creation. Even as in the Great Sky, the wind is blowing everywhere, so all the cosmic manifestation and all beings rest rooted in Me. All beings, O Faithful one, enter my lower nature at the end of a world age, at the beginning of a world-age again I emanate them. Thus through my Nature, which I emanate again and again I bring forth all of creation and this rolls round in the circles of time. O Faithful one, these works do not bind me. I AM and I watch the drama of works, unattached to actions. The foolish disregard Me, when clad in human form, ignorant of My transcendental nature and My supreme dominion over all that be. Empty of Hope, empty of deeds, empty of wisdom, senseless, partaking of the deceitful, brutal and deluded, their Hopes for liberation are all defeated. But there are some Souls who know me: their refuge is my own divine nature. Ever harmonized, fully engaged in devotion, they Love me with a oneness of Love: they know that I am the imperishable source of all beings. Others, who are engaged in the cultivation of knowledge, worship me in my transcendental form as the One and the many, the Supreme Lord; they see that I AM everywhere present and all is in Me. (Krishna- Bhagavad Gita ch. 9:1-15 Yoga of The Most Secret Knowledge) The Attunement ProcessThe attunement process is a process of rebirth. With an attunement a part of us is reborn, reawakened and we begin to remember our rebirth-right and our inheritance. In the former age, the Piscean Age, two main forms of the attunement process were introduced for the healing of humanity. The two main forms of Reiki in the Piscean Age represent the Yinward side of the attunement process and the Yangward side of the attunement process. Our Mother's ReikiThe Yinward side of the attunement process from the Piscean Age consists of three attunements. There are many variations and enhancements of these three attunements but in general we call this form of Reiki, Our Mother's Reiki. Our Mother's Reiki began to be a popular form of healing at the end of the Piscean Age. This came about after the attuning of Dr. Usui by our Mother in the early 1900's. Since then Our Mother's Reiki has spread in many forms. The most widely know form is called Usui Shiki Ryoho or Usui Reiki named after its founder. The three attunements of Our Mothers Reiki are very simple and require only intent to pass them from one person to another. There are many variations in the methods of passing these three attunements. All methods of passing these attunements are valid and they all work. Each attunement deepens the healing energy and is associated with a degree. There are three degrees. · The first degree is for the Acting Body and consists of an attunement, some basic hand positions for healing and the five principles of Reiki. · The second degree is for the Thinking Body and consists of an attunement, some of the Reiki Symbols and how to use them in hands on healing and distant healing. · The third degree is for the Feeling Body and consists of an attunement, more Reiki Symbols and how to use them with some yoga techniques to pass attunements. Understanding these three attunements is not possible in its Piscean Age form. Remember that all the methods of passing attunements work. Just follow the instructions given to you for passing attunements and it will work. Even if you make mistakes in passing the attunements they still work. Isn't that a miracle! You can change methods and the attunements are still passed. You can use symbols you weren't attuned with and you are automatically attuned with them. You may even seem to improve on what you learned and call it by another name. You can call it Usui Reiki, Tibetan Reiki, Reiki plus, Karuna Reiki or anything else you can think of but it is still all the same, just variations of our Mother's Reiki from the Piscean Age. Our Father's ReikiThe Yangward side of the attunement process from the Piscean Age consists of three attunements. This form of Reiki we call Our Father's Reiki. Our Fathers Reiki is the Reiki attunement process that was introduced by the Master Jesus when he was on earth. He received this attunement process from our Father in Heaven. This attunement process has been passed down through the generations since the time of Jesus until the present day. The Yangward side of the attunement process from the Piscean Age consists of three attunements or levels also. The attunements are simple but do require some study and understanding to receive them. There are many formulas to receiving these attunements but in general the following examples should give you an idea of the process. Each attunement deepens the healing energy and is associated with a degree or level. There are three degrees. · The first degree is for the Acting Body and consists of the study of the teachings of the Master Jesus. Jesus brings together the teachings of all the masters before him. As much more than a brilliant scholar, he taught in simple terms the wisdom of the masters before him. By his example he demonstrated and put into practice the path of Love and showed us that death is nothing but an illusion and became the master of masters. So perfect are his steps upon the path of the masters that He actually became The Way, The Truth and The Life. And when a person reaches a place in understanding the reality of the life of Jesus the second step happens. The second step is the accepting of Jesus into your life as a teacher, Lord or Savior. When a person openly admits that they have received Jesus as their teacher, their Lord or Savior the first attunement happens automatically. It is called being born again. · The second degree is for the Thinking Body and consists of receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. This is usually done by the laying of hands and the person receiving the attunement simply asking our Father in Heaven to baptize them in the Holy Spirit. This baptism allows a person to receive the gifts of the spirit. One of the gifts of the spirit is healing. This is the same Holy Spirit that the Master Jesus called upon to heal the sick and raise the dead. Another gift of the Spirit is receiving your own personal prayer language or mantra, sometimes called speaking in tongues. · The third degree is for the Feeling Body and consists of becoming baptized in water in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. This shows a persons willingness to let go of the world and follow the path of Love. "In the Piscean age the lessons of Light, Love and Healing were very simple because humanity as a whole couldn't understand healing in any great depth. What the attunement process actually is and how and why it works was left up to us to discover. Understanding the attunement process in its full majestic beauty was not actually possible for humanity as a whole in the Piscean Age. The Joining The Transition of the Ages" is a point in time when an "Old Age" ends and the dawn of the "New Age" begins. During this brief period of time the two ages join and overlap. This overlap is called "the Transition of the Ages" or "Cusp of the Ages". Throughout history each time there is a "Transition of the Ages" a mysterious phenomenon always occurs. The lessons of Healing , Light, and Love from the old age are brought together and taken to a deeper level in the Healing Current of the New Age. The Joining of the energies of Our Mother's Reiki and Our Father's Reiki happened during the "Cusp" of the Piscean and Aquarian Ages. They were brought to a deeper level in the Healing Current of the Aquarian Age. The joining of these two energies are the keys that unlock the Spiritual teachings of the Ascended Masters. In their teachings is revealed Ascension Reiki. It is called "Ascension Reiki" because the Reiki Current of the Aquarian Age is the "Ascension Current". This phenomenon of the "Transition of the Ages" is well documented in the teachings of the Ascended Masters. In the Bible, (Revelation), and The Aquarian Gospel it is called the Sevens of Time. In the Bhagavad Gita, (ch.13), it is called "The Most Secret Knowledge". The Spiritual teachings of the Ascended Masters are available to the general public in book form. The many translations of their teachings are listed in the Bibliography section of "The Book of Remembrance". The Transition of the Ages The magnification of energies during the transition takes place because the two ages overlap for seven, seven year periods of time, a total of forty-nine years. The energies of the last forty- nine years of the previous age overlap the first forty-nine years of the new age. This brings about a doubling of energies. This doubling of energies also makes it possible to receive and comprehend lessons that are far beyond our normal abilities. The Transition of the ages is also called the "Sevens of Time". The number of the Holy Breath is seven, and God holds in his hands the sevens of time. (Jesus- Aquarian Gospel ch. 96:23) The master took down from the wall a scroll on which was written down the number and the name of every attribute and character. He said, the circle is the symbol of the perfect man, and seven is the number of the perfect man; The Logos is the perfect word; that which creates; that which destroys, and that which saves. This Hebrew master is the Logos of the Holy One, the Circle of the human race, the Seven of Time. And in the record book the scribe wrote down, The Logos- Circle Seven; and thus was Jesus known. (Aquarian Gospel ch. 48:1-5) Grace and peace to you from him who is, and who was, and who is to come, and from the Seven Spirits before his throne, and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. (Bible- Revelation ch. 1:4) These are the words of him who holds the Seven Spirits of God and the seven stars. (Jesus- Bible- Revelation ch. 3:1) Jesus said, From God's own Record Book we read: the Triune God breathed forth, and Seven Spirits stood before his face. (The Hebrews call these Seven Spirits Elohim). And these are they who, in their boundless power, created every thing that is , or was. (Aquarian Gospel ch. 32:20-21) And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud; and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire: And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth, And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, Seven Thunders uttered their voices. (Bible- Revelation ch. 10:1-3) After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will show thee things which must be hereafter. And immediately I was in the Spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne. And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald. And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold. And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the Seven Spirits of God. (Bible- Revelation ch. 4:1-5) In Spirit I was caught away into the realms of Akasha; I stood alone within the circle of the sun. And there I found the secret spring that opens up the door to Wisdom and an understanding heart. I entered in and then I knew. I saw the four and twenty Cherubim and Seraphim that guard the circle of the sun, the mighty ones who were proclaimed by masters long ago "the four and twenty ancient ones." I heard the names of every Cherubim and Seraphim, and learned that every sign in all the Zodiac is ruled by two- a Cherubim and Seraphim. And then I stood upon the cusp where Ages meet. The Piscean Age had passed; the Aquarian Age had just begun. I saw the guardian Spirits of the Piscean Age; Ramasa is the Cherubim; Vacabiel is Seraphim. I saw the guardian Spirits of the Aquarian Age, and Archer is the Cherubim; Sakmaquil is the Seraphim. These four great spirits of the Triune God stood close together on the cusp, and in the presence of the sacred Three- the God of Might, the God of Wisdom, and the God of Love- the scepter of Domain, of Might, of Wisdom and of Love was there transferred. (Aquarian Gospel- Introduction p. 5) The Sevens of TimeThe "Transition of the Ages" lasts forty nine years. The "Transition" between the Piscean and the Aquarian Ages was from 1949-1998. During this seven, seven year period of time we enter into the lower nature of the Creator which is the Seven Spirits of Creation. These Seven Spirits are the main influencing energies of the times. Their reflections can be seen in the times. Each Seven year period begins on the Spring Equinox (March 22) · 1949-1956- Hope (right after world war II, a Hope of no more wars) · 1956-1963- Faith (Is God Dead) · 1963-1970- Love (The Peace Love Generation) · 1970-1977- OM (The group chanting of OM, the the quest for truth of the Heart) · 1977-1984- Christ (The New Age Movement) · 1984-1991- Holy Spirit (Alternative Healing) · 1991-1998- God (The Attunement Process and the Spiritual Path Within) These are only general ideas that will give you a place to start with understanding the energies of the Seven Spirits and how they affect and influence us. These seven year periods come in continuos cycles. · 1998-2005- Hope · 2005-2012- Faith · 2012-2019- Love · 2019-2026- OM · 2026-2033- Christ · 2033-2030- Holy Spirit · 2030-2037- God Each seven year period is also influenced by a secondary influence of the Seven Spirits. The following is an example of the Hope seven years from 1998-2005. Each year also begins on the Spring Equinox (March 22) Hope- 1998-2005 · 1998-1999- Hope · 1999-2000- Faith · 2000-2001- Love · 2001-2002- OM · 2002-2003- Christ · 2003-2004- Holy Spirit · 2004-2005- God Each year has twelve minor aspects that are influential on the energies of the times. These twelve minor aspects are most well known as the twelve signs of the Zodiac. The twelve energies are as follows: · March 22nd- April 20th- Hope (Aries) · April 21st- May 21st- Faith (Taurus) · May 22nd- June 23rd- Love (Gemini) · June 23rd- July 23rd- OM (Cancer) · July 24th- August 23rd- Christ (Leo) · August 24th- September 23rd- Holy Spirit (Virgo) · September 24th- October 23rd- God (Libra) · October 24th- November 22nd- Mother Mary & Jesus (Scorpio) · November 23rd- December 22nd- Yasodhara & Buddha (Sagittarius) · December 23rd- January 19th- Uma & Brahman (Capricorn) · January 20th- February 19th- Radharani & Krishna (Aquarius) · February 20th- March 21st- I AM THAT I AM (Pisces) The Seven Days of the week· Sunday- Hope · Monday- Faith · Tuesday- Love · Wednesday- OM · Thursday- Christ · Friday- Holy Spirit · Saturday- God The Five Kingdoms· The Mineral Kingdom- Body · The Plant Kingdom- Mind · The Animal Kingdom- Soul · The Water Kingdom- Spirit · The Air Kingdom- Will The Meridian SystemThe meridian system is the anatomical aspect of the Spirit. The meridians distribute Ki and blood throughout the body and organs of the body. The Meridian System is made up of a pair of vessels and twelve pairs of meridians. Half of the Meridian system distributes the flow of yinward energy in the body and half of the Meridian system distributes the flow of yangward energy in the body. The Yinward Flow The Yangward Flow
The Conceptual Vessel & The Six Yin Meridians· Lung Meridian of the Hand · Heart Meridian of the Hand · Pericardium Meridian of the Hand · Spleen Meridian of the Foot · Kidney Meridian of the Foot · Liver Meridian of the Foot The Governing Vessel & The Six Yang Meridians· Large Intestine Meridian of the Hand · Small Intestine Meridian of the Hand · Tripple Burner (Lymph) Meridian of the Hand · Stomach Meridian of the Foot · Urinary Bladder Meridian of the Foot · Gall Bladder Meridian of the Foot
Note: Each meridian is associated with an organ and supplies Ki and the Ki in the blood to that particular organ. Each meridian whether Yin or Yang is made up of two halves. One half is in the left side of the body and the other half is in the right side of the body. Example: The Lung Meridian of the Hand is a pair of meridians. One meridian is in the left side of the body and one meridian is in the right side of the body. They are like mirror images. This is the case with all 12 meridians. The Path of Energy Life energy from the highest source flows down the main chords of yin and yang through all thirteen chakras. The energy then begins to rise upward from the root chakra through the meridian system.
The two main energy pathways in the meridian system are known as the Conceptual Vessel and the Governing Vessel. The two vessels are really one vessel with two aspects. The Yin aspect is the Conceptual Vessel and the Yang aspect is the Governing Vessel. The Ki energy rises up from the root chakra up the front of the body in the Conceptual Vessel. This is the yinward flow of Ki. The Ki energy rises up from the root chakra up the back in Governing Vessel. This is the yangward flow. The six pairs of Yin Meridians and the six pairs of Yang Meridians intermingle and connect with each other in various areas of the body. All six pairs of Yin Meridians connect at the Heart Chakra. All six pairs of Yang Meridians connect at the Crown Chakra.
Distribution RulesofThe Twelve Regular MeridiansThe three Yin meridians of the hand travel from the chest to the hand, where they link with the three Yang meridians of the hand. The three Yang meridians of the hand travel from hand to head, where they Link with the three Yang meridians of the foot. The three Yang meridians of the foot travel from the head down to the foot, where they link with the three Yin meridians of the foot. The three Yin meridians of the foot travel from the foot up to the abdomen and chest, where they link with the three Yin meridians of the hand. Thus, the twelve regular meridians form an endless cycle, linking both Yin and Yang and maintaining the circulation of (Qi, Ki, Chi) and blood in the body. (Acupuncture, Meridian Theory and Acupuncture Points- page 22 - by Li Ding, translated by Wang Zhaorong)
(Diagram from Acupuncture, Meridian Theory and Acupuncture Points- page 22 - by Li Ding, translated by Wang Zhaorong) The Order of the Twelve MeridiansThe energy flows through the 12 meridians in a continous constan circut of energy. The meridians also flow in a rythum or wave form that lasts two hours for each meridian. The energy during this two hour period is greater than at other times of the 24 hour cycle. The order of the flow is this: · Lung Meridian (Yin)- 3-5 AM · Large Intestine Meridian (Yang)- 5-7 AM- Yang · Stomach Meridian (Yang)- 7-9AM- · Spleen Meridian (Yin)- 9-11 AM · Heart Meridian (Yin)- 11 AM-1 PM · Small Intestine Meridian (Yang)- 1-3 PM · Urinary Bladder Meridian (Yang)- 3-5 PM · Kidney Meridian (Yin)- 5-7 PM · Pericardium Meridian (Yin) (veins and arteries)- 7-9 PM · Tripple Burner Meridian (Yang)(Lymph)- 9-11 PM · Gall Bladder Meridian (Yang)- 11 PM- 1 AM · Liver Meridian (Yin)- 1-3 AM The Five Shu PointsThe Five Shu Points are located along the twelve meridians between the tips of the fingers and the elbow in the arms and between the tips of the toes and the knees in the legs. The flow of Ki is like the flow of water. The least amount of flow is in the tips of the fingers and tips of the toes. The greater amount of flow is in the elbows and the knees. As the Ki flows through the meridians from the elbow to the tips of the fingers and from the knees to the tips of the toes the flow of Ki decreases. As the Ki flows from the tips of the fingers to the elbow and from the tips of the toes to the knee the flow of Ki increases. · The Jing-Well points are located on the sides of the nails on the fingers and toes. They are called the root points because Ki begins to bubble up here. · The Ying-Spring points are located between the metacarpal bones in the hand and between the metatarsal bones in the foot. This is where the flow of Kei begins to trickle like from a spring. · The Shu-Stream points are located in the areas just below the wrist joints and just below the ankle joints. The flow of Ki here is like a stream watering a field. · The Jing-River points are located in the areas just above the wrist joints and just above the ankle joints. Ki flows here like a river on which boats can travel. · The He-Sea points are located near the elbow and knee joints. Ki flows here like a river merging into the sea. The Five Shu Points section is paraphrased from "Acupuncture, Meridian Theory and Acupuncture Points"- page 46 - by Li Ding, translated by Wang Zhaorong) Reiki and the MeridiansTo learn more about the meridians find a good acupuncture book and study but until then the following will give you a place to begin working with Reiki at the Meridian level. If you are so led you can open and activate the Meridian system with Reiki. Open a treatment whether a full treatment or a spot treatment with the left hand just below the heart chakra. The thumb should extent upward toward the head. The thumb should fit in the notch at the base of the sternum (solar plexus area). This gives the hand contact with the Heart Chakra. The right hand should be with the center of the palm directly on the crown chakra (the center of the top of the head) Note: If you are led to have your hands reversed for this procedure do so. The left hand connects with all the Yin Meridians and the right hand connects with all the Yang Meridians. Send Reiki as long as you are guided to. Then proceed to either a spot treatment or a full treatment as you are directed. · For the spot meridian treatment work with the areas from the tips of the fingers to the elbows and from the tips of the toes to the knees using the areas described in "The Five Shu Points" section above. Let Reiki flow into each area. · For a full treatment just proceed to "The Full Treatment Hand Positions" which work on the meridian system as a whole as well as the chakras and organs. Further StudyAcupuncture, Meridian Theory and Acupuncture Points by Li Ding translated byYou Benlin and Wang Zhaorong Acupuncture A Layman's View by Lucille Leong The Web That Has No Weaver by Ted J. Kaptchuk O.M.D. Touch For Health by John F. Thie, D.C. Inner GuidanceThroughout the ages the mystery of inner guidance and the path to the Creator has been a closely guarded secret. The Yoga of the Creator, The Unmanifested One is described by the masters to be the most difficult path especially for the untrained beginner. This is not because the Creator is unwilling to guide a beginner but only because the beginner is unequipped to receive the sought after presence. This path without some help is a very long journey, though not impossible. Only the very advanced are able to walk this path of unfoldment. Fortunately there are a few who have mastered the Path, The Way and are willing to help us shorten the time of unfoldment. They are known as the Ascended Masters. The study of their teachings is a very important step on the path of healing. To truly understand the teachings of the Ascended Masters you will find it necessary to work with them directly. The Ascended Masters are fully qualified as guides and teachers are very willing to help anyone who is sincere and seeks their presence. The following is a formula that can be used to ask the Ascended Masters into your life as teachers and guides. The words that are used will of course work if your intent is sincere but they are given more as a guideline. When you understand what the words mean you may of course ask in your own words as long as the content and intent is intact. The order of statements is in anatomical order and does not imply that any particular order is necessary. Each person comes to the Ascended Masters from their own particular background and may be drawn to a particular Master more than another. You may of course choose One or more Masters to begin with but eventually it is wise to work with all of them. This brings the greater balance and harmony into a persons life. The AskingThe Formula is as follows: · Mother Mary and Jesus come into my heart and life. Be my teachers and become my friends. · Yasodhara and Buddha come into my heart and life. Be my teachers and become my friends. · Uma and Brahman come into my heart and life. Be my teachers and become my friends. · Radharani and Krishna come into my heart and life. Be my teachers and become my friends. · I AM THAT I AM come into my heart and life. Be my teacher and become my friend. · Unmanifested One come into my heart and life. Be my teacher and become my friend. There are many books that contain the teachings of the Ascended Masters. Their teachings are alive and will teach you at the level you can receive. When you have learned and grown later read the same teachings again you will find deeper levels of meaning to guide you onward on your journey. Some helpful Books of the teachings of the Masters: · Mother Mary and Jesus- The Aquarian Gospel by Levi Dowling, The Bible, The Essene Gospel of Peace books 1-4 by Edmund Bordeaux Szekely, The Book of Mormon · Yasodhara and Buddha- The Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha- edited by E.A. Burtt, The living Buddha- by Edmund Bordeaux Szekely, The Dhammapada- translated by Balangoda Ananda Maitreya · Uma and Brahman- The Upanishads- translated by Swami Prabhavananda, The Upanishads- translated by Max Muller · Radharani and Krishna- The Bhagavad Gita- translated by Jaun Mascaro, The Bhagavad Gita- translated by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, The Bhagavad Gita As It Is- translated by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Srimad Bhagavatam- Second Canto- part one- translated by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada · I AM THAT I AM- The I AM discourses- by St. Germain, The Bible · Unmanifested One- The Book of the Tao- translated by Frank J. MacHovec, The Tao Te Ching- translated by Gia-Fu Feng and Jane English The AnointingAfter you have asked the Ascended Masters into your heart and life you can ask to receive the Anointing of the Seven Spirits. This anointing is given as part of a Spiritual Baptism. The following formula can be used with sincere intent. Our One Creator, baptise and anoint me in Hope, Faith, Love, Om, Christ, Holy Spirit, God. Affirmation of the SpiritRadharani and Krishna, We ask for Your Presence Your Guidance Your Blessing Your Anointing and Your Love in this healing and attunement process, Thank You Amen.

8.Unconditional Love
Right MotivationThough I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not Love, I am sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. Though I tell what is to come, and know all secrets, and all wisdom; and though I have Faith so strong as the storm which lifts mountains from their seat, but have not Love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and give all my fire that I have received from my Father, but have not Love, I am in no wise profited. Love is patient, Love is kind. Love is not envious, works not evil, knows not pride; is not rude, neither selfish; is slow to anger, imagines no mischief; rejoices not in injustice, but delights in justice. Love defends all, Love believes all, Love Hopes all, Love bears all; never exhausts itself; but as for tongues they shall cease, and, as for knowledge, it shall vanish away. For we have truth in part, and error in part, but when the fullness of perfection is come, that which is in part shall be blotted out. When a man was a child he spoke as a child, understood as a child, thought as a child; but when he became a man he put away childish things. For now we see through a glass and through dark sayings. Now we know in part, but when we are come before the face of God, we shall not know in part, but even as we are taught by him. And now remain these three: Faith and Hope and Love; but the greatest of these is Love. (Jesus- The Essene Gospel of Peace p.19-20 and Bible 1st. Cor. ch. 13) SoundSound can be used to show the anatomical relationships of the way anatomy works. If you for instance take the note C which is 523.3 vibrations per second and double the frequency we get the next higher octave of C which is 1046.6 vibrations per second. If we split this octave of C into 12 equal tones we get the notes on a piano which are: C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B and back to C. These twelve notes can show us the relationship of the signs of the Zodiac, The Twelve Meridians, The twelve Postulates etc. If we split the same octave into Seven equal tones we get the relationships of the Seven Endocrine Glands, The seven Bodily Systems, the Seven Auras, the Seven Chakras, The Seven heavens, The Seven Spirits, etc. If we split the same octave into Five equal tones we get the relationships of the five fingers and toes, the five elements, the five Kingdoms, the five senses, Five anatomical aspects of the Higher Self, etc. The chart below will give you something to look at that shows the 12, the 7 and the 5.
Passing Ascension Reiki AttunementsThe procedure for passing the attunements of the 7th and 8th degrees of Ascension Reiki are described below. Music may be used during the attunement if you choose but it isn't mandatory. 1. The person receiving the attunement should sit in a comfortable chair. 2. The teacher passing the attunement should stand behind the student sitting in the chair. 3. Both should Begin by taking a few deep easy breaths to relax and center. 4. The receiver then brings their hands together, fingers pointed up, in front of the solar plexus. (like praying hands) 5. The teacher standing behind the student and brings their hands together, in the prayer position, in front of the solar plexus. 6. The teacher then opens the attunement energy by saying one of the following affirmations out loud. · The Affirmation of the Spirit is used to open the Reiki Energy for the seventh degree attunement. · The Affirmation of the Will is used to open the Reiki Energy for the eighth degree attunement. Symbols of the Chakras above the Head7. The teacher then opens the appropriate chakra above the head for the seventh or eighth degree attunement. Use either a hand motion using both hands or just with intent. Then draw the appropriate symbols with the open hand or index finger techniques. Be sure to draw the left hand symbols with the left hand and the right hand symbols with the right hand. As you draw the symbols send them into the appropriate chakra. Not everyone can see the chakras above the head. They are easy to find. If you can't see them use this technique to find them. You can refer to The Chakra System to get a better idea. · The 4th chakra above the head is about the length of four hands above the head. One hand length is from the finger tips to where the palm meets the wrist. · The 5th chakra above the head is about the length of five hands above the head. Seventh Degree Attunement The Symbol of the "Double Pyramid with the Inner and Outer Circles" represents the Spirit. This is the Spiritual Symbol of Radharani and Krishna. Draw and send this symbol into the 4th chakra above the head for the 7th degree attunement. Draw the symbol the same as the other pyramid symbols and just add the outer circle.
Eighth Degree Attunement The Symbol of "Circle" is the symbol used for the eighth degree attunement. The Circle is the symbol of the I AM Presence or I AM THAT I AM. Draw and send this symbol into the 5th chakra above the head for the 8th degree attunement.
The Full Size SymbolsNote: the rest of the procedure is the same for a 7th degree or for an 8th degree attunement 8. The teacher then proceeds to draw all the symbols full size over the body and sends them in. Full size means drawing the symbol very large, from the top of the head to the base of the spine. For additional help refer to the section Drawing the Symbols and realize that many of the symbols have seven circles in them. These circles represent the seven chakras from the top of the head to the base of the spine. Stand on the left side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The Elohim" from the top of the head to the base of the spine and then send it into the left side of the body.
Stand on the right side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The Elohim" from the top of the head to the base of the spine and then send it into the right side of the body.
Stand on the left side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The Logos of the Circle Seven" from the top of the head to the base of the spine and then send it into the left side of the body.
Stand on the right side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The Logos of the Circle Seven" from the top of the head to the base of the spine and then send it into the right side of the body.
Stand on the left side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The Wellspring of Nirvana" starting at the third chakra and drawing the spiral until you finish at the top of the head. Then send it into the left side of the body.
Stand on the right side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The Wellspring of Nirvana" starting at the third chakra and drawing the spiral until you finish at the top of the head. Then send it into the right side of the body.
Stand in front of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The Breath of the Eternal" starting at just below the nose and follow the path of breath downward to the base of the spine and then up the spine to the top of the head. Remember to trace the left hand path and the right hand path. Both finish at the top of the head. Then send it into the front side of the students body.
Stand behind the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The Breath of the Eternal" starting at just below the nose and follow the path of breath downward to the base of the spine and then up the spine to the top of the head. Remember to trace the left hand path and the right hand path. Both finish at the top of the head. Then send it into the back side of the students body.
Stand on the left side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The Fountain of Youth" from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Be sure to trace both the path of the Conceptual Vessel (front) and the Governing Vessel (back) from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Then send it into the left side of the body.
Stand on the right side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The Fountain of Youth" from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Be sure to trace both the path of the Conceptual Vessel (front) and the Governing Vessel (back) from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Then send it into the right side of the body.
Stand on the left side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The Shining Way" above the head, from up high down to the top of the head. You should draw it at least five hand lengths high (about two and one half feet tall). Notice that this symbol has only five circles in it. They represent the first five chakras above the head. This is why this symbol should be drawn above the head. Then send it into the left side of the Main Chord (Kundalini Nerve) above the head and body.
Stand on the right side of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The Shining Way" above the head, from up high down to the top of the head. You should draw it at least five hand lengths high (about two and one half feet tall). Notice that this symbol has only five circles in it. They represent the first five chakras above the head. This is why this symbol should be drawn above the head. Then send it into the left side of the Main Chord (Kundalini Nerve) above the head and body.
Stand in front of the student who is sitting in the chair. With the left hand draw the Symbol of "The T'ai-chi T'u". Starting at a point as high as you can reach above your head. Draw the symbol full size all the way down to below the feet. This symbol is the symbol of the Higher Self and encompasses every part of a persons being. Remember to draw the black and white spots within the yin and yang side of this symbol. Then send it into the front side of the students being.
Stand behind the student who is sitting in the chair. With the right hand draw the Symbol of "The T'ai-chi T'u". Starting at a point as high as you can reach above your head. Draw the symbol full size all the way down to below the feet. This symbol is the symbol of the Higher Self and encompasses every part of a persons being. Remember to draw the black and white spots within the yin and yang side of this symbol. Then send it into the back side of the students being.
9. The student is then tapped on the shoulder to signal them to raise their hands, still palms together, over their head. The hands should gently rest in the center of the top of the head with the fingers pointing up. All the Yang Meridians connect together at the center of the top of the head in the Crown Chakra . This also places the hands directly in the antakarana where the first, second or third degree symbols have been placed. The finger tips also touch the first chakra above the head where the circuitry of the acting body, the thinking body and the feeling body connect together. 10. The teacher then places their hands around the students hands and breathes The Breath of Uma and Brahman a few times. As you breathe " The Breath of Uma and Brahman" you will feel the energy build. When you feel it is time blow the out breath of "The Breath of Uma and Brahman" from high above the students head all the way down to the base of the spine. This will pass the yangward side of the attunement to the student from the top of the Kundalini down through the chakras above their head, into their hands which are resting in the Rainbow bridge and all the way down the spine through the lower seven chakras. 11. Let go of the students hands and tap them on the shoulder. This signals them to return their hands to the prayer position in front of the solar plexus. The Solar Plexus is the place of the Heart Chakra. The Heart Chakra is where all the Yin Meridians connect together. 12. The teacher then goes around in the front of the student and then places their hands around the students hands and breathes "The Breath of Uma and Brahman" a few times. As you breathe "The Breath of Uma and Brahman" you will feel the energy build. When you feel it is time blow the out breath of "The Breath of Uma and Brahman" from high above the students head all the way down to the base of the spine. This will pass the yinward side of the attunement to the student from the top of the Kundalini down through the chakras above their head, into their hands and through the lower seven chakras. Symbols of the Hand13. The teacher then separates the students hands and releases the students right hand so it can rest palm up on the students right leg. The teacher then holds the students left hand in their upturned hand. The students hand should be palm side up resting in the teachers hand which is also palm side up. The teacher then with the left hand draws each of the seven symbols, tracing directly on palm side of the students left hand. After drawing each symbol gently tap the palm of the students hand. · For 7th degree tap the palm four after drawing each symbol. This sends the symbol to the 4th chakra above the head. The symbols are directed by the Creator and automatically go where they deed to go and to what they need to do. · For 8th degree tap the palm five times after drawing each symbol. This sends the symbols to the 5th chakra above the head. The symbols are directed by the Creator and automatically go where they deed to go and to what they need to do. 14. The teacher then releases the students left so it can rest on the students left leg palm up. 15. The teacher with their left hand then picks up the students right hand. The students hand should be palm side up resting in the teachers hand which is also palm side up. The teacher then with the right hand draws each of the seven symbols, tracing directly on the palm side of the students right hand. After drawing each symbol gently tap the palm of the students hand. · For 7th degree tap the palm four after drawing each symbol. This sends the symbol to the 4th chakra above the head. The symbols are directed by the Creator and automatically go where they deed to go and to what they need to do. · For 8th degree tap the palm five times after drawing each symbol. This sends the symbols to the 5th chakra above the head. The symbols are directed by the Creator and automatically go where they deed to go and to what they need to do. 16. Again place the students hands together in front of the solar plexus in the prayer position. 17. The teacher returns to a position behind the student. 18. The teacher then places his or her hands above the students head just around the appropriate chakra. The hands should be about a foot apart. · For 7th degree place the hands around the 4th chakra above the head. · For fifth degree place the hands around the 5th chakra above the head. 19. Keep your hands above the students head for a few breaths of "Yasodhara and Buddha's Breath" then close the appropriate chakra, with the symbols in it, with your hands and gently smooth the aura from high above the head down to the feet 20. Thank the One Creator for the attunement. Use your own words or perhaps the following. · Our One Creator, thank you for this (7th degree or 8th degree) attunement. 21. The teacher then goes around to the front of the student and brings their hands together in the prayer position in front of the solar plexus and bows to the student. The student also bows in return. Like a Japanese greeting. This ends the attunement. It may seem like a lot of steps but it is really easy. You can practice the procedure on an empty chair just imagining that someone is sitting in it. You will know when you are ready to teach your first class and pass your first attunement. You can use the "Heart of Creation" for your for fourth degree class manual, "Higher Consciousness" for your fifth degree class manual and "Breath of the Eternal" for your sixth degree class manual. What you charge for a class is really up to you. Treat others how you would want to be treated and be flexible. Affirmation of the WillI AM THAT I AM, We ask for Your Presence Your Guidance Your Blessing Your Anointing and Your Love in this healing and attunement process, Thank You Amen. Born of Water and SpiritWater baptism has been around for a long, long time. It symbolizes the giving up of the ego to the Creator and being washed clean. That is the clensing of sin from your being. What is sin? Sin means error. It is an old archery term. When the archers were on the field and shooting at targets the spotters would yell back to the archers "Sin" if they missed the center of the target. Sin means to miss the mark. Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. (Bible- Jn.3:5). Being born of water and Spirit means to be paptized in water in the Names of the Creator. Each name represents the spiritual cleansing of a part of our anatomy. So to ask for full cleansing the folling procedure can be done. You can do this procedure alone or have someone ask the blessing for you. UNMANIFESTED ONE please baptise me in water and Spirit in the name of: · Hope · Faith · Love · OM · Christ · Holy Spirit · God · Mary & Jesus · Yasodhara & Buddha · Uma & Brahman · Radharani & Krishna · I AM THAT I AM · and the UMANIFESTED ONE Then go all the way under the water and come back up. Combination AttunementsIf a student has already been attuned in Usui Reiki they can progress from where they are and advance into the next degree of Ascension Reiki quite easily. · A first degree Usui Reiki student can take a second degree Ascension Reiki class and receive their first and second degree Ascension Reiki attunements combined in one attunement. · A second degree Usui Reiki student can take a third degree Ascension Reiki class and receive their first, second and third degree Ascension Reiki attunements combined in one attunement. · These two combination attunements can be done by a Third Degree Ascension Reiki Master. A third degree Usui Reiki Master can take a fourth degree Ascension Reiki class and receive their first, second, third and fourth degree attunements combined in one attunement. · This fourth degree combination attunement can be done by any Ascension Reiki Master of Fourth Degree or higher. Passing Ascension Reiki Combination AttunementsThe procedure for passing the combination attunements of the first four degrees of Ascension Reiki are described below. Music may be used during the attunement if you choose but it isn't mandatory. 1. The person receiving the attunement should sit in a comfortable chair. 2. The teacher passing the attunement should stand behind the student sitting in the chair. 3. Both should Begin by taking a few deep easy breaths to relax and center. 4. The receiver then brings their hands together, fingers pointed up, in front of the solar plexus. (like praying hands) 5. The teacher standing behind the student and brings their hands together, in the prayer position, in front of the solar plexus. 6. The teacher then opens the attunement energy by saying the following affirmations out loud. First and Second Degree Combination AttunementThe Ascension Reiki Affirmation (Healing Hands) and The Healing Affirmation (Keys to the Kingdom) are both used to open the Attunement Energy. The Ascension Reiki Affirmation opens the first degree energy and The Healing Affirmation opens the second degree energy. First, Second and Third Degree Combination AttunementThe Ascension Reiki Affirmation (Healing Hands), The Healing Affirmation (Keys to the Kingdom) and The Prayer of the Elohim (Universal Language) are all three used to open the Attunement Energy. The Ascension Reiki Affirmation opens the first degree energy, The Healing Affirmation opens the second degree energy and The Prayer of the Elohim opens the third degree energy. First, Second, Third and Fourth Degree Combination AttunementThe Ascension Reiki Affirmation (Healing Hands), The Healing Affirmation (Keys to the Kingdom), The Prayer of the Elohim (Universal Language) and The Affirmation of the Heart (Heart of Creation) are all four used to open the Attunement Energy. The Ascension Reiki Affirmation opens the first degree energy, The Healing Affirmation opens the second degree energy, The Prayer of the Elohim opens the third degree energy and The Affirmation of the Heart opens the fourth degree energy. Rainbow Bridge Symbols7. The teacher then opens the Rainbow Bridge with either a hand motion using both hands or just with intent. Then draw the appropriate symbols with the open hand or index finger techniques. Be sure to draw the left hand symbols with the left hand and the right hand symbols with the right hand. As you draw each symbol send it into the Rainbow Bridge. This allows the symbols to travel down through the seven lower chakras and up through the higher chakras. The symbols directed by the Creator and automatically go where they need to go and do what they need to do to attune and adjust a persons energy. First and Second Degree Combination Attunement
The Symbol of "The Elohim" represents the seven energies in the Acting Body and the Thinking Body when it is used in combination with "The Logos of the Circle Seven" symbol and the "The Wellspring of Nirvana" Symbol. Draw and send all of these symbols into the Rainbow bridge for the combination attunement of first and second degree. First, Second and Third Degree Combination AttunementThe Symbol of "The Elohim" represents the seven energies in the Acting Body, the Thinking Body and the Feeling Body when it is used in combination with "The Logos of the Circle Seven" symbol, the "The Wellspring of Nirvana" Symbol and "The Breath of the Eternal. Draw and send all of these symbols into the Rainbow bridge for the combination attunement of first, second and third degree.
First, Second, Third and Fourth Degree Combination AttunementRainbow Bridge SymbolsA. The Symbol of "The Elohim" represents the seven energies in the Acting Body, the Thinking Body and the Feeling Body when it is used in combination with "The Logos of the Circle Seven" symbol, the "The Wellspring of Nirvana" Symbol and "The Breath of the Eternal. Draw and send all of these symbols into the Rainbow bridge.
First Chakra above the Head SymbolsB. The teacher then opens the first chakra above the head. Then draw "The Logos of the Circle Seven" symbol with the open hand or index finger techniques. Be sure to draw the left hand symbols with the left hand and the right hand symbols with the right hand. As you draw the symbols send them into the first chakra above the head.
The Full Size Symbols8. Next proceed to step eight "The full size symbols" in "Universal Language" and continue the rest of the attunement process described in that section. Master TeachingThird Degree MasterWhen a person has reached the Third Degree of Ascension Reiki and has been attuned with the first three degrees they become a Third Degree Master. This qualifies them to teach the first three degrees of Ascension Reiki and Usui Reiki as well as pass the attunements for the first three degrees of both. Fourth Degree MasterWhen a person has reached the Fourth Degree of Ascension Reiki and has been attuned with the first four degrees they become a Fourth Degree Master. This qualifies them to teach the first four degrees of Ascension Reiki as well as pass the attunements for the first four degrees. Fifth Degree MasterWhen a person has reached the Fifth Degree of Ascension Reiki and has been attuned with the first five degrees they become a Fifth Degree Master. This qualifies them to teach the first five degrees of Ascension Reiki as well as pass the attunements for the first five degrees. Sixth Degree MasterWhen a person has reached the Sixth Degree of Ascension Reiki and has been attuned with the first six degrees they become a Sixth Degree Master. This qualifies them to teach the first six degrees of Ascension Reiki as well as pass the attunements for the first six degrees. Seventh Degree MasterSeventh Degree is very deep and it is a turning point on the path of a teacher of Ascension Reiki. It is a joyous unfoldment in a teachers life when they begin to work directly with the Ascended Masters. The Seventh Degree Master level is accomplished only after completing the following steps: 1. When a person has reached the Seventh Degree of Ascension Reiki and has been attuned with the first seven degrees, they are ready for the next two steps in becoming a Seventh Degree Master. 2. The seventh degree student must complete all the steps with all the Ascended Masters listed in the "Inner Guidance" section of (Most Secret Knowledge). 3. The seventh degree student must also receive the Anointing of the Seven Spirits of the Elohim. "The Anointing" (Most Secret Knowledge). When all three of these steps have been completed then a person is considered a Seventh Degree Master and this qualifies them to teach the first seven degrees of Ascension Reiki as well as pass attunements for the first seven degrees. Eighth Degree MasterEighth Degree is very deep and requires a deep commitment of Love to our Creator and to all beings as well as yourself. Becoming an Eighth Degree Master requires two steps: 1. When a person has reached the Eighth Degree of Ascension Reiki and has been attuned in all eight degrees of Ascension Reiki they only need one more step to become an Eighth Degree Master. 2. Complete The steps in the "Born of Water and Spirit" section ("Unconditional Love") When these two steps have been completed then a person is considered an Eighth Degree Master and this qualifies them to teach the first eight degrees of Ascension Reiki as well as pass attunements for the first eight degrees.

9.The Mystical Ninth Degree
1. The Ascension Salutation and the Ninth Degree Symbols 2, The Transcendental Heart and the Face of OM 3. The Mystical 4. The Five Mystical Empowerments 5. Salvation 6. Jesus and the plan of Salvation 7. The Universal Experience of Salvation 8. Jesus Speaks 9. The Greater Invocation 10. Peace Seeds 11. Enlightenment 12. The Ninth Degree Attunement 13, Teaching Ninth Degree and Passing Ninth Degree Attunements The Ascension Salutation & The Ninth Degree SymbolsThe Ascension Salutation is an engagement of the Higher Self in the process of alignment with The Creator. Say Words Draw Symbols
First Gonads and First ChakraOur Mother and Father of Heaven Radharani & Krishna We dedicate ourselves in Hope We ask to be Grounded in Hope We receive Grounding in Hope We offer ourselves in Hope We thank you for Grounding us in Hope
Pancreas and Second Chakra Holy are Your NamesWe Dedicate ourselves in Faith We Ask for Communion in Faith We Receive Communion in Faith We Offer ourselves in Faith We Thank You for Communion in Faith
Adrenal Glands and Third Chakra Your Kingdom come Your Will be done on Earth as it is in HeavenWe Dedicate ourselves in Love We Ask to be Protected in Love We Receive Protection in Love We Offer ourselves in Love We Thank you for Protection in Love
Thymus and The Heart Chakra Give us this day our daily breadWe Dedicate ourselves in OM We Ask to be Balanced in OM We Receive Balance in OM We Offer ourselves in OM We Thank You for Balance in OM
Thyroid, Parathyroid and The Throat Chakra Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against usWe Dedicate ourselves in Christ We Ask to have Compassion in Christ We Receive Compassion in Christ We Offer ourselves in Christ We Thank You for Compassion in Christ
Pituitary and The Third Eye Chakra Lead us from temptation and deliver us from illusionWe Dedicate ourselves in The Holy Spirit We Ask to be in Harmony with the Holy Spirit We Receive Harmony in the Holy Spirit We Offer ourselves in the Holy Spirit We Thank You for Harmony in the Holy Spirit
Pineal Gland and Crown Chakra For Yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory forever AMENWe Dedicate ourselves to God We Ask to be in tune with God We Receive intunement through God We Offer ourselves to God We Thank you tuning us with God
Eighth Chakra, The Acting Body &Astral Body From the Center of Love Within the Heart of God, Let Love stream forth into the hearts of all. May Christ return to Earth.Mother Mary and JesusWe Dedicate ourselves in Your Presence, We Ask for Your Guidance, We Receive Your Blessing, We Offer ourselves in Your Anointing We Thank You for Your Love.
Ninth Chakra, The Thinking Body & The Mind From the Center of Love Within the Mind of God, Let Light stream forth into the minds of all. Love, Lift our burdens now.Yasodhara and Buddha We Dedicate ourselves in Your Presence We Ask for Your Guidance We Receive Your Blessing We Offer ourselves in Your Anointing We Thank You for Your Love.
Tenth Chakra, The Feeling Body & The Soul From the Center of Love Within the Soul of God, Let Purpose stream forth into the souls of all. The Purpose the Masters know and serve.Uma and BrahmanWe Dedicate ourselves in your Presence We Ask for Your Guidance We Receive Your Blessing We Offer ourselves in Your Anointing We Thank You for Your Love.
The Eleventh Chakra & The Spirit From the Center of Love Within the Spirit of God, Let Grace stream forth into the spirits of all. Love, Make us Whole and Leave no one out.Radharani and KrishnaWe Dedicate ourselves in Your Presence We Ask for Your Guidance We Receive Your Blessing, We Offer ourselves in Your Anointing We Thank You for Your Love.
The Twelfth Chakra & The Will From the center of Love Within the Will of God, Let Love stream forth into the wills of all Let Love restore the plan on Earth.I AM THAT I AMWe Dedicate ourselves in Your Presence We Ask for Your Guidance We Receive Your Blessing We Offer ourselves in Your Anointing We Thank You for Your Love.
The Thirteenth Chakra & The Higher Self From the Center of Love Within the Kingdom of God Let Life stream forth into the hearts of all May we all Transcend and Ascend in OM.Unmanifested OneWe Dedicate ourselves in Your Presence We Ask for Your Guidance We Receive Your Blessing We Offer ourselves in Your Anointing We Thank You for You Love.
The Trancendental Heart and The Face of OM
OM AUMThis self beyond all words is the syllable OM. This syllable, though indivisible, consists of three letters---A-U-M. Vaiswanara, the Self as the universal person in his physical being (Acting Body), corresponds to the first letter--A. Whosoever knows Vaiswarara obtains what he desires, and becomes the first among humans. Taijasa, the Self as the universal person in his mental being (Thinking Body), corresponds to the second letter--U. Taijasa and the letter U both stand in dream, between waking and sleeping. Whosoever knows Taijasa grows in wisdom, and is highly honored. Prajna (Prana), the Self as the universal person in dreamless sleep (Feeling Body), corresponds to the third letter--M. He is the origin and the end of all. Whosoever knows Prajna knows all things. The Fourth, the Self (Astral Body or Atman), is OM, the indivisible syllable. This syllable is unutterable, and beyond mind. In it the manifold universe disappears. It is the supreme good--The One without a second. Whosoever knows OM, the Self, becomes the Self. (Mandukya Upanishad)The ancient, effulgent being, the indwelling Spirit, subtle, deep-hidden in the Lotus of the Heart, is hard to know. But the wise person, following the path of meditation, knows this One, and is freed alike from pleasure and from pain. The person who has learned that the Self is separate from the body, the senses, and the mind, and has fully known the One, the Soul of Truth, the subtle principle-- such a person verily attains to the One, and is exceeding glad, because you have found the source and dwelling place of all felicity. Truely do I believe, dear One, that for you the gates of joy stand open. It is-- OM. This syllable is Uma & Brahman. This syllable is indeed supreme. It is the strongest support. It is the highest symbol. The One who knows it is reverenced as a knower of Uma & Brahman. The Self, whose symbol is OM, is the omniscient Lord. Smaller than the smallest, greater than the greatest, this Self forever dwells within the hearts of all. This Self is not born. This Self does not die. This Self is neither cause nor affect. This Ancient One is unborn, imperishible, eternal. Smaller than the smallest, greater than the greatest, this Self forever dwells within the hearts of all. When a person is free from desire, their mind and senses purified, they behold the glory of the Self and are without sorrow. Though seated, the Self travels far; though at rest, the Self moves all things. Who but the purest of the pure can realize this Effulgent Being, who is joy and who is beyond joy. Formless is the Self, though inhabiting form. In the midst of the fleetinng the Self abides forever. All-pervading and supreme is the Self. The wise person, knowing the Self in its true nature, transcends all grief. The Self is not known through study of the scriptures, nor through subtlety of the intellect, nor through much learning; but by person who longs for The One is the Self known. Verily unto this person does the Self reveal its true being. Both the individual self (Atman- Mother Mary & Jesus) and the Universal Self (Uma &Brahman) have entered the cave of the heart, the abode of the Most High. (Katha Upanishad)One does not live by breath alone but by him in whom is the power of breath. Affix to the Breath of the Eternal, the bow incomparable, the sharp arrow of devotional worship; then, with mind absorbed and heart melted in Love, draw the arrow and hit the mark--the imperishable Brahman. Om is the bow, the arrow is the individual being, and Brahman is the target. With a tranquil heart, take aim. Lose thyself in him, even as the arrow is lost in the target. Within the lotus of the heart he dwells, where like the spokes of a wheel in its hub, the nerves meet. Meditate on him as OM. Easily mayest thou cross the sea of darkness.. This Self, who understands all, who knows all, and whose glory is manifest in the universe, lives within the lotus of the heart, the bright throne of Brahman. By the pure in heart is he known. The Self exists in man, within the lotus of the heart and is the master of his life and of his body. (Upanishads) Twelve spokes of the wheel join at the hub. But the ultimate direction of the wheel is determined by the place where nothing exists. (The Book of the Tao) The MysticalThe Mystical comes about as a person begins to develops a personal relationship with the Creator. This personal relationship develops as a person studies the teachings of the Ascended Masters. When reading the teachings of the Ascended Masters it must be noted that the Development of a Universal Theology is not possible. It is not possible because the teachings of the Masters as a collective work is a living thing. Their words connect you with them and they are alive serving a Living God. You will find that you may read a particular passage of Scripture one day and it means one thing to you, yet when you read the same passage two weeks later a deeper message is revealed. Fundamentalism is when a person or group get stuck at one level of meaning trying to make it a universal doctrine. Many wars have been fought over fundamental belief systems. However Universal Experience is possible. It is the spontaneous event of understanding at any level the truth of which you have been studying. As you study the teachings of the Masters and you will have Universal Experiences. The Mystical Ninth Degree is about five such Universal Experiences or Empowerments. These empowerments are not dependent upon receiving the Eight degrees of Ascension Reiki. The Eight Attunements of the first eight degrees of Ascension Reiki are enhancements to the empowerments. The Five empowerments are totally dependent upon your personal relationship with the Creator and how much of your purpose you have discovered. Discovering your purpose takes for most of us much study, prayer, meditation, yoga etc. All paths lead to the empowerments. The Five Mystical Empowerments1. Salvation 2. Enlightenment 3. Grace 4. Service 5. Reunion SalvationSalvation is the overcoming of the separations in the family of humanity and the overcoming of the separation of the family of humanity from our One Creator. Salvation treats no one special and leaves no one out. All are Called and All are Chosen, for Love is the Saving Grace of all things and all beings. Jesus and the Plan of SalvationMother Mary gave birth to salvation. Jesus studied the teachings of all the Masters before him and ascended to such depths that he became The Way, The Truth and The Life and the giver of Salvation. It is through Him that we receive Salvation. This was the plan from the beginning of the first entity loosing there way in this material world. According to the Edgar Cayce readings, Mother Mary and Jesus in their first incarnations were Lilith and Amilius the first woman and man, then later Eve and Adam. The readings also say that Mother Mary and Jesus were twin souls from the beginning and as far as the earth was concerned they are one. It goes on to say they had many incarnations that led up to their final incarnations as Mother Mary and Jesus. It was their purpose to bring into earth a human form that entrapped souls could eventually be released from their Karma. In other words they brought into the material world a human form that made it easier for us to overcome the world. The pattern of Creation is contained in the human form that through study we might again know the Creator. The plan of Salvation is revealed in the following books and the wise person seeks the truth for themselves. For as the Master Jesus said "The Truth shall set you free. The Aquarian Gospel by Levi Dowling The Bible The Book of Mormon The Essene Gospel of Peace- (Books 1-4) translated by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus selected and edited by Jeffrey Furst He Walked the Americas by Taylor Hansen The Jesus Mystery of Lost Years and Unknown Travels by Janet Bock A Course in Miracles by foundation for Inner Peace As has been said a Universal Theology is impossible, but a brief summary of what is written is possible. Brief Summary of what is written: At some point in time the Master Jesus said He will return and gather us and take us off the earth to a celebration called the wedding of the Lamb. Not much is said about what this celebration is except that we receive eternal bodies. Bodies that are not subject to birth and death. You know like Mother Mary's and Jesus. Then some return to the earth with the Master Jesus for a time to teach and heal those incarnating during this span of time. At the end of the age is the ascension of all material things and beings. In Yogic terms you would say that The Creator shall raise the Kundalini of Creation through all chakras back to the One Source. All of us will return in the Light. The Universal Plane is the first chakra, and the First Heaven of the Creator. There are Seven Lower Chakras or Heavens. Just study our anatomy and you will get the picture. We are like our Heavenly parents. Like begets Like. Then after all have ascended to the One Creator a New Heavens and Earth will be Created and we will be able to experience this as fully realized beings. The Universal Experience of SalvationThe Universal Experience of Salvation is possible. It can be received from the giver of Salvation, The Master Jesus. It works like this. 1. When you have enough Faith in Jesus ask Him "Jesus come into my heart and Life be my Lord and Savior." 2. Have enough Faith to tell someone that you have accepted Jesus into your heart and life as your Lord and Savior. 3. When you tell someone your Faith in Him a universal experience happens. It is called being born again. This is beyond asking Him into your heart and life as a teacher and friend which is discussed in the Inner Guidance section of "The Most Secret Knowledge". Jesus SpeaksI am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. As the Father has loved me, so have I Loved you. Now remain in my Love. If you obey my commands, you will remain in my Love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his Love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have Loved you. Greater Love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit--fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. This is my command: Love each other. (Bible- John 15:1-17) The Greater InvocationFrom the Center of Love Within the Heart of God Let Love stream forth into the hearts of all May Christ return to Earth. From the Center of Love Within the Mind of God Let Light stream forth into the minds of all. Love lift our burdens now. From the Center of Love Within the Soul of God Let Purpose stream forth into the souls of all. The Purpose the Masters know and serve. From the Center of Love Within the Spirit of God Let Grace stream forth into the spirits of all. Love, Make us Whole and Leave no one out. From the Center of Love Within the Will of God Let Love stream forth into the wills of all Let Love restore the plan on Earth. From the Center of Love Within the Kingdom of God Let Life stream forth into the hearts of all May we all Transcend and Ascend in OM. Peace Seeds from Remembrance House"Like the bee gathering honey from the different flowers, the wise person accepts the essence of the different scriptures and sees only the good in all religions." (Mahatma Gandhi)1. Hindu Prayer for Peace Oh God, lead us from the unreal to the Real. Oh God, lead us from darkness to light. Oh God, lead us from death to immortality. Shanti, Shanti, Shanti unto all. Oh Lord God almighty, may there be peace in celestial regions. May there be peace on earth. May the waters be appeasing. May herbs be wholesome, and may trees and plants bring peace to all. May all beneficent beings bring peace to us. May thy Vedic Law propagate peace all through the world. May all things be a source of peace to us. And may thy peace itself, bestow peace on all, and may that peace come to me also. 2. Buddhist Prayer for Peace May all beings everywhere plagued with sufferings of body and mind quickly be freed from their illnesses. May those frightened cease to be afraid, and may those bound be free. May the powerless find power, and may people think of befriending one another. May those who find themselves in trackless, fearful wildernesses- the children, the aged, the unprotected - be guarded by beneficent celestials, and may they swiftly attain Buddhahood. 3. Jainist Prayer for Peace Peace and Universal Love is the essence of the Gospel preached by all the Enlightened Ones. The Lord has preached that equanimity is the Dharma. Forgive do I creatures all, and let all creatures forgive me. Unto all have I amity, and unto none enmity. Know that violence is the root cause of all miseries in the would. Violence, in fact, is the knot of bondage. "Do not injure any living being." This is the eternal, perennial. and unalterable way of spiritual life. A weapon howsoever powerful it may be, can always be superseded by a superior one; but no weapon can, however, be superior to nonviolence and Love. 4. Muslim Prayer for Peace In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful. Praise be to the Lord of the Universe who has created us and made us into tribes and nations, that we may know each other, not that we may despise each other. if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou also incline towards peace, and trust in God, for the Lord is the one that hearth and knoweth all things. And the servants of God, Most Precious are those who walk on the Earth in humility, and when we address them, we say "PEACE." 5. Sikh Prayer for Peace "God adjudges us according to our deeds, not the coat that we wear: that Truth is above everything, but higher still is truthful living. "Know that we attaineth God when we Loveth, and only that victory endures in consequence of which no one is defeated. 6. Bahai" Prayer for Peace Be generous in prosperity, and thankful in adversity. Be fair in thy judgement, and guarded in thy speech. Be a lamp unto those who walk in darkness, and a home to the stranger. Be eyes to the blind, and a guiding light unto the feet of the erring. Be a breath of life to the body of humankind, a dew to the soil of the human heart, and a fruit upon the tree of humility. 7. Shinto Prayer for Peace "Although the people living across the ocean surrounding us, I believe, are all our brothers and sisters, why are there constant troubles in this world? Why do winds and waves rise in the ocean surrounding us? I only earnestly wish that the wind will soon puff away all the clouds which are hanging over the tops of the mountains." 8. Native African Prayer for Peace Almighty God, the Great Thumb we cannot evade to tie any know; the Roaring Thunder that splits mighty trees: the all-seeing Lord up on high who sees even the footprints of an antelope on a rock mass here on Earth. You are the one who does not hesitate to respond to our call. You are the cornerstone of peace. 9. Native American Prayer for Peace O Great Spirit of our Ancestors, I raise my pipe to you. To your messengers the four winds, and to Mother Earth who provides for your children. Give us the wisdom to teach our children to Love, to respect, and to be kind to each other so that they may grow with peace in mind. Let us learn to share all the good things that you provide for us on this Earth. 10. Zoroastrian Prayer for Peace We pray to God to eradicate all the misery in the world: that understanding triumph over ignorance, that generosity triumph over indifference, that trust triumph over contempt, and that truth triumph over falsehood. 11. Jewish Prayer for Peace Come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, that we may walk the paths of the Most High. And we shall beat our swords into ploughshares, and our spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation - neither shall they learn war any more. And none shall be afraid, for the mouth of the Lord of Hosts has spoken. 12. Christian Prayer for Peace "Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be known as the Children of God. But I say to you that hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. To those who strike you on the cheek, offer the other also, and from those who take away your cloak, do not withhold your coat as well. Give to everyone who begs from you, and of those who take away your goods, do not ask them again. And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them." EnlightenmentEnlightenment is a state of knowing truth. It is a spontainous event that can happen at any time. It comes from studying the teachings of the Ascended Masters and learning about the pattern of our anatomical make up. All we have is what we are and where we came from. The Book of Remembrance is a summary of the teachings of the Ascended Masters. It presents nothing new but does present the teachings of the Ascended Masters in a orderly anatomical format following the pattern of The One, The Two, The Thee and The Seven. Although the Book of Remembrance is a summary, let us say a logical outline of the information in the Scriptures it is not sufficient in itself to bring about enlightenment. Enlightenment comes after a person has accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, Received the Anointing of the Elohim and have been Born of Water and Spirit and sincerely entered the path of truth by studying the Scriptual teachings of the Ascended Masters. Buddha said it best. Those whose mind is well grounded in the Seven Elements of Knowledge, who without clinging to anything rejoice in the freedom from attachment, whose appetites have been conquered, and who are full of Light, they win Nirvana even in this world. (Buddha- The Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha- p.58) GraceGrace is the manifestation of the Abundance of the Creator beyond the measure of what is earned. It is through Grace, not works that Salvation is received. Grace is the balance between the Interior and Exterior Forms of the Abundance of the Creator. The interior forms of Grace are the gifts of the Spirit and the exterior forms of Grace are the material manifestations that exceed our own needs to the point of overflowing to meet the needs of others. The peferct example of Grace is demonstrated in the Life of the Master Jesus. It was by the Grace of the Creator that Jesus was able to accomplish His Purpose on Earth. He demonstrated the perfect balance between the interior and the exterior forms of Grace. He shared the gifts of the Spirit with everyone who would receive them. He shared the gifts of Love, Compassion, Healing, Peace, Joy and Humility with us all. He also shared the exterior forms of Grace when He asked for the Grace of Our Father to feed the multitudes. The few loaves and fishes the disciples had were multiplied until the multitudes were fed. When everyone was finished eating they gathered up what was left and it filled up baskets full of the overflowing abundance of the Creator. The Ninth Degree AttunementThe Mystical Ninth Degree Attunement is the engagement of the Higher Self in the process of alignment with The HOLY ONE of Israel. The HOLY ONE of Israel is The Unmanifested One, our Our One Creator who is our Lord and Redeemer. This Ninth Degree Attunement can be received by anyone who has completed the requirements below. The requirements to receive the Ninth degree attunement are as follows. 1. You must have been attuned in all eight degrees of Ascension Reiki. 2. You must have completed all the steps listed in "The Asking" part of the "Inner Guidance" section of The Seventh Degree of Ascension Reiki. 3. You must have completed the procedure in "The Anointing" section of The Seventh Degree of Ascension Reiki. 4. You must have completed all the steps in the "Born of Water and Spirit" section of The Eighth Degree of Ascension Reiki. 5. You must have completed the steps of the "The Universal Experience of Salvation" section of The Mystical Ninth Degree. Teaching Ninth Degree and Passing Ninth Degree AttunementsThe requirements for teaching Ninth Degree of Ascension Reiki are very different from the repuirements of teaching the first Eight Degrees of Ascension Reiki. It cannot be taught by a single person. Teaching Ninth Degree requires both a man and a woman who have been attuned to Ninth Degree. They must work together to teach Ninth Degree. It also requires both teachers working together to pass this attunement to others. The attunement cannot be passed by a single person. This attunement also cannot be passed by just any man and woman who have been attuned to Ninth Degree. They have to be called by The HOLY ONE of Israel to this Purpose.

1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

Very nice tips. Thanks for sharing!.
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